Elite: Game talk

10 Jan 2022, 5:16pm
Sir-DukeI'm not active at the Frontier Forum;
so excuse me asking here:
Will the promised new bundle of modifed FSDs again accept additional experimental modifications?

As I hear otherwise...

You will be able to add/change experimental mod. You will not be able to change main engineering though as it is hardcoded with two G5 engineering effects.
10 Jan 2022, 5:19pm
Will the promised new bundle of modifed FSDs again accept additional experimental modifications?

You will be able to add/change experimental mod. You will not be able to change main engineering ~ .

Thanks for confirming!
10 Jan 2022, 6:14pm
Sir-Duke Will the promised new bundle of modifed FSDs again accept additional experimental modifications?

As I hear otherwise...

You will be able to add/change experimental mod. You will not be able to change main engineering though as it is hardcoded with two G5 engineering effects.

I hope this is true, but I kind of doubt it. At least to begin with.
The FSDs from phase 2 CG can no longer have experimentals applied. It was allowed for a while (Sally Morgan Moore) and it has since been removed again. Community Managers did say they couldn't guarantee that experimental effects would be allowed in future 2xengineered module rewards.

Luckily, there is a workaround on the forum.
10 Jan 2022, 6:27pm
If it was allowed for Phase 2 it will be allowed for phase 3 and for the following Tech broker unlock. Nowhere in that post is said that it is a time frame exclusive thing.
10 Jan 2022, 6:29pm
The FSDs from phase 2 CG can no longer have experimentals applied. ~~~
Luckily, there is a workaround on the forum.

1.) REALLY?!? Da frick! I mean, I'm lucky, I already did, but that's kinda mean!
2.) ohhh interesting o_O

3.) You see, I heard about "no EXP", too... So we do, or do not have a clear statement?
10 Jan 2022, 6:46pm
QuillmonkeyThe FSDs from phase 2 CG can no longer have experimentals applied. It was allowed for a while (Sally Morgan Moore) and it has since been removed again. Community Managers did say they couldn't guarantee that experimental effects would be allowed in future 2xengineered module rewards.

This is so stupid. I mean, the pre-engineered 5A FSD could have experimentals applied from the start, so what's the issue with these other drives? Does FDev hardcode every module from scratch and did they forget what they did with the first one? Don't they use templates or something?
10 Jan 2022, 7:22pm
Colonia just reached Tier 1
10 Jan 2022, 7:27pm
EpisparhColonia just reached Tier 1

10 Jan 2022, 9:02pm
The FSDs from phase 2 CG can no longer have experimentals applied. ~~~
Luckily, there is a workaround on the forum.

1.) REALLY?!? Da frick! I mean, I'm lucky, I already did, but that's kinda mean!
2.) ohhh interesting o_O

3.) You see, I heard about "no EXP", too... So we do, or do not have a clear statement?

Well, I just checked and I can confirm that it is no longer possible to apply experimental effects to the FSD rewards from Phase 2. This was on the size 3 FSD which already had Mass Manager applied to it. Whether this is intentional or not is another matter

However, the notes in the official CG post on the Frontier forums (for the current CG) state that "The module rewards for this initiative are pre-engineered and cannot be modified further, though the active experimental effects can be changed."

Those notes are only from the forum post, they are not in the in-game CG text. However, the mods on that forum get their information directly from FDev, so it seems clear that we are intended to be able to apply experimental effects to them.

It's entirely possible that we're still meant to be able to modify the rewards from Phase 2, and it's just a bug that we can't. In that case it'll probably stop us applying experimentals to the new ones too. Just have to wait and see, I guess?
10 Jan 2022, 10:05pm
Co'hen MacBain Well, I just checked and I can confirm that it is no longer possible to apply experimental effects to the FSD rewards from Phase 2. This was on the size 3 FSD which already had Mass Manager applied to it. Whether this is intentional or not is another matter

This caught my eye. I wonder if it's a bug related to the 'prevent OG engineering from being changed' that is errantly also being applied to the experimental when one already exists..
10 Jan 2022, 10:26pm
Burstar the Apparently Angry but not reallyThis caught my eye. I wonder if it's a bug related to the 'prevent OG engineering from being changed' that is errantly also being applied to the experimental when one already exists..

I think it's related to that, but my guess is that it's just the result of a poorly designed UI "fix" to prevent people trying to re-engineer the double-eng modules.

It blocks you at the point when you select "FSD" as the type of module you want to modify. You can choose FSD from the list of module types in the workshop, but then you get an error message (with some buggy character codes displayed in the middle of the text) saying something along the lines of "pre-engineered module, cannot modify".

If that's how they're preventing the original engineering from being messed with, then they've also blocked access to apply/change experimentals in the UI.

It's worth mentioning that this is in Horizons, I don't have Odyssey so I have no idea if the UI is different there.

Edit: It seems a bit random as to whether the game identifies a module as pre-engineered (and subsequently blocks you from applying an experimental), at least according to the Frontier forums. Some people only had the issue after applying an experimental, but others had it before they applied one. Possibly this was caused by the whole "yes you can, wait, no you can't, Oh alright go on then" shambles from FDev.

The workarounds mentioned in this thread apparently work for some people, but not all. https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/elite-dangerous-fsd-reward-module-for-phase-2-colonia-bridge-community-goal-experimental-effects-revised.593882/page-16#post-9649698

Last edit: 10 Jan 2022, 11:25pm
11 Jan 2022, 4:52am
Burstar the Apparently Angry but not really
CupcoThanks Episparh. I was looking at a forum thread where people were complaining about having others know the position of their carrier. I figure there had to be some benefits.

Why would it bother anyone that their carrier location is public knowledge?

Because people still like to sneak around and BGS in solo and private group without being seen like little roaches, A fleet carrier is like a big banner saying "HIIII! We're heeeere and our organization is doing this!!!" I wish they'd mesh all platforms and do away with solo and private. Then you would see some fun...
11 Jan 2022, 5:46am
Nothing will actually change with the current net code. Flying in open in Alcor and not seeing a single player during popular hours is a thing thanks to p2p net code and instance management.

In general countering BGS with pvp is far from optimal. You will prevent others to do work on the price of greater effort for pvp which would be more productive if focused on BGS work.
It is just a poor excuse for PvP, same as pointless Power Play.

" We do not gank, that harmless sidewinder was PP/BGS enemy! "

But then, what do I know

11 Jan 2022, 6:06am

In general countering BGS with pvp is far from optimal. You will prevent others to do work on the price of greater effort for pvp which would be more productive if focused on BGS work.

But then, what do I know


You can't say the explosions wouldn't be Star Wars level epic though Lmao!!!! Having a months long combination PVP/BGS war was some of the best fun I've had in this game.
11 Jan 2022, 7:03am
Bought my first FDL last night. Quite surprised about the maneuverability, even pre engineering. Best lateral thrusters I've seen on a ship so far.

Or maybe it's just because I spent the last few days flying a Cutter with no lateral thrust at all.

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