Elite roleplay: Off station


Your ship, deep space, anything that is not happening inside the Citi Gateway or Ingaba...

General Roleplay Etiquette:

1. Control only the actions of your own character(s). (AKA: God Mode)
This doesn't matter how small the action is, even if it is as simple as scratching their nose or a direct reaction to something else that just happened. This applies to everything from casual conversation to full blown fight scenes. If you'd like someone to do something specific, PM that person, however keep in mind they are completely within their rights to say no. Especially if said action is inappropriate to their character and/or circumstance.

2. Don't brute force your way into another persons RP.
Approaching with a conversation starter is fine, or indeed some other small action. However charging in, guns blazing and disrupting the flow of another person/pair/groups conversation/arc is about as rude as doing so in real life. If something is going on that you'd like to participate in, be subtle about it. Put out a gentle hook for someone to take, but again, be aware that said hook may not be taken. If you fear it was simply unnoticed, PM the person or people it concerns. Or even leave a message in the OOC forums.

3. Good grammar and spelling is preferred.
We're not asking you to be perfect, but please at least demonstrate willingness. no1 iz gna tak u srsly usng txt spk. There's a wide variety of people here, many who speak English as a second, or even third language. There are even some with varying degrees of dyslexia and/or likely other issues that affect spelling/grammar. We accept them all here. However, people who aren't accepted, are those unwilling to accept polite correction. Remember that even a small thing like the placement of a comma, or the wrong use of there/their/they're can completely change the definition of an entire sentence.

4. Accept constructive criticism gracefully and politely.
If someone spots an issue with your writings, they may wish to help you improve that writing. They may do this through PM or even publicly air their thoughts on the OOC forum. If they have taken the time to be polite and explain what is wrong with your writing, the best way to behave is to respond in kind, using the same manner they have approached you with. It means they have taken an active interest in what you have written and wish to see more. Basically, you have a fan!

5. Don't take the actions or opinions of things done IN RP, to be directly relevant to the writers thoughts or opinions.
Basically, if some ones character calls your character a jackass, it doesn't mean the writer thinks you are a jackass. It's a ROLE they are PLAYING. Watch a movie. The argument between the characters isn't an argument between the actors involved. The same applies here.

6. It's not a popularity contest.
Your RP might be bustling with participants. You have 3 people off station in a fire fight, while another 2 are infiltrating the darkest areas of the station, meanwhile a group of 4 others are tracking your movements in an effort to stop you. Good for you, I'm sure it will be a thrilling read! But you know what? Sometimes the absolute BEST work, comes from two RP characters having a simple heart to heart. Both are valid, both are great, but NEITHER is categorically better than the other. Period.

Inara RP Etiquette:

1. Respect the setting and rules of the universe.
Inara is an Elite: Dangerous 3rd Party Tool. The RP Forums are set in the Elite: Dangerous universe. Elite: Dangerous has rules, as any fictional universe does from Lord of the Rings to Star Wars, or Game of Thrones to Star Trek. If you intend to RP within the Elite: Dangerous universe you are bound by the history and rules of that universe. Simply put, this RP forum is bound by the same rules as the game, so if it can't be done in the game, it is not permitted here. This applies to things from a 50Ly Jump Range on a normal, unmodified Sidewinder, to the destruction of entire stations.

2. Respect the characters created by others.
We have a wide variety of characters already here. It's expected that some will be similar, just as it's expected that two characters will be vastly different. Opinions of each persons character will naturally be varied, but all are valid provided they follow the rules of the universe. You are allowed to interact with, or avoid interaction with, any character in the RP forums. But you have no right to belittle others for their creation. You are not an authority figure on writing, nor are you directly affected by another persons imagination. You might not like it, but you MUST respect it.

3. Be caught up on current events before joining in.
You need basic things like character descriptions in order to interact with them. You also need to know what's going on in the surrounding areas. This is simply because the people you are hoping to RP with, might be gearing up to something that you might not want to be part of. Or simply that the most recent post, out of context, could leave a different impression on the goings on than if you gather that context. We don't expect you to read every single post from the beginning of the forums, just enough to get that basic understanding.

4. Either subscribe to, or frequently check, the Roleplay: Q&A and OOC forum.
People may be discussing something relevant to you there, or even discussing you directly. Perhaps someone asked what the general consensus on the existence or non-existence of a certain object. Or we're just chatting about random gibberish. Either way, be aware of it and use it. If you're unsure about something, such as how guns would look and or behave, or even the music selection, use the OOC forum to ask. We don't have all of the answers, but the collective knowledge and logic usually allows us to overcome an issue and come to a decision on what should be allowed. Frontier Developments, and even David Braben himself, don't have the answers to every possible question that can be asked.

5. Large Scale events exploding out of nowhere are a complete no go.
We get it. Everyone wants their character to be noticed and for people to be tripping over themselves to interact with them. In some audiences, an introduction involving you blasting in for landing in a fiery wreckage of a ship, before cart wheeling out and sword fighting 35 Ninjas before whisking off with the local celebrity for a glorious night of passion, is in fact, cool. This is not one of those audiences. It is generally considered better to build your character up slowly over time. Eventually, you might even have a legitimate excuse to fight those Ninjas. Maybe even with other RP participants by your side.

6. Perfect characters are boring.
The point of a character arc, is that it is in fact, an arc shape. One who is morally unquestionable, fully kitted out and an infinite fountain of knowledge, cannot go through an arc. Give your character flaws. Be it a tendency towards befriending the wrong people, or a bad knee that frequently gives out at inopportune moments. It gives readers something to latch onto and empathise with. You can give your character exceptional capabilities at something, but it requires balance. She's a damn good pilot with no equal, but can't drive an SRV for peanuts. It can lead to some very interesting moments between characters, be it heartfelt or comedic.

