Elite roleplay: Off station


Your ship, deep space, anything that is not happening inside the Citi Gateway or Ingaba...

General Roleplay Etiquette:

1. Control only the actions of your own character(s). (AKA: God Mode)
This doesn't matter how small the action is, even if it is as simple as scratching their nose or a direct reaction to something else that just happened. This applies to everything from casual conversation to full blown fight scenes. If you'd like someone to do something specific, PM that person, however keep in mind they are completely within their rights to say no. Especially if said action is inappropriate to their character and/or circumstance.

2. Don't brute force your way into another persons RP.
Approaching with a conversation starter is fine, or indeed some other small action. However charging in, guns blazing and disrupting the flow of another person/pair/groups conversation/arc is about as rude as doing so in real life. If something is going on that you'd like to participate in, be subtle about it. Put out a gentle hook for someone to take, but again, be aware that said hook may not be taken. If you fear it was simply unnoticed, PM the person or people it concerns. Or even leave a message in the OOC forums.

3. Good grammar and spelling is preferred.
We're not asking you to be perfect, but please at least demonstrate willingness. no1 iz gna tak u srsly usng txt spk. There's a wide variety of people here, many who speak English as a second, or even third language. There are even some with varying degrees of dyslexia and/or likely other issues that affect spelling/grammar. We accept them all here. However, people who aren't accepted, are those unwilling to accept polite correction. Remember that even a small thing like the placement of a comma, or the wrong use of there/their/they're can completely change the definition of an entire sentence.

4. Accept constructive criticism gracefully and politely.
If someone spots an issue with your writings, they may wish to help you improve that writing. They may do this through PM or even publicly air their thoughts on the OOC forum. If they have taken the time to be polite and explain what is wrong with your writing, the best way to behave is to respond in kind, using the same manner they have approached you with. It means they have taken an active interest in what you have written and wish to see more. Basically, you have a fan!

5. Don't take the actions or opinions of things done IN RP, to be directly relevant to the writers thoughts or opinions.
Basically, if some ones character calls your character a jackass, it doesn't mean the writer thinks you are a jackass. It's a ROLE they are PLAYING. Watch a movie. The argument between the characters isn't an argument between the actors involved. The same applies here.

6. It's not a popularity contest.
Your RP might be bustling with participants. You have 3 people off station in a fire fight, while another 2 are infiltrating the darkest areas of the station, meanwhile a group of 4 others are tracking your movements in an effort to stop you. Good for you, I'm sure it will be a thrilling read! But you know what? Sometimes the absolute BEST work, comes from two RP characters having a simple heart to heart. Both are valid, both are great, but NEITHER is categorically better than the other. Period.

Inara RP Etiquette:

1. Respect the setting and rules of the universe.
Inara is an Elite: Dangerous 3rd Party Tool. The RP Forums are set in the Elite: Dangerous universe. Elite: Dangerous has rules, as any fictional universe does from Lord of the Rings to Star Wars, or Game of Thrones to Star Trek. If you intend to RP within the Elite: Dangerous universe you are bound by the history and rules of that universe. Simply put, this RP forum is bound by the same rules as the game, so if it can't be done in the game, it is not permitted here. This applies to things from a 50Ly Jump Range on a normal, unmodified Sidewinder, to the destruction of entire stations.

2. Respect the characters created by others.
We have a wide variety of characters already here. It's expected that some will be similar, just as it's expected that two characters will be vastly different. Opinions of each persons character will naturally be varied, but all are valid provided they follow the rules of the universe. You are allowed to interact with, or avoid interaction with, any character in the RP forums. But you have no right to belittle others for their creation. You are not an authority figure on writing, nor are you directly affected by another persons imagination. You might not like it, but you MUST respect it.

3. Be caught up on current events before joining in.
You need basic things like character descriptions in order to interact with them. You also need to know what's going on in the surrounding areas. This is simply because the people you are hoping to RP with, might be gearing up to something that you might not want to be part of. Or simply that the most recent post, out of context, could leave a different impression on the goings on than if you gather that context. We don't expect you to read every single post from the beginning of the forums, just enough to get that basic understanding.

