Elite: Game talk

19 Aug 2016, 6:49am
saxonknight15Could any one add were you know what you really have to do like lie cheung engineer what do you mean by trad in 50 markets different systems or just 50 commodities and common knowledge what do you mean by that we need specifity in this please

Google is your friend.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 19 Aug 2016, 11:30am
19 Aug 2016, 6:51am
Marra Morgan
Occasionally an NPC will say "Sorry to bother you" and fly off. I don't know whether it's because they don't fancy their chances or because of your positive standing with them. But it does happen.

Really? Only time I've had NPCs do that is bounty hunters after they've scanned me.

Some of the bastards are really pissed off that I am clean. Yes, I obey all laws but the traffic speed limit inside of the docking area: do you have a problem with that? You anti-user racist CLU follower ....

19 Aug 2016, 6:55am
If your bounty is high enough NPC pirates won't attack you either (sometimes)
19 Aug 2016, 7:19am
Rebecca HailIf your bounty is high enough NPC pirates won't attack you either (sometimes)

Ah, this must be what I've been seeing then!
19 Aug 2016, 7:38am
Stryker AuneHey Artie, your the best! Thanks for adding Mechanic!

Lol, guess who asked him? x}

Rebecca HailIf your bounty is high enough NPC pirates won't attack you either (sometimes)

Oh, and that also makes sense
(Btw Jesus your face.. Scares me.. Remind me in the future not to get on your bad side lady)
19 Aug 2016, 7:55am
Nick Tod "Silhouette" Banks[quote=Stryker Aune]
(Btw Jesus your face.. Scares me.. Remind me in the future not to get on your bad side lady)

Don't worry, I'm usually nice
19 Aug 2016, 10:36am
saxonknight15Could any one add were you know what you really have to do like lie cheung engineer what do you mean by trad in 50 markets different systems or just 50 commodities and common knowledge what do you mean by that we need specifity in this please

"you have traded in 50 different markets" means that you visited at least 50 different station and sold goods there. If you want to min/max this than just use a ship that has at least 1 free cargo slot and buy a good at the station and sell it immediately again. You will make some loss in profit but it counts towards the goal of 50 traded markets. "common knowledge" refers to the fact that you don't need any prerequisites to find the Engineer. You still have to unlock access though.

Iaened Bourne...

Google is your friend.

I always think those comments are kinda rude... Why bother to reply

Last edit: 19 Aug 2016, 12:22pm
19 Aug 2016, 11:47am
(Btw Jesus your face.. Scares me.. Remind me in the future not to get on your bad side lady)[/quote]

She is scary unless you're outa fuel, then she's nice
19 Aug 2016, 1:48pm
Marra Morgan
Iaened Bourne
Those too, but not what I meant. I'm still just talking about random Joe Blogs.

Put it this way:
- Strange ship jumps into system
- Pirate scans it
- Type 6
- Pirate thinking "oh goody!"
- Pirate finishes scan
- Federation Rank: Rear Admiral
- Imperial Rank: King
- Pirate goes "hmm, maybe not then..."


- Strange ship jumps in
- Pirate scans it
- Federal Corvette/Imperial Cutter/Some other big ship that he knows he has no chance against
- Pirate hides

Occasionally an NPC will say "Sorry to bother you" and fly off. I don't know whether it's because they don't fancy their chances or because of your positive standing with them. But it does happen.

I've seen this happen upon reaching Combat Elite. NPCs in a RES, especially FDLs, started apologizing and flying off after scanning me. This is how it ought to work.

BUT, if I'm carrying so much as a ton of hydrogen fuel as cargo, they're all over me.

There really should be some more sophisticated decision making process for the AI. Look at the player combat rank and if it's too high, reduce the probability of attack. Look at the ship type, loadout and cargo and if it's an easy kill and a good payoff, increase the probability of attack.

The game does so many things very well that the things it does poorly really stand out.
20 Aug 2016, 3:11am
Iaened Bourne
Google is your friend.

I always think those comments are kinda rude... Why bother to reply

Ditto to your comment.

Whereas mine is meant to be friendly (note the ), yours serves no purpose but to annoy the OP - in this case, me - and potentially start a flame war. If we have any firefighters amongst us, could you please educate this fine gentlemen on fire prevention measures?
20 Aug 2016, 3:40am
There is a bug effecting mining such that when you fill up your cargo hold and mostly fill your refinery bins, then try to free up some cargo by ejecting or abandoning cargo, the game may not fully recognize the available cargo space. The total cargo tons reflects the ejection, but the cargo still seems to be present - yet it's not visible in your cargo hold and can't be ejected.

Along with this bug, there seems to be another - where your cargo scoop and hardpoints are retracted but you cannot enter supercruise because one of these is still reading as deployed.

The workaround for both issues seems to be to exit to menu and restart the game. You will lose any active limpets and mining fragments, but the "missing" cargo now appears listed in your hold and the hardpoints, landing gear and cargo scoop are properly handled.
20 Aug 2016, 6:12am
I- I- I'm sorry guys haha, I couldn't help myself
20 Aug 2016, 6:17am
saxonknight15Could any one add were you know what you really have to do like lie cheung engineer what do you mean by trad in 50 markets different systems or just 50 commodities and common knowledge what do you mean by that we need specifity in this please


You have to interact (buy or sell) with more then 50 individual Commodity Markets. You can see your progress in the right-hand Statistics panel under Trading Network. Hope that helps!
20 Aug 2016, 10:06am
Out of curiosity, is there anyone else here who also plays Star Citizen?

I managed to (finally) get playing on it with my mate last night, and there were a number of things that were both similar and completely different to E:D - which is pretty unsurprising when you think about how they were both made!

Just wondering what other people's opinions on the two games are. Do you prefer certain bits over others?

Personally, I love being a character who can get in and out of a ship, rather than a character who is just seemingly stuck forever in his/her cockpit - but I also love the arcade style flying that E:D has. Two games that are similar, but different enough that I can play both without feeling guilty about it in the slightest
20 Aug 2016, 6:32pm
Hi I've just started playing a few weeks ago, I just got my first ship, a mk 4 viper. But now I don't no wot I should do? I want to explore far n wide but I also want to to join the empire n get involved in wars, miming can wait. Any suggestions? I mean should I even b thinking of war with my current ship or wait til I have a better ship?

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