Other Notes:
It should be noted that there can be exceptions to these points. For example, good grammar when a character is speaking is actually rare. Few people in real life actually speak with perfect eloquence after all. Or previously arranged actions during a fight scene, such as someone stumbling back after a punch. What's key to remember is context.

All in all, remember this is purely for fun. We have some seriously talented writers here, and others whose writing history starts and ends at high school. But many are willing to help out in whatever way they can. All it takes is that you ask nicely.

Also keep in mind that many people who RP here, also have logbook stories related to the character, or characters, they portray. If it looks like there's an "in joke" going on that you're unsure of, it's probably in those.

In fact, some users have even gone to the trouble of creating "alts" to RP with. If you read back far enough, it's usually pretty clear who has and hasn't, and which ones are the "alts". It's therefore not unheard of to see the apparent seizing of control of other characters. If you do spot one, point it out in the OOC section. If intervention is needed, it will be sorted quickly and (hopefully) politely.

Most, if not all RP participants here have Logbook stories pertaining to their character(s). These are for the reading pleasure of anyone who wishes to do so. While it can be useful to read them in order to gain a bit of backstory on a character you wish to interact with, it should not be assumed that your character shares that knowledge. Within the E:D Universe, these Logbooks either don't exist, or are private diaries kept by the characters. Either way, without explicit statements to say otherwise from the writer, your interactions should reflect that your character is in the dark about any information you, the writer/reader, have gained from reading the stories.
22 Jul 2019, 7:37pm
Khelan nods at Maul.

"Ah telt ye Ah'd stick by ye till the end an Ah ment it. But afore we can dae anythin Ah need yer help. Y'see wan of Hideo's bhoys brought the Prid here an well ye seen furst hand he went a wee bitty mental."

Khelan sighs slightly and shakes his head at the memory.

"Ah'm probably jus bein paranoid but Ah think we might want tae check the ship over frae tap tae bottom afore we head oot intae the black. Ah widnae want tae be preppin fur a jump tae Frame Shift an we suddenly loose atmo oar flush the pan an we go bang. Y'know wit Ah'm sayin?"

"Ah'm pretty sure Hideo actid alone but ye never know. Ah'd hope nain of his bhoys wid be dumb enough tae risk Omi oar Shin's wrath by betrayin them like that but ye never know."

Khelan looks at his chronometer and then back to Maul.

"How long's it been since ye hid any sleep? Ye look like freshly hammered shite. Ah've goat tae go an see wit that message wis all aboot then Ah'm gonnae dae the same."

He turns around and heads up towards the cockpit to get his message.

"See ye in the morning mate" he calls as he walks away.
23 Jul 2019, 7:27pm
Maul watches as Khelan walks away. "If anything comes up, let me know!" He calls out.

He turns back and looks at the door to Vega's cabin.

"Leo, make sure this door stays locked. One of us will come by later and deal with her. I'm sure she'll be fuming when she finally wakes up."

He walks off towards his cabin to get some sleep.
23 Jul 2019, 8:42pm
Khelan saunters into the cockpit and plops himself down in the commanders chair, the displays all hum into life and he smiles.

"Ah'm never gonnae get tired of that" he says to himself as he taps the console to display his message. He sits reading it and his face goes from jovial to ashen before he sits in silence staring at the message for a few moments. He brings up the station services and taps a few commands into it before it beeps in confirmation.

"Leo, his anywan else seen this?" he asks

"Well I assume that the sender saw it commander, but no-one else on the ship has."

Khelan nods, gets off his chair and heads out of the cockpit heading towards his quarters. He sighs before going in and over to the sleeping form of Omi on his bed. He gently shakes her awake and she stirs before rolling over and opening one eye to look at him.

"What is it?" she asks groggily as she moves into a sitting position.

Khelan looks at her and sighs.

"Ah jus goat a message frae haim" he starts "Ye need tae get back there."

Omi looks at him her eyes wide open and she gulps as Khelan continues to talk.

"It's yer Da. He's no doin too well. Ye need tae get tae him ASAP."

Omi nods slowly her eyes starting to well up.

"Ah've taken the liberty of bookin ye transport tae Hondo City oan the fastest ship Ah cud find. We'll follow ye wi the Prid as soon as Ah'm happy it's no gonnae go bang."

Omi nods blankly as a tear rolls down her cheek.

"He... He told me that he had at least six months and you needed me. I wouldn't have left him otherwise."

Khelan nods as he picks up Omi's bag containing a couple of changes of clothes and a few other essentials.

"C'mon yer transport's waitin fur ye in bay 5. Ye'll be back in less than half the time it'll take fur ye tae get there oan the Prid."

The two of them head out of the ship and walk towards bay 5 in silence, Omi holding Khelan's hand almost like a small child would hold her fathers. Once inside she boards a heavily modified Asp explorer with the name "Ranger 3" emblazoned on it's hull.

"Ah'll be wi ye as soon as ah can" he says to her "Ah promise that"

She nods and starts heading towards the Asp.

"I love you" she tells him

"Ah love ye tae" he responds as she boards "Mair than ye can imagine"

He watches as the Asp lifts off and slips smoothly out of the mailslot into the black before he turns to head back to the Prid.

He sighs as he heads to Maul's cabin and and hits the intercom.

"Wakey Wakey sleepin beauty, we've goat wurk tae dae." he calls into it.
24 Jul 2019, 1:36am
Maul rolls over at the sound of Khelan's voice and sits up. Wiping the drool off his face he stands up to slide his pants and boots back on and heads towards the door.

The door whooshes open. Maul checks the time and looks at Khelan with one eye open, still half asleep.

"When you said "see you in the morning" I thought you meant at least a few hours." He yawns and pats Khelan on the shoulder. "Alright, let's check this ship out. If Hideo so much as took a shit in the toilet, we'll find out" Maul chuckles. "Okay, well probably not but you get the idea."