4. Either subscribe to, or frequently check, the Roleplay: Q&A and OOC forum.
People may be discussing something relevant to you there, or even discussing you directly. Perhaps someone asked what the general consensus on the existence or non-existence of a certain object. Or we're just chatting about random gibberish. Either way, be aware of it and use it. If you're unsure about something, such as how guns would look and or behave, or even the music selection, use the OOC forum to ask. We don't have all of the answers, but the collective knowledge and logic usually allows us to overcome an issue and come to a decision on what should be allowed. Frontier Developments, and even David Braben himself, don't have the answers to every possible question that can be asked.

5. Large Scale events exploding out of nowhere are a complete no go.
We get it. Everyone wants their character to be noticed and for people to be tripping over themselves to interact with them. In some audiences, an introduction involving you blasting in for landing in a fiery wreckage of a ship, before cart wheeling out and sword fighting 35 Ninjas before whisking off with the local celebrity for a glorious night of passion, is in fact, cool. This is not one of those audiences. It is generally considered better to build your character up slowly over time. Eventually, you might even have a legitimate excuse to fight those Ninjas. Maybe even with other RP participants by your side.

6. Perfect characters are boring.
The point of a character arc, is that it is in fact, an arc shape. One who is morally unquestionable, fully kitted out and an infinite fountain of knowledge, cannot go through an arc. Give your character flaws. Be it a tendency towards befriending the wrong people, or a bad knee that frequently gives out at inopportune moments. It gives readers something to latch onto and empathise with. You can give your character exceptional capabilities at something, but it requires balance. She's a damn good pilot with no equal, but can't drive an SRV for peanuts. It can lead to some very interesting moments between characters, be it heartfelt or comedic.

Other Notes:
It should be noted that there can be exceptions to these points. For example, good grammar when a character is speaking is actually rare. Few people in real life actually speak with perfect eloquence after all. Or previously arranged actions during a fight scene, such as someone stumbling back after a punch. What's key to remember is context.

All in all, remember this is purely for fun. We have some seriously talented writers here, and others whose writing history starts and ends at high school. But many are willing to help out in whatever way they can. All it takes is that you ask nicely.

Also keep in mind that many people who RP here, also have logbook stories related to the character, or characters, they portray. If it looks like there's an "in joke" going on that you're unsure of, it's probably in those.

In fact, some users have even gone to the trouble of creating "alts" to RP with. If you read back far enough, it's usually pretty clear who has and hasn't, and which ones are the "alts". It's therefore not unheard of to see the apparent seizing of control of other characters. If you do spot one, point it out in the OOC section. If intervention is needed, it will be sorted quickly and (hopefully) politely.

Most, if not all RP participants here have Logbook stories pertaining to their character(s). These are for the reading pleasure of anyone who wishes to do so. While it can be useful to read them in order to gain a bit of backstory on a character you wish to interact with, it should not be assumed that your character shares that knowledge. Within the E:D Universe, these Logbooks either don't exist, or are private diaries kept by the characters. Either way, without explicit statements to say otherwise from the writer, your interactions should reflect that your character is in the dark about any information you, the writer/reader, have gained from reading the stories.
01 Aug 2019, 1:59am
Khelan"Ready bro?" he asks as he reaches for the keypad

Maul goes pale as Khelan reaches for the keypad.

He nods.

"I mean, you knew this Hideo guy pretty well, right? Like, his birthday and stuff?" He gulps. "Would he even use his birthday? Maybe Omi's birthday? He was a little crazy about her. I don't know. Is it hot in here? Jesus. Leo! Why is it so hot in here?! I feel like I'm talking a lot. Am I talking a lot?"

He pauses for moment and tries to regain his composure.

"Yeah, I'm ready. You got this."
01 Aug 2019, 1:04pm

For Grim, walking into the Smiling man aboard the mega ship Conduit was a near surreal experience. Grim had a long history of being a cold blooded wetworks agent. The bounty on his head reflected the death he left behind. His last big job was to murder a tour ship full of unsuspecting innocent tourist. This of course was put into play by a ruthless faction. But the drive Grim had was for this moment. A chance, to start his journey into becoming more then just a man. To start his birth of merging his slowly dieing body with technology. His desire to become stronger and more powerful was a constant burn inside him. For every murder he justified for proof to him self that the human body was weak, and needed to evolve. But in order for him to be blessed and allowed for that trasnsission to take place he must make a name for him self. He must gather billions of credits and supplies.

