Elite: Game talk

02 Jan 2022, 6:50pm
Gatimũ KamauHas anybody else noticed that when fuel scooping in an Anaconda that it's just the WORST when it comes to building up heat? Or is it just me?

Do you have a grade 5 overcharged power plant? Then it's just you.
02 Jan 2022, 7:54pm
Gatimũ KamauHas anybody else noticed that when fuel scooping in an Anaconda that it's just the WORST when it comes to building up heat? Or is it just me?

It seems like almost every other ship can fly closer, scoop harder and hold position longer than the Conda while managing to keep their heat below 70%. Almost as soon as I drop into a star with my Conda I feel like I hear the heat temp warning in seconds.

In the days before I engineered anything, I had that issue with the Courier but I haven't tried it with that ship in a while so it might not be a problem anymore. But yeah the Type-7 has bad thermal management. Aside from those two (and maybe the Type-6 also? I forget...) every ship should be reasonable in regards to fuel scoop heat levels by default (assuming A grade power plant), so I would look to how it is engineered as the culprit. Also what type of star you scoop at can affect it.
02 Jan 2022, 8:03pm
The heat efficiency metric is a poor indicator of how well a particular ship handles external heat sources. It seems to me to be a function of that ships heat vent size in proportion to the ship's.

For example, you can have an Anaconda with the best possible heat efficiency rating (not sure what the # is ~.25 ish?) and all that does is maybe get you another 10 seconds next to the star. A dolphin with an HE of .6 (abominable) can still fuel scoop while charging its FSD np. It is 1/3 heat vent.

If there is some indicator somewhere that rates a ship's Fuel Scoop performance I'd love to know.
02 Jan 2022, 8:21pm
BurstarThe heat efficiency metric is a poor indicator of how well a particular ship handles external heat sources. It seems to me to be a function of that ships heat vent size in proportion to the ship's.

For example, you can have an Anaconda with the best possible heat efficiency rating (not sure what the # is ~.25 ish?) and all that does is maybe get you another 10 seconds next to the star. A dolphin with an HE of .6 (abominable) can still fuel scoop while charging its FSD np. It is 1/3 heat vent.

If there is some indicator somewhere that rates a ship's Fuel Scoop performance I'd love to know.

Yeah each ship has its own specific value for handling thermals. There is a list of those values somewhere I've seen before.

This may be out of date but worth a look I guess. Heat Mechanics
02 Jan 2022, 8:33pm
Gatimũ KamauHas anybody else noticed that when fuel scooping in an Anaconda that it's just the WORST when it comes to building up heat? Or is it just me?

Do you have a grade 5 overcharged power plant? Then it's just you.

My plant is overcharged, but with thermal spread. And everything else on my baby is engineered for energy/heat efficiency. Efficient lasers, clean thrusters...when cruising, my heat stays around 35%. Pretty cold for a ship her size.
02 Jan 2022, 8:38pm
Yeah each ship has its own specific value for handling thermals. There is a list of those values somewhere I've seen before.

This may be out of date but worth a look I guess. Heat Mechanics

WOW. That's....in depth. I feel like I need an astrophysics degree to comprehend it all.

I'll give it an in depth look. It's interesting info. Thanks CMDR!
02 Jan 2022, 8:53pm
Overcharged power plant is usually the reason for overheating plus some power hungry modules such as kill warrant scanner, fsd wake scanner etc.

Eventually, you need to decide a single role for that ship and optimize it for it.

...and heat sinks are such a miracle

Last edit: 02 Jan 2022, 8:59pm
02 Jan 2022, 9:10pm
While we're at it, here's a more up-to-date table:

A table of all of Edsy's ship thermals

Can confirm what it says about the Mamba. I can almost touch a star's exclusion zone when scooping, it won't overheat.
02 Jan 2022, 9:13pm
BurstarThe heat efficiency metric is a poor indicator of how well a particular ship handles external heat sources. It seems to me to be a function of that ships heat vent size in proportion to the ship's.