He walks towards the elevator. "We can start in the cockpit, maybe run some scans on the ships systems, unless that's what he'd expect us to do. What do you reckon? He seemed like a crafty little dude. I don't want to start digging into stuff and accidentally set off a self destruct sequence or worse; the doors to Vega's room might unlock."

Maul smiles at Khelan as the elevator doors open.

"It's your ship. So it's your call."

Last edit: 24 Jul 2019, 2:23am
25 Jul 2019, 12:25pm
****Sen/EC/Kaisla Arc Supplementary Content****

*Looking over Kaisla.* Listen, I can see that this has turned into a cluster of a situation, but let me state with absolute clarity that I my self, and my crew have been pulled into this shit sandwich and I am as just as much as in the dark,,,,, " *Sen pauses a bit as he knows this is not 100% true but continues* Just in the dark as you are! Here is what I know, " *Sen takes a chance at gaining allies to get out of the entangled mess and offer up much as he can to calm situations down and maybe gather force.*

*Looking over to the near by seat he watches the look on his unexpected passengers face as he can see she is not thrilled. Not only because she is in a situation on a long jump on a compromised mission that she strives for each and every situation to be perfect but because all in all she was placed here by a half wit but brilliant con man. Sen takes a moment to process the look on her face as he has been there once before. More then once in fact he breaks the silence*

"Okay, listen! Here is the deal. There is something about this data that is a hot potato and as we have seen nothing ends well in this. It has been bad luck from the start!"

Looking over at Kat, Sen Says. "Data fracture protocol number 410.." His words seeming more somber then usual.. Kats expression hesitant as she looks around at the others in the cabin,. Her expression almost saying ((No you cant do that to them! No... omg no...)) *But she swallows her reservations as she says outloud* "Dex, facial scan and encode of military data to encryption of faces present." The look on Kats face showing a look of total devastation as small IR scanners drop from the celening of the dreadnaught to scan , Kat, Sen, Kaisla and EC's face suddenly. The voice of the ship saying to everyone. "Fragment bio breakdown complete." Kat leaning her head back in reservation and exhaustion to the thoughts of what is to come.

"Hang on everyone! Drop out time!" Sen suddenly shouts out as the Mega ship starts to wind down. A large bang is heard suddenly as a massive cracking is felt thgrough the structure of the ship.

"Dex as the fragmented data been sent to our guests ships" Sen shouts out as he starts to unlock from his seat. Hearing the others unlock as well around him as the Mega ship has come to a stop to its destination.

"Yes Sir, all data has been sent and also sent to Raine. " *Sen not even looking up to the 5th person of data break down announcement and to the others meaning a element they have no idea about he gets the ship ready for more*

Sen looking around at everyone on the Deck. He says "I am not your enemy! Those that thrust this on my ship and my crew and ultimately YOU, are...." * Sen looks around and starts to launch into his next statement before the Ships AI interrupts . "Sir I have detected an internal security force announcement to contain everyone on board. Shall I activate defensive protocols? " Dex askes as Sen locks eyes with each person on his bridge.* "Time to go people!" Sen exclaims as Kat jumps back to her chair to unlock the hatches for the guests to exit in a hurry. "GET OUT OF HERE FAST! SEND ME A COMS RESUEST WHEN YOU CAN!" Sen shouts out! "Dex? Locate Raine!"
25 Jul 2019, 5:52pm
EC didn't need to be told twice.

Grabbing his carbine and again function-checking it out of habit, he nods at his new friends.

"Needed more damn coffee anyway..." he mutters, jogging down the ramp toward the door, throwing his jacket back on.

Once outside, he can see commotion has already started as the other occupants of the megaship began to move about.
EC couldn't risk an open gunfight with this much collateral. He quickly shoves the carbine beneath the jacket.

He begins to head toward where the Animus is docked, but sees the security team cresting the stairwell ahead of him and does a quick 180.

Breaking radio silence, he reaches out to the Arbiter:

"Arbiter, you guys make it on the megaship?"

**Roger, sending you our dock info**

Probably for the best... with its cracked canopy the Animus really needed repairs anyway. He pulls out his data slate and schedules a repair crew while he trots as fast as he inconspicuously can toward the Arbiter's landing pad. He could come back to retrieve the ship later.

Fortunately, the Animus was configured to forward all data transmissions to the Arbiter when EC was not aboard, so the data Sen sent should be waiting for him there.

Replacing his tablet to his jacket, he looks ahead and sees one of the security crew coming his way through the crowd that has started to gather.

Thinking fast he scans the area... ahead, between them, was a wall-mounted first-aid station. EC picks up the pace and cracks it open.

He grabs a few useful items... blood clotter, pain killer, anti inflammatory agent, antiseptic... and an aerosol anesthetic.

"Excuse me sir!" he hears from behind him as a hand grabs his shoulder. EC spins and sprays the anesthetic into the guard's face.
The guard immediately begins to look like he is going to pass out and starts to lose his footing.

"Whoa buddy, " EC says nonchalantly, bear-hugging the man and dragging him toward a bench on the side of the walkway.
"Looks like you have a little bit of jump sickness, why don't you sit down here for a minute."

EC jogs off again, rounding the corner, and comes to the door to the Arbiter's hangar.

As it hisses open, he runs straight up the ramp to the ship, tosses his carbine in the arms locker on his way by, and enters the bridge.

"Prepare us for takeoff guys, we need to blast off the hell out of here."

"Nice to see you too." Echo replies.

EC straps in and begins the engine boot sequence as the platform rises to the surface of the megaship for departure into Guardian space.

Last edit: 25 Jul 2019, 6:01pm
26 Jul 2019, 12:06am
Maul Montresor "Alright, let's check this ship out. If Hideo so much as took a shit in the toilet, we'll find out" Maul chuckles. "Okay, well probably not but you get the idea."

