Elite: Game talk

09 Jan 2022, 10:32pm
Wait, what? Class 5 on what ship?
09 Jan 2022, 10:36pm
On the Clutter Cutter.
09 Jan 2022, 10:39pm
Class 5 double engineered should be a lot worse than 7A with normal engineering.

I want one of the same you are drinking.

Edit: OK, I am going to bed. She was talking for FSD booster That "interesting" game design in Colonia damaged my last brain cell.
09 Jan 2022, 10:41pm
EpisparhClass 5 double engineered should be a lot worse than 7A with normal engineering.

I want one of the same you are drinking.

LOL no, I was talking about the booster, not the FSD.
09 Jan 2022, 11:00pm
EpisparhHonestly, Frontier better fix their net code than implementing your wet dreams

Oh for sure. But since they don't seem to be in the business of fixing things, might as well get the latter!
10 Jan 2022, 5:11am
55Mt remaining in Alcor and 500kt in Colonia. Both are a bit ahead but weekend is over. Alcor may miss tier 5.
Unfortunately, I am not planning to get back before Thursday. The best I can offer is jumping a FC for load unload, but there are plenty of those.

Last edit: 10 Jan 2022, 7:51am
10 Jan 2022, 8:11am
Meme Cutter

It's funny that a build like this is actually possible. Just need to be careful about those reverb torps.
10 Jan 2022, 9:53am
Yuna SakashiroMeme Cutter

It's funny that a build like this is actually possible. Just need to be careful about those reverb torps.

This is why good build is a mix of shield, armor, speed and MRPs
10 Jan 2022, 10:12am
Yuna SakashiroMeme Cutter

It's funny that a build like this is actually possible. Just need to be careful about those reverb torps.

A shield Meme more my taste.
And it's possible to get up to 28MJ iirc but I'm too lazy for Grade 5 SCBs

Last edit: 10 Jan 2022, 10:25am
10 Jan 2022, 10:31am
EpisparhThis is why good build is a mix of shield, armor, speed and MRPs

Agree. But what is the ideal balance? That's always a tricky question.
10 Jan 2022, 11:51am
Yuna Sakashiro
EpisparhThis is why good build is a mix of shield, armor, speed and MRPs

Agree. But what is the ideal balance? That's always a tricky question.

It depends on what you plan to do with it. All shield meme builds would only be useful for PVE. For PVP I'd swap out at least half the Guardian shield boosters for 1-3 MRPs, and enough HRP to survive until you can cheese it. Side note, MC and BL are a poor choice for PVP. You want burst damage, not sustained.
10 Jan 2022, 3:18pm
Legit reward

10 Jan 2022, 3:35pm
Yuna Sakashiro

Agree. But what is the ideal balance? That's always a tricky question.

It depends on the build's purpose. This is the reason why I am telling you some times that all around builds usually have lower performance.

As for shield choice usually there are 4 type of builds:
Hull tank, hybrid tank, shield tank and finaly bank tank.

Max Hull <--> Max Shield capacity.

Burstar, already gave you example for shield / bank tank combat builds.
And I am sure you are capable to find info for hull/hybrid tanks. To some extend, the type of the shield depends also on the ship.

What I want to mention is that you should always consider for what you are going to use your shield.
To tank maximum damage? - usually PvP builds.
To tank sustained low damage? - usually PvE builds, utility builds such as mission runner, megaship thief/hacker
To tank enough damage to high wake if need? - usually haulers, miners, explorers, rescue ships.

I personally, avoid using Guardian shield boosters on combat builds as they consume power which can be better utilized elsewhere. I am using shield boosters mainly on ships with low shield values which are not combat. (good example are DBX and Asp X exploration/taxi builds)

1-2 MRPs are a must for ships that do not have much shield as module sniping is a thing.
You can always drop few ly jump range or some low size module for those, especially if you plan to fly the ship in open.

It is up to you to find the right balance for your ships. What works for me may not necessarily work for you.
10 Jan 2022, 3:38pm
10 Jan 2022, 5:01pm
I'm not active at the Frontier Forum;
so excuse me asking here:
Will the promised new bundle of modifed FSDs again accept additional experimental modifications?

As I hear otherwise...

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