Elite: Game talk

18 Oct 2021, 2:18am
SakashiroIt's actually mind-boggling that carriers require one of the scarcest fuels in the galaxy while any other ship can just scoop fuel from stars.

As I understand it, canonically the power plants of non-FC ships in ED are using proton:proton fusion reactions (which is why we can scoop fuel, we are scooping hydrogen, hydrogen being 1 x proton with an electron). Though they are more likely doing hydrogen:deuterium fusion, but I digress...

FC's burning tritium as a fuel are probably doing deuterium:tritium fusion. The energy yield of d:t fusion is about 40x the yield for h:d fusion. I imagine is it necessary to have that kind of energy yield to power the drive that rips a gaping chasm in space time for a FC, rather than the delicate little tunnel for the other ships.
18 Oct 2021, 4:09am
... I´m still kind of curius, what the FC Crew is doing with literally 13 million Credits each week,
whilest I (the owner!) still have to pay for rearm, repair and refuel!
Although I already paid another 150.000.000 Cr installing each of therse services.
18 Oct 2021, 4:22am
Sam DaKattYou can mine it from ice fields. Usually not too scarce - but bring all the equipment.

My carrier is now in HIP 91280. Close to the bubble, and with enough fuel to return. But in order to find out if a nomadic play style is feasible, I'm now treating it as if it was stranded there without any tritium left. So I've been looking for icy rings in nearby systems and found very few so far. I found no tritium hotspots at all in those rings. And if I start mining anyway, almost no rocks have tritium in them, and in those few that do, it's never more than 4%, and I have yet to come across sub-surface deposits. Tritium appears to be one of the scarcest materials in the galaxy, yet for some reason it trades at a lower price than platinum which isn't hard to come by and can easily be mined to the tune of 100t per hour. This of course makes absolutely no sense. FDev, in their never-ending desire to extend the grind to insane levels, made shipping tritium from the bubble to a carrier cheaper and faster than mining it from the surrounding environment.

But the nonsense doesn't stop there. The lore says this about the megaships of Dredger clans:
Dredger-class bulk cruisers convert both natural and man-made minerals into raw resources, to sustain themselves on deep-space voyages. Improved hyperdrives and fuel-scooping systems made this design redundant long ago, but some were taken over by nomads and kept operational.

So where exactly are those "improved fuel-scooping systems"? Because to me these ancient Dredger-class ships seem to be way ahead of the lousy Drake-class carriers available to us. I'd happily trade my carrier for one of them.
18 Oct 2021, 5:13am
I thought you would have known by now... sense and logic are not found in this game. Only flavor text and inconsistent pseudo-science.
18 Oct 2021, 5:22am
I finally found a tritium hotspot. Let's see how much I get out of it...
18 Oct 2021, 5:36am
There was a list of double/triple tritium hotspots all around the galaxy. I wouldn't bother with mining tritium but if I need it, I would definitely look for known places.
18 Oct 2021, 6:51am
Success! I spent 21 limpets and got 38 tritium, enough to refuel the carrier back to 100%. And the hotspot was in fact only one Python jump away from HIP 91280!

EpisparhThere was a list of double/triple tritium hotspots all around the galaxy. I wouldn't bother with mining tritium but if I need it, I would definitely look for known places.

Single hotspots are OK. It doesn't have to be super efficient. If I can refuel with reasonable effort and speed, that's good enough for me. I just need to know that I can survive on my own out there.

Next I'll return to Alcor, add Universal Cartographics to the carrier, and then I'll say bye-bye to the bubble and become a drifter. The galaxy is my oyster.

I'll send a postcard when I find Raxxla.
18 Oct 2021, 7:01am
Get CNC in case you need a sequence of jumps while sleeping.
18 Oct 2021, 8:13am
SakashiroIt's actually mind-boggling that carriers require one of the scarcest fuels in the galaxy while any other ship can just scoop fuel from stars.

quality of life update would be a passive FC fuel scoop. Trit at 50k a ton is not cheap... I am still not sure where to mine it from.

Try this out

18 Oct 2021, 8:48am
07 Cmdrs,

Really, there are no Japanese players in our community?

Damn, I was hoping to find at least one Cmdr originating from Japan, having a particular request.

Well never mind.

Good day to all.

18 Oct 2021, 9:16am
SakashiroI finally found a tritium hotspot.

Fleet Carrier discord group has a continually updating list of out-of-bubble sites. If you are within about 2kly of the bubble, Spansh has a planetary body search which includes ring types and even hotspots that have been discovered.
Personally I wouldn't mine trit. It's more efficient to buy it. If you're determined to be a void-recluse tho I'd get rid of all optional services except carto and fill up with 24k of trit before leaving. Then when you reach half empty, don't jump again.
If you must mine trit, I'd suggest not looking for trit hotspots as the yield is still mathematically low. Look for VO or LTD hots and you'll find trit in those almost as often but with the added benefit of some high quality cores as well (remember however that double and triple overlaps mean nothing to core mining, so single hotspot all you need).
18 Oct 2021, 11:21am
DescartesTime to challenge myself;

Any tips for kitting out a Type 10 Defender may be for mining, with some fireproof bounty hunting?

This could be a good foundation for you. But expect Episparh to comment on this

Sorry, not the resident grouch but if I can comment: Good build as you can pretty much ignore pirates that attack. Personally I'd swap out your point defence from utility slot 6 (on the top-side tail) to either 3 or 4 as they are next to your cargo bay. I'd also go for MCs in the turret rather than lasers, so you can still mine while being attacked without overheating too much. However, if you do need to break off to attack, the T-10 is a painful ship to fling around. Also, the optional internals aren't great for mining. It always seems a bit cramped for that 380t.

For the loss of 100t or so cargo space (which I can't fill before getting bored anyway), I'd ditch the T-10 and go for a conda. Shields are much stronger due to lighter ship, so a 6C Bi-weave gives many more Mj for the buck. The agility is much better for fighting but because the HP placement isn't so good, you're only going to put turrets on the top, and leave the huge HP for when shit gets serious. So, for general defence you need an npc SLF. That way you don't have to stop mining until a rock is complete. Also, the Conda has 2 cargo holds so ideally you need to place point defence at slots 1 or 2 AND 7 or 8. Despite all that, I still prefer hazRES in a conda

Something along these lines
18 Oct 2021, 12:43pm
Quillmonkey Something along these lines

I wouldn't use grade A collectors for mining. All the added weight and range gives you is downtime when they decide to go chasing after something very far away, which is itself just more opportunity for them to bang in to things. Grade D are lighter and more than enough for what you need when mining.
18 Oct 2021, 1:07pm
DescartesTime to challenge myself;

Any tips for kitting out a Type 10 Defender may be for mining, with some fireproof bounty hunting?

This could be a good foundation for you. But expect Episparh to comment on this

Thank's Quillmonkey, Burstar and Gryphnn for your suggestions. I'll try with a bigger refinery capacity and fewer limpet controllers to start with and see how it goes.

Last edit: 18 Oct 2021, 1:19pm
18 Oct 2021, 1:57pm
BurstarI wouldn't use grade A collectors for mining. All the added weight and range gives you is downtime when they decide to go chasing after something very far away, which is itself just more opportunity for them to bang in to things. Grade D are lighter and more than enough for what you need when mining.

A-grade collectors last two minutes longer.

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