"Ah widnae recommended goin in tae the heid fur a couple o 'oors, I drapped a load that wid fill up a Type 9's cargo hauld."

Khelan smiles at Maul before continuing.

"In all seriousness mate we need tae get movin sooner rather than later, Shin's no daein so well so Omi's already heading back haime oan the fastest ship Ah cud find an Ah need tae be there fur her as soon as we get The Prid checked oot."

He thinks for a few seconds before continuing to speak.

"Ah'm thinkin the furst thing tae dae is tae gie the important stuff a good old fashioned manual checkin over. Ye know the stuff wit can cause us tae go bang if it suddenly malfunctions."

"Aifter that yer gonnae work yer tech-nerd magic oan the ships systems, ye've goat full access tae everything. So dinnae dae anythin that'll make me regret lettin ye poke aboot inside the ships systems."

He smiles at Maul "An jus remember this, if Leo starts singing aifter ye've been pokin around in his systems yer goin heid furst oot the airlock."

"And before ye ask me, Ah've nae clue wit tae dae aboot sleepin beauty in her cabin. Ah cannae keep her KO'd the entire time, as much as Ah'd like tae it just wilnae work."

He looks at Maul his face deadly serious for a moment

"Wit dae ye think the chances are of her havin some sort of tracker in her? Ah dinnae think we'd be too popular if we took her haime tae Hondo City an a bunch of corporation goons started appearin."
26 Jul 2019, 1:39am
*closes the panel probably harder than she should have grumbling to herself as she did so. She had just gotten her baby put back together from her last outing when they'd caught the attention of a no good pirate and he'd managed to get in a few good shots before Jerr , her crewman chased him off. The repairs were relatively minor but they'd had to be done before resuming their trip. *

*Scooting out from under the console she wipes her hands and climbs to her feet , knowing Jerr would be done with his work shortly. Craving a coffee with an added kick she makes her way to her most favorite addition to her ship, the coffee maker, the machine that brewed the elixir of life and allowed her to put up with Jerr without her blowing him out of the nearest airlock. *

*A soft beeping sound and flashing amber light catch her attention , looking longingly at the coffee she sighs and changes direction to find out who may have been trying to reach her. There wouldn't be that many people. Looking at her console she finds where a data file has been transmitted to her ship, she frowns and wonders what that's all about. Before she can look further into that she get's another ping from her comms another frown wrinkles her brow and she reaches to flip on the sound and hears a request from Dex. She lets out a deep sigh as she drops into her seat muttering to herself again. * " Hellsbells. This cannot be good" *she taps on the console a few times pondering whether to answer the comms request. PInching the bridge of her nose she shakes her head and answers Dex mentally calculating the repair bills to her baby this was going to cost her. *

*She looks again at the data file thinking is not a coincidence that she received that and then Sen is trying to reach her. "What has he got himself wrapped up into this time" she wonders out loud. *

*She calls out to Jerr "Make sure your fighter is squared away and all repairs are done. We might be taking a trip here shortly" *His response to her was a muffled "sure thing, everything is set" Nodding even though he can't see her she gazes out the window into the black and smiles softly. It never gets old to her the wonders she see's *
26 Jul 2019, 1:47am
*Sen watches EC Stride down the deck of the Dreadnaught and then turns to face Kat. She's holding a small note written in neat handwriting.* "Thanks for the coffee, I'll be in contact. Death to pineapples. ~K"

She's already exited the bridge of the Dreadnaught and was now carefully maneuvering her way back through the ventilation access panels that she had used prior to the jump to get into the bay. The panel leading into the main thoroughfare pops and hisses as a result of the over-pressurization process for the long jump. She slides it off its hinges and carefully peeks out around. The thoroughfare is still pretty empty post-jump.

Most carrier ships of this size are build similarly to a large indoor mall or city. Duty-free is a successful scam even this far into the future. The concept is often comforting to passengers ill-at-ease with long space travel, put them in a name-brand mall that mimics precisely being stationary at a retail outlet from home. Offer coifed meals, bars, clubs and any other venue of revenue and people usually cope with the long distance jumps easier. Not to mention the carrier service rakes cash in hand over fist. The particular section of the ship was fashioned from an old time section of Earth which once was known as "Italy". Cobblestone streets lay open and empty with shops and stucco facade buildings lining the walls. Service personnel are just in the process of opening cafe table umbrellas while the expansive crystal-mirror projection system fades out the deep space "night" to an accelerated old-Earth sunrise. She will have to move quickly to take advantage of the deep shadows tucked into the nooks and crannies of the engineered alley-ways in order to get to her docking bay.

In the distance, she see's Creamy walk out into the street amongst a throng of security personnel. He has one man in a strapping bear hug. "Huh, I figured him for smarter than walking out the front door....didn't take him for the type to like men either, but I guess you can never tell." She slips out of the vent and replaces the hatch giving the wall section a double take. A brightly painted fat man with an apron stares back at her twirling his mustache. Her exit from the ventilation access way was cleverly disguised along the side of a restaurant. The painting is just long enough of a distraction.

"HEY! FREEZE!" The shout bellows down the thorough fare like a bolt of lightening. "Stupid painting!" Kaisla thinks as she drops into a dead run. Quickly, the sounds of boots in hot pursuit echoes in her ears as her own boots pound the pavement. She hangs a left into a nearby alley way and quickly regrets it. She has no fucking idea where she's at and unlike her new friends, never got the hang of having digital augmentation with moving maps. The alley way leads to a dead end.

Two guards round the corner, weapons leveled on her. She lifts her hands above her head. She's out of fancy gadgets and it looks like there isn't much other choice. "Get on the ground!" The nearest guard shouts at her.