For example, you can have an Anaconda with the best possible heat efficiency rating (not sure what the # is ~.25 ish?) and all that does is maybe get you another 10 seconds next to the star. A dolphin with an HE of .6 (abominable) can still fuel scoop while charging its FSD np. It is 1/3 heat vent.

If there is some indicator somewhere that rates a ship's Fuel Scoop performance I'd love to know.

Yeah each ship has its own specific value for handling thermals. There is a list of those values somewhere I've seen before.

This may be out of date but worth a look I guess. Heat Mechanics

While this data is very useful, there is more to the story than what's listed in the OP's research. Take my example of the Dolphin:

According to his research, the Dolphin has a very 'low' heat capacity. Its heat bar should fill up quickly, but in practice, it is one of if not hands down the best at Fuel Scooping in the game. The reason is the internal MW/HC math is unrelated to the heat received from stars (and maybe Thermal Conduits weapons). The Dolphin can literally park scraping the exclusion zone of a Type O star, with your Hyperdrive charged and waiting for you to throttle up, fuel scooping, and your heat doesn't exceed 66%. I originally thought this heat from stars math was related to ship size, but it doesn't track. Ships like the Sidewinder and Vulture do not fuel scoop any better than most other ships, so as far as I can tell it's a combination of ship size and its Heat Vents size (the Dolphin has monstrous heat vents). Either that or the Dolphin is bugged but nobodies complaining.
02 Jan 2022, 9:27pm
KurakilYeah each ship has its own specific value for handling thermals. There is a list of those values somewhere I've seen before.

This may be out of date but worth a look I guess. Heat Mechanics

While this data is very useful, there is more to the story than what's listed in the OP's research. Take my example of the Dolphin:

According to his research, the Dolphin has a very 'low' heat capacity. Its heat bar should fill up quickly, but in practice, it is one of if not hands down the best at Fuel Scooping in the game. The reason is the internal MW/HC math is unrelated to the heat received from stars (and maybe Thermal Conduits weapons). The Dolphin can literally park scraping the exclusion zone of a Type O star, with your Hyperdrive charged and waiting for you to throttle up, fuel scooping, and your heat doesn't exceed 66%. I originally thought this heat from stars math was related to ship size, but it doesn't track. Ships like the Sidewinder and Vulture do not fuel scoop any better than most other ships, so as far as I can tell it's a combination of ship size and its Heat Vents size (the Dolphin has monstrous heat vents). Either that or the Dolphin is bugged but nobodies complaining.

Personally I just think they gave a value to each ship without much thought behind it, hence why there is no real trend that extends to all ships. There are just as many exceptions as those that could fall within any perceivable trend.
02 Jan 2022, 9:31pm
The data is old, Burstar. Dolphin overheating was fixed previous year.
02 Jan 2022, 10:09pm
I just traded a little in my T-9, and when I got bored I opened the ship for telepresence multicrew (activity: smuggling ). Of course no one joined, because multicrew is probably the least used feature of ED, but when I closed the session about 40 minutes later, I received a bonus of almost 2 million credits, apparently a percentage of the trade profits. And I didn't actually do any smuggling, just lawful hauling of gold between stations.

I had no idea these bonuses get paid even if the multicrew session remains empty.
02 Jan 2022, 11:23pm
Hmmm - I have two FD accounts - one from original beta and one from buying the disc. Today I started playing after a long hiatus and decided to wipe the profile I'd used for the disc account.

I logged in here with that account - and authorised all the data transfer from the relevant account on FD site - and those are the stats and data that is showing in my info areas (if a little delayed) yet the account shown in the top right of Inara (and to the left under the avatar) is my other account, from when I got the beta in 2014. The two should not even be connected.

02 Jan 2022, 11:29pm
03 Jan 2022, 12:19am
I will just add - if your imported commander data and name is correct and you just would like to use a different name on Inara (as displayed in the top right, as mentioned), then in the settings > Account settings you can change your Inara name.

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