Elite: Game talk

18 Aug 2016, 8:07pm
James HussarWhat doesn't make sense is when NPCs violate the laws of physics. That's just bullshit.

NPCs don't violate the laws of physics...

...they jettison them out of the cargo hold and write their own!
18 Aug 2016, 8:11pm
Just like how they were able to get a grip on the Gatling gun plasma accelerator on an anaconda that could out turn a vulture-

And how despite an elite viper's shields being blown out, continues to fight pointlessly against said anaconda (I've had a quite lot of funny moments in those Extration sites lol)
18 Aug 2016, 8:35pm
Nick Tod "Silhouette" BanksJust like how they were able to get a grip on the Gatling gun plasma accelerator on an anaconda that could out turn a vulture-

And how despite an elite viper's shields being blown out, continues to fight pointlessly against said anaconda (I've had a quite lot of funny moments in those Extration sites lol)

I had an Eagle tell me it was going to crush me once.

At least, I think that's what he said: I was vaguely aware of my turrets shooting something as I mined, and only checked the incoming message log afterwards.
18 Aug 2016, 8:39pm
Iaened BourneI
Nick Tod "Silhouette" BanksJust like how they were able to get a grip on the Gatling gun plasma accelerator on an anaconda that could out turn a vulture-

And how despite an elite viper's shields being blown out, continues to fight pointlessly against said anaconda (I've had a quite lot of funny moments in those Extration sites lol)

I had an Eagle tell me it was going to crush me once.

At least, I think that's what he said: I was vaguely aware of my turrets shooting something as I mined, and only checked the incoming message log afterwards.

Pilot must've been an Elite NPC only fighting Commander then X)
18 Aug 2016, 9:46pm
Iaened Bourne
It would be nice if the ship you had, and you reputation with factions, determined how random NPCs treated you.

Your reputation does already have an effect on the minor factions. In my group's locale, I'm Allied or Friendly with nearly all of the criminal factions and I can fly around without them bothering me. Despite being Anarchy space, our little cluster of systems feels more safer to me than anywhere else!
18 Aug 2016, 10:03pm
Marra Morgan
Iaened Bourne
It would be nice if the ship you had, and you reputation with factions, determined how random NPCs treated you.

Your reputation does already have an effect on the minor factions. In my group's locale, I'm Allied or Friendly with nearly all of the criminal factions and I can fly around without them bothering me. Despite being Anarchy space, our little cluster of systems feels more safer to me than anywhere else!

I'm talking about properly random NPCs. Ones that will only know you by reputation alone, and aren't part of a minor faction.
18 Aug 2016, 10:09pm
Marra Morgan
Iaened Bourne
It would be nice if the ship you had, and you reputation with factions, determined how random NPCs treated you.

Your reputation does already have an effect on the minor factions. In my group's locale, I'm Allied or Friendly with nearly all of the criminal factions and I can fly around without them bothering me. Despite being Anarchy space, our little cluster of systems feels more safer to me than anywhere else!

What in the world are you serious? That sounds fracking awesome. Perhaps I should stay in one spot for longer periods of time then.

Are you in a powerplay group or something? Does that also add to the affects of not being targeted?
18 Aug 2016, 10:13pm
Iaened Bourne
Marra Morgan
Iaened Bourne
It would be nice if the ship you had, and you reputation with factions, determined how random NPCs treated you.

Your reputation does already have an effect on the minor factions. In my group's locale, I'm Allied or Friendly with nearly all of the criminal factions and I can fly around without them bothering me. Despite being Anarchy space, our little cluster of systems feels more safer to me than anywhere else!

I'm talking about properly random NPCs. Ones that will only know you by reputation alone, and aren't part of a minor faction.

Do you mean the ones spawned by missions?
Yeah, not much you can do about them. The mission's got to carry some risk, right?
19 Aug 2016, 1:22am
Hey Artie, your the best! Thanks for adding Mechanic!