Kaisla lowers down to her knees as he speeds up his approach. He holsters his weapon while his partner keeps his gun trained on her. His hand moves behind his back to retrieve his restraints. Another voice echos into the alley as Creamy sprints by the opening and yells, "PINEAPPLES ARE A FRUIT!" The distraction is just long enough. Kaisla shifts to her left and swings her right leg out in a sweeping arc. Her shin snags the first guards leg and sweeps him to the ground. She rolls forward and tears his weapon from his holster just as his body impacts the pavement. Its useless, undoubtedly coded to his bio-metrics, she chucks the blaster hard at the second guard just as he turns to see his partner go down. The weapon impacts him squarely in the the forehead. A bright crimson gash opens and blood pours down his face. The blow isn't incapacitating but the next one is. Kaisla's boot impacts him squarely in the sternum and his already bleeding forehead meets her knee, rushing up toward his head, as he doubles over in pain. She carefully steps over the guards and goes flat against the wall as another guard rounds the corner. He stops abruptly at the sight of his downed comrades. The delay is enough time for Kaisla to snug up to his back, planting her knee into his lower-back while her right arm flexes around his neck. She flexes her hips and squeezes. It takes about eight seconds but his body finally goes limp.

The rest of her foray through the station goes uneventfully as she makes her way back to the Fer-De-Lance. She takes a quick detour up through the ventilation ducts (again) to avoid the potential of a surprise party. After 20 arduous minutes of slow crawling, she's finally situated above the Fer-De-Lance and can see clearly down to the bay entrance. Nobody is present. She carefully removes the cover and slides it down the dusty shaft. Small showers of dust and debris cascade down in the musty bay light. Its about a 10 foot drop from the shaft opening down to the Fer-De-Lance. "This is going to hurt, but fuck it." She tucks and rolls out of the shaft, landing with a loud crack onto the top of the FDL. She grunts and swallows as much of the pain as she can.

"Well, if they didn't know I was here, they do now," Kaisla thinks to herself. She lays prone on the ship for a short while and carefully probes around her rib cage. She's almost certain the fall cracked a rib. She climbs down off the FDL and punches in her access code to her "safe room", shimming through the tight corridor into her ship. Her side screams in pain at every move trying to get into the small closet. Safely in the ship slumps down into her ratty chair.

"Otto, re-instate maximum security protocols please and relay me all the alerts that were present the last 12 hours."
"Certainly Commander, are you hurt?"
Kaisla adjusts in the chair as not to lean on her cracked rib and pulls open a small fridge freeing a bottle of Bourbon.

"I'm just peachy," She pulls the cap off with her teeth, "Please pull up the damn feeds."

She scrolls through the ships closed-circuit surveillance feed and alerts between pulls off the bourbon bottle. Just as she thought, before he had surprised her meeting with her new friends, the blonde guy had done his homework and done a sweep of the ship with a security team. They did a thorough job of ransacking it in the process.

As the bottle nears its last fingers, she looks around the safe room. "Otto, they didn't find the safe room did they?"
"Negative Commander. The safe room remained sealed and undiscovered."

That was a relief. At least then the only thing they got the pleasure of finding was a few empty liquor bottles, her dirty laundry, inflatable sheep and fake identity.

She leaned back in the chair and liberated another bottle from the mini-fridge. She carefully peeled off her civilian clothing then the skin tight body suit, chucking the clothes into the corner. "Dammit," Picking up the shirt, "All that bullshit and I still got a hole in my only nice top." Her left flank has already started to bruise grotesquely and swell. She rolls the chair over to another closet, securing the cool bottle between her bare legs and pulls out a first aid kit. She wraps her torso tightly, cracks an ice pack and shakes it vigorously to cool it off before sandwiching it between the wrappings.

"Otto, run a bath, ninety-five degrees please."

"Yes Commander."

She shimmies her way out of the safe room, carefully re-securing it before padding down the small hallway to the lavatory. Inside, Otto has already started to run the bath. She sets her slate on the counter, kicks her underwear off into the corner and slides down into the scalding bath water, carefully keeping the ice pack above the water level. She powers up her slate and notices the small envelope icon in the upper corner. She opens it with the required bio-metric security and sits back sipping on the bourbon and begins to read.

"....oh shit."

Johnston sits at the bridge of his ship, several members of the mega-ship security team clustered nearby while he reviews the footage that was captured just after the jump. Another man silently stands by his side, expression impassive. "I don't know who this little bitch is that you got involved in our business but she has already proved to be a bigger pain in our ass than what its worth. I want her fucking head on my console - now."
26 Jul 2019, 4:18pm
Khelan "Wit dae ye think the chances are of her havin some sort of tracker in her? Ah dinnae think we'd be too popular if we took her haime tae Hondo City an a bunch of corporation goons started appearin."

Maul thinks for a moment.

"I don't think she does but on the chance that she does, it sure as hell isn't the corporation's doing. They would have blown us away back there when we were leaving Ray Gateway if it was them, considering we were starring down about a dozen of their ships. Luckily we were in the Shinigami and they had no clue it was us."

He shrugs.

"Only other person who would've been able to is this Anton guy but he seems hellbent on keeping her far away from him but considering it took them forever to find someone to place the tracker in me, something tells me he wouldn't go through the trouble to do it to her."

They step onto the elevator. Maul begins to laugh at the thought of Vega being awake and still locked up.

"She's going to be so pissed when we finally open that door but once we get the ship checked out and get off the station I'll go deal with her."

He presses the button to take them to the level where the power plant is located.

There is a moment of silence.

"I hate to hear that about Shin, by the way. I know you were pretty close with him.....and Omi, well, I reckon she's going to need you more now than ever."

The doors open as they arrive.

Maul sighs.

"Alright, let's make sure nothing has been tampered with here and then we'll move on to the thrusters. Quick but thorough."
29 Jul 2019, 11:17pm
Khelan nods at Maul and strides over to the massive reactor

"Leo show us the schematics fur this up oan the screen" he commands.

"Alright commander." responds Leo and the screen displays a huge visual of the Prid's reactor unit.

"Dae us a favour an show up the most likely places where ye'd plant somethin that'd make us go bang wid ye?"

"I hope you're not planning on blowing us up commander." replies Leo before several areas of the reactor get highlighted in red.

"Is that all of them?" asks Khelan.

"Well I didn't bother putting in the one's that are inside the reaction chamber." replies Leo "You'd have to be seriously insane to even think about going in there. Even with a radiation suit you'd only have about 30 seconds before you glow in the dark for the rest of your life. Plus the radiation alarms would be going off all over the ship and the moment you open the door to the reaction chamber when it's not shut down the entire compartment seals itself off."

Khelan rolls his eyes and climbs up a ladder at the side of the reactor heading towards the hardest to reach areas first but checking any other bits on the route.

"Hey, gooliebhoy" Khelan shouts down "D'ye wanna start checkin oot the lower half of this thing?"

He clambers off to a different section of the reactor and his voice carries through the room.

An jus so ye know, ye've goat a cracker of a bald spot startin at the top of yer heid! "
30 Jul 2019, 10:21pm
"Ha ha, real funny man!" Maul shouts back at Khelan and then quickly rubs the top back of his head.

"Sheew" He sighs with relief and begins checking the lower half of the reactor.

"So, I'll be honest with you, I don't really know what I'm looking for here." He shouts just before he notices a familiar looking device carefully placed along one of the spots Leo had highlighted.

"Oh shit." He mutters to himself.

"Uh Khelan, remember when we wired up that cargo with explosives and blew those pirates up?!" He shouts out and continues without waiting for a response. "I think I just found that bombs larger more complicated looking counterpart."

He leans in to take a closer look at it. "Okay, good. No count down timer. You see a bomb this big and you expect a countdown timer." He says to himself. "Or is that just something you see in the movies?"

He carefully looks over the explosive from a distance as he waits for Khelan.
31 Jul 2019, 11:03am
****Sen/EC/Kaisla Arc Supplementary Content****

Jumping from his seat as he rushes over to the console behind Kat and adds a message to his long time friend Raine. "Emergency protocol Gitchi"  he types in before hitting send. Turning to rush back to his seat as Kat unstrapps and rushes over to stop Sen to express a dire concern.  "SEN! WHY?"   Sen stopping for a moment to look at her.  "We do not have much time to get our asses out of this dock. Lets argue this while we launch yeah?"  Sen quips.

"Sen, you had the data split up, and those parts distributed we already know are the borning details like possible station locations and, and energy surges being detected out here. But because it has the federation priority code attached it it all it makes them all a target!" Kat says pointing at the door they took to exit.  "And we have this data about the thargoid movements and the damn hive! We need help!"  Kat says on a slight shaken breath.

Taking Kats shoulders in his hands Sen explains. "Kat, we are all targets right now. At least both have a bit of a bargaining chip with the tagged data, and enough breadcrumbs to follow back in the event we are killed. It will protect them more then hurt them but we had to keep the meat of the data, and we have help, its coming, Raine. " Sen explains.

Kat takes a moment to think on what Sen has said as she looks down at the floor as she process. "So we gave them just enough to use to surrender if need  be without giving away the sensitive stuff but enough if they keep it they can follow back?" Kat asks as she wrapped her head around Sen's logic looking up at him.

"Kat, you are the most knowledgeable person I know about Thargoid research, and tell me if I am wrong but that data shows a massive fleet of attack ships being tracked."  He asks.

"Yes, but its more then that!" Kat exclaims.  Walking over to the console and starts to explain just as Dex sets off the emergency lights inside the cockpit.  

"Sir I have identified a mag clamp release restriction issued for our docking pad.  I have also detected 5 heavily armed ship security forces moving our direction. I would highly suggest a rapid departure given the situation.  

Both Sen and Kat looking up at the flashing light as they listen to Dex's warnings they turn to face each other for only a second as they rush off to their seats.

"NOTED!" Sen says as he scrambles.  Jumping into his seat and strapping in, Kat shadowing the movements of locking into the seat.  "Dex can we get out of here? Send launch request?"  Sen says hopeful as Kat is busy trying to access some type of emergency override send request to the ships automated traffic control.

"I will try Sir.:"  Dex responds.
"And Kill the disco! " Sen shouts out to Dex as the flashing red lights go out.  "Launch cleared Sir."  Dex responds as the docking pad starts to move. Kat looks up from her mad scramble to find a plan B and sighs.

"For fuck sake."  The Dreadnaught spins on the pad and lifts as Dex once again chimes in.  "I was able to override the Mag clamp restriction order but it is temporary."   Sen looks down and hits the thrusters to take the Dreadnaught up.   "That's our Cue."  the Dreadnaught starts to lift up just as a mag clamp fails to fully release. Causing the ship to bank on the edge and clip the side rail of the megaship.   "Holy shit! PUNCH IT!" Kat yells out as an electric surge starts to spark from the mag clamp surface of the mega ship and the dreadnaughts landing clamp pads.

As the Dreadnaught breaks free from the megaship, Sen hits the boosters and raises the landing gear, dropping flairs as he boosts.  "Best flight ever Conduit, thanks for having us, see you next time, Dreadnaught out." Sen calls out over the ship to station comlink as he diverts all power to thrusters hitting the boost control button over and over getting enough distance from the ship and the ferry as possible. The mass lock dropping just as Sen kicks in the jumpdrive.  

Sen looks over at the Nav panel and locks in a course for the ruins.  "Kat the data is showing a covert outpost near the ruins, am I seeing this correctly?"  He asks.

"Yes, that is where Ben is.  Shall I try to reach him?"  Kat asks.

"Damn right! He sent us this data from Federation HQ to deliver he better have a Damn good story for putting us in such the shit."  Sen says as he turns the Dreadnaught to the planet to follow the directions to the temp base set up on the surface.  