Last edit: 19 Aug 2016, 2:35am
19 Aug 2016, 1:46am
Marra Morgan
Iaened Bourne
Marra Morgan
Iaened Bourne
It would be nice if the ship you had, and you reputation with factions, determined how random NPCs treated you.

Your reputation does already have an effect on the minor factions. In my group's locale, I'm Allied or Friendly with nearly all of the criminal factions and I can fly around without them bothering me. Despite being Anarchy space, our little cluster of systems feels more safer to me than anywhere else!

I'm talking about properly random NPCs. Ones that will only know you by reputation alone, and aren't part of a minor faction.

Do you mean the ones spawned by missions?
Yeah, not much you can do about them. The mission's got to carry some risk, right?

Those too, but not what I meant. I'm still just talking about random Joe Blogs.

Put it this way:
- Strange ship jumps into system
- Pirate scans it
- Type 6
- Pirate thinking "oh goody!"
- Pirate finishes scan
- Federation Rank: Rear Admiral
- Imperial Rank: King
- Pirate goes "hmm, maybe not then..."


- Strange ship jumps in
- Pirate scans it
- Federal Corvette/Imperial Cutter/Some other big ship that he knows he has no chance against
- Pirate hides
19 Aug 2016, 5:11am
James HussarOf course the game cheats. What fun would it be otherwise. Here's the thing - at least in my head-canon about how the world works inside ED - the missions are not just visible to you, the player, they're visible to other NPC pilots with conflicting agendas. If you take a delivery mission, word gets around. The more lucrative your missions, or your cargo, the more incentive there is for other (NPC) pilots to deprive you of your prize. That makes perfect sense, and it absolutely should be happening this way.

Multiple NPCs coordinating their attacks, like a wing of human players would, also makes perfect sense - so getting interdicted and having additional hostiles swoop in on you is to be expected.

I agree with this up to a point.

The problem is how poorly set up the missions are when players get them. If the NPCs can get valid info on where to find me, then my missions should be set up the same way, not this being given a runaround from system to system, trying to locate the target only to have the mission fail because I only had a 10 minute window to do all this. The NPCs hunting me are around for longer than 10 minutes, too.

But my real beef is that if I sink a ton of money into upgrading a ship to be wicked fast, and I'm flooring it out of Dodge and this fool chasing me is eating my dust, he shouldn't just magically get teleported to within interdiction range. What's the point of upgrading then? That's like if you spent a ton of money upgrading your ship with a huge powerplant and shields and SBC, and the NPC just gets bestowed some superweapon to kill you anyway. I might as well fly around in a D-rated Cobra for the rest of my life.
19 Aug 2016, 5:28am
Could any one add were you know what you really have to do like lie cheung engineer what do you mean by trad in 50 markets different systems or just 50 commodities and common knowledge what do you mean by that we need specifity in this please

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 19 Aug 2016, 11:30am
19 Aug 2016, 5:42am
is anyone playing elite dangerous on xbox right now?
19 Aug 2016, 6:35am
Iaened Bourne
Those too, but not what I meant. I'm still just talking about random Joe Blogs.

Put it this way:
- Strange ship jumps into system
- Pirate scans it
- Type 6
- Pirate thinking "oh goody!"
- Pirate finishes scan
- Federation Rank: Rear Admiral
- Imperial Rank: King
- Pirate goes "hmm, maybe not then..."


- Strange ship jumps in
- Pirate scans it
- Federal Corvette/Imperial Cutter/Some other big ship that he knows he has no chance against
- Pirate hides

Occasionally an NPC will say "Sorry to bother you" and fly off. I don't know whether it's because they don't fancy their chances or because of your positive standing with them. But it does happen.
19 Aug 2016, 6:40am
Well after months in my python i am back im my ASP and I set off forJaques station last night and done 3000ly just scan and jumping, I believe the station has mining equipment to buy.cya all out there

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