Kat looking confused as she tries to dial in the coded transmission signal to reach Ben.  "Wait, this is, this is not right?"  

Sen looking over to her.  "Whats wrong?"  

Kat looking over to Sen.  "Didn't you say that Falcon was conned into all this by someone named Jax?"  

"Yes why?" Sen asks slowly and wary of the answer as he watches Kats face look over the coms data before she turns to look back at him.

"That coded contact information in the data, as Jax Connor at the covert station as the main contact. It says he is Ben's assistant."  Kat says back confused.

Sen expression drops as he turns back to look out the window. "We better hurry."  Sen says his expression showing serious concern.  "Has anyone from the ground station answered?" Sen adds

"No, its , its,, like it is there but not there?" Kat says back as a incoming hail from EC comes in..   "Sir, EC is trying to hail us shall I put it through?"  Dex asks.

"Kat keep trying, Dex, patch in EC."  Sen says.  


((Jax connor sits at a console as he desperately tries to send a help call))

"Come on, come on! "  Trying another set of frequency ranges on the console he calls out again.  

"Hello? Anyone this is Black monitor one, we have been attacked and are in need of emergency assistance! We have seven to ten people that have attacked our federation station and we need help asap, please send security services. The Federation researcher Ben ,,, "

Suddenly Jax stops to listen as he hears foot steps coming down the hallway.  The sounds of alarms and sparking wires make it hard to hear Jax starts to panic more and tries yet another frequency hoping something will get out.  "This is Jax Connor, I am on board the Black monitor, I need help! please anyone!" Jax says in an almost whisper.

((A Figure emerges from the shadows as she closes in on Jax.  The Rose and her band of mercenaries hunting Sen and the Dreadnaught comes into view as her face shows a grin as she walks up on Jax, finger on the trigger of the blaster rifle as Rose walks up.

"Hey sweety, why dont you knock off all that calling for help and we have a talk huh?"  She says as Jax turns slowly to look at the weapon pointed at him.

Last edit: 02 Aug 2019, 11:11am
01 Aug 2019, 12:00am
Maul Montresor

"Uh Khelan, remember when we wired up that cargo with explosives and blew those pirates up?!" He shouts out and continues without waiting for a response. "I think I just found that bombs larger more complicated looking counterpart."

Khelan scrambles down from on top of the reactor and crawls into the area where Maul is. He looks at the large bundle of explosives and shakes his head.

"Ma life wis a hell of a lot simpler afore ye came alang, ye know that?" he says to Maul, a half smile on his face.

"Hey Leo?" he shouts

"What's happening dudes?" responds Leo in an overly cheerful way.

Khelan looks at Maul and shrugs "Wan problem at a time" he mutters

"Wit dae ye make of this?" he asks Leo.

"Scanning, hold on...... Oi! Some bugger's gone and planted a bomb right on my reactors thermal exhaust port." exclaims Leo "That's a bloody cheek that is."

Khelan grits his teeth and tries to cling onto the last pieces of his sanity.

"Leo, can ye gie us a wee bitty help tae remove it?" he asks very slowly and patiently

"Of course I can. Just givvus a minute until I see if there's anything on bomb disposal in my database...."

"Take yer time Leo, it's no like there's a fuck load of explosives strapped to yer reactor oar anything ye know?"

"Got it, according to my and by my I mean the Federal Military's explosive ordinance database, what you've got there commander is a class 2 detonator with enough explosive force to vaporise the entire ship and a big chunk of the station if it goes off."

Khelan looks at the device his face going pale.

"So exactly how dae we get rid of this thing?" he asks

"Easy commander, you just need to input the disarming code into the panel located on the top of the detonator."

"And assumin that Ah dinnae exactly hiv that code?"

"Then you can try to guess it, usually people who plant stuff like this tend to use dates or other numerical sequences that have meaning to them. The bad news is that you only get three attempts to input the code."

"An the gud news?"

"If you trigger it you won't even know about it." responds Leo matter of factly.

"Nae pressure then" mutters Khelan as he flips open the small access panel on top of the device to reveal a small number pad and a basic display.

Khelan looks at Maul.

"Ready bro?" he asks as he reaches for the keypad
01 Aug 2019, 1:44am
Bordus had spent the last eight hours locked in a dark, dank cellar down Forenzio street. It had been an excruciating eight hours but worth every minute. He had nearly missed the cut off for the lock-in but made it just in time. The following eight hours had been dangerous, hilarious, nail-biting and stressful. Fortunes were won and lost, people killed and joy shared amongst all. One of the very active "jump groups" that was prevalent on the station was invitation only. On larger jump ships, clubs or "vacuums" as they were called by various groups, are formed. Nearly every vice, social caste or group of individuals form vacuums of people during the long jumps to pass the time. Socialites, the rich and powerful, gamblers, gamers'; nearly any activity one could think of, form vacuums and many require participants to make the lock-in time a mere 30 minutes prior to the jump. Often, the ship administration encourages the lock-in style vacuum's. It allows a majority of the jump travelers to be corralled into one space. This makes security and making money, much easier. Vendors can host, sponsor or pay enough to exclusively cater to a vacuum and then pay their cut to the ship after. Then, 30 minutes after the jump, cellars, basements and other venues crack the doors and people pour out onto the thorough fares where, again, vendors wait to siphon more money from the exhausted, smelly, sometimes sticky patrons while they stumble back to their docking bays.

Bordus' particular vacuum had been a card-based role play game. He had fought and scraped for the last 5 seasons of long-distance jumps to even be invited to a vacuum lock-in and then finally, after his invitation had nearly missed his first one.

**Guests, please be advised, the ship will initiate our jump sequence in three zero minutes. Please make your way to allocated berthing prior to the jump**

"C'mon, please let me in!" Bordus pleaded through the tiny peephole.

"No! You didn't supply the right password." A high-pitched voice responded from the other side.

"It was the only password that I was given! Listen...Steve invited me, you know Steve?" Bordus was starting to sweat and he hadn't even organized his decks yet.

"There's lots of Steve's! How do I know you're talking about the right Steve?" The voice parried back.

"Well, how many Steve's get invited to this?" Bordus was almost desperate.

"Can't tell ya, that would be violating club rules that would be. If YOU knew there were only two Steve's then you might use that against me and guess which Steve." A pregnant silence followed this statement.

"WAIT! WAIT! You said TWO Steve's! Ah-ha! It's Steve Altias! That's the Steve. You got that Steve in there?"

"You GUESSED which Steve! How do I really know that you know him? It could have been the other Steve!"

Bordus stood in the emptying street puzzled. Obviously the door-man hadn't been chose for his position because of his quick thinking. "So....what you're saying is there is only two Steve's?"

"Now, don't you going trying to trick me Mister!" The dim-witted door man responded. His voice sounded an octave higher, like he was starting to panic.

**Ten minutes until jump. Please find berthing now.**

Another voice mumbles on the other side of the door, "Hey Reggie, who's that on the other side of the door?"

"Oh hey Mr. Altias....'s a gentleman claiming he knows you." Reggie responds.

"Well...does he?" Steve answers.

"I'm not sure, he says he does." Reggie responds in confusion.

"What's he look like?" Steve asks.

(shuffling can be heard on the other side of the door way and in the eye-glass lens, a brown eye is replaced with a large blue one).

"Hmm..not sure I recognize him. His head is awfully bigger than his body. Don't know nobody with their head that big." Steve says. "Does he know the password?"

"Well, that's the thing see, he knows last jumps password, but we changed it so he doesn't know this jumps password, so I'm not sure he knows the right password or maybe he just didn't get the email." Reggie bumbles, almost out of breath.

"We changed passwords?" Steve asks.

"Yeah, we always change passwords." Reggie responds.

"Reggie, I've gotten in here with the same password every jump. Nobody has ever emailed me a new password." Steve says.

"Oh." Says Reggie, "Yeah we always change them. You shoulda been getting the emails."

"I've never gotten an email." Says Steve.

"Well, are you checking your junk folder? Sometimes, they gets sent there on account of the group picture of the half naked lady riding the dragon." Reggie explains.

(some more shuffling as Steve pulls his comm link out and start shuffling through the digital screens)

"Nope, nothing from you in my junk folder." Steve says.

"Well...I've been sending them!" Reggie says, almost on the verge of hysteria.

**Five minutes until jump. Doors will be sealing shortly. Please find your way to appropriate boarding now.**

"I don't know what to tell you Reggie, I just haven't gotten a single email from you." Steve says calmly while still scrolling through his comm link.

"After the jump, I'll double-check to make sure you're on the mailing list Mr. Altias. I swear, I'll fix it!" Reggie pleads.

"Its not that big of a deal Reg, I just didn't know we changed passwords. Why've you been letting me in on the same old one?" Steve asks.

"Well, cause I know you, and cause Mr. Ornorfious told me that if I gave you grief about the password after the last time, that he would revoke my club membership."

Steve puts his arm around Reggie, "Awe C'mon Reg, that was just a mis-understanding, I told old Frank he better not be giving you grief about that."

**One minute until jump**

"PLLLLLEEEEASSSE LET ME INNN!!!!!!" Bordus yells at the door.

"Is that feller still out there?" Steve asks.

"Er...yessir." Reggie responds. "He still aint said the new password, so how are we suppose to know that he knows you?"

"Reggie...." Steve begins, "Never mind. Hey you! Out there! What's the password?" Steve yells.

"MOIST!" Bordus yells.

Steve, straining through the peep-hole, "Oh yeah! I remember you! You're that fella I played against like a week ago, yeah, I did tell you it was moist huh?"

"Yes! Please! Please let me in!" Bordus yells.

"Hey Reg," Steve says.

"Yes Mr. Altias?" Reggie responds.

"Let him in."

"Yes Sir."

Just as the door closes, a loud *thunk* is sounded as all the doors on the station are magnetically sealed by the bridge crew. Bordus collapses at the threshold past the doorway, soaked in sweat and nearly in tears. Reggie just looks at him before shrugging and heading to a gaming table.

"Hey Reg! I found your email!" Steve calls to him as he walks to the bar.

Now, 10 hours later, Bordus squeezes into the chair of his Type 7. The entire ship reeks of cattle. After the vacuum, he had treated himself to a very expansive Italian dinner. He hadn't been expecting a real-life police chase just down the street where he had eaten but there is a first for everything. Waddling back to his ship had taken longer than usual because of all the security checkpoints and cordon's that had been set up. Oh well, it had been a long enough reprieve from work, but now it was time to get these Cattle planet side for the settlers that had ordered them almost three months ago.

Appropriate pre-flight checks complete, Bordus fired up the auxiliary power unit which started running the compressor and cool air to the maneuvering thrusters. Coordinates were locked into the autopilot and life support had passed all its checks. He dialed up the link for the launch controller and waited.

A voice echoed through the speakers in the cockpit, "Lakon Type 7, XY-PHATR, Bay One Two, standby for launch authorization."

"Alpha Tango Romeo, standing by for release." Bordus responded.

"Otto now!" Kaisla exclaimed.

Otto went through several lighting-quick algorithms and magically, the doors started to shift for a black Fer-De-Lance two bays down from Bordus' Type 7. The docking clamps on the FDL released as the flooring finished its rotation and Kaisla thrust-ed the FDL up gently and out of the bay before hitting the boosters and accelerating away from the ship. Bordus sat there, in the cockpit staring at ceiling panels. A puzzled look crossing his round features.

"Huh...this is taking longer than usual." was all he could think to say.

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