Six years ago he heard about Frost Spiritweaver. The brilliant cybernetic engineer and doctor that started to upgrade his own body with implants. Frost had made trillions of credits off the enhancements he designed but only the best used by Frost. He made headlines for breaking ethics rules across the bubble, and his eventual disbarment of medical services. It no longer mattered to Frost. He was becoming immortal and a growing following all wanting him to help them also become immortal was growing larger and larger. But this time it was Grims chance. His chance to hear about the God machine that could help him shed his frail flesh and blood body for the holy grail of Frost Spiritweaver implants.

Damas, the security guard opens the door for Grim and allows him inside. Walking in, he can hear the sound of metal clinking as he looks over to see Frost tucked away in a corner. Working on what appears to be a FSD drive. Walking close he calls out to Frost. "Ello Sire Frost. I am Grim, you summoned for me and I have come. How may I serve my God?" Grim speaks in a deep voice, a slight crackle in his voice indicating some type of illness may linger.

Frost stops to turn, crossing his arms as he faces Grim.

"Ahhh, The infamous Commander Grim Stawthron. So much to say about you. Welcome." Frost says. The voice synthesized as lights seem to blink and flash on Frosts helmet as he reaches out and runs his fingers along the FSD drive he is working on. "Mans technology is a wonderous thing is it not Grim? So powerful, so rich in history ." Grim watches the cybernetic hands with the glowing tubes of fluid that control them brush over the FSD as Frost speaks. Watching his every move not for any other reason then envy of such technology so masterfully controlled by just a human brain inside the heavily armored helmet.

"Jes, Dis very, " Grim starts to respond but sudden stops as he knows he made a mistake by interrupting. Frost stops frozen in place when the words were uttered from Grims lips. Seconds pass that feel like hours to Grim before Frost turns his head ever so slowly to Grim. Frost moves closer placing his hand on Grims shoulder. "You called me your God before, did you not?" Frost asks.

"Ye,, yes, Yes. You are my God." Grim answers, looking past his small glasses he can see his own reflection in the helmet of Frost. The reflection showing his desire to be where Frost is, to have that power of cybernetic body he stays transfixed on it as he speaks. The robotic hand on Grims shoulder starts to tighten as frost talks.

"You have a two hundred and fourty million credit bounty on your head Commander Grim, it is why I have chosen you to retrieve something for me. " The hand releases as Frost walks away. "Follow me." Frost calls out to Grim. The pain from the squeeze now becoming apparent as he turns to follow not risking interrupting again.

Walking up the metal stairs and into a room with a meeting table. Several chairs around and a desk with monitors come into view. Frost walks around the desk and brings up some images on the screens as Grim walks up to the desk. His eyes still taking in the strong Japanese culture and decor in the room. He can see that Frost still have a deep rooted connection to his Human culture. Grims attention is broken from the heritage on display as Frost suddenly speaks.

"Here!" Frost says as he points to something on the screen. A hazy image from a possible security camera shows a Federation Scientist at his desk. Another part of the image shows a Zoomed in section of the Scientist screen. The image displaying a data transfer to a ship. The Dreadnaught CNV-301.. The image indicates the moment Ben Farglass had sent the data to the Dreadnaught. It becomes apparent that Frost had been spying on Ben and had recorded the data transfer.

"The information that has been sent to that ship, I want it. I do not care who you must kill to get it but I want you to bring it to me Grim, I want you to show that you are worthy of me being your God, and in turn I will reward you and heal that illness that eats at your lungs." Frost says, as the monitors show the mix of magnetic imaging that Frost is seeing to scan Grims body in real time. Grim looks from the monitor on the desk to the glowing helmet of Frost. "

"Yes my child I can see into your body, into your soul. I can heal the curse of death that stalks you even now." Frost says as he walks around the corner of the desk to once again place his hand on Grims shoulder.

"Do as I command my Child and do not fail, or your God will drop wrath onto you, and I shall rip your limbs from your body and keep you alive in a tank above my workshop for you to spend an eternity watching me make those worthy, Imortal." The synthesised sound of Frosts voice becoming more evil and twisted with each word. The fear and strong fanatical desire to succeed can be seen in Grims face.

" I will not disappoint you my God." Grim says as he looks up seeing his own fear in the reflection of the black surface highlighted in red glow. Only a moment passes before the helmet color changes back to blue and Frost lets go of Grims shoulder. "I know you will. Now go." Frost says to Grim as Grim turns on his heels and heads for the door. Walking out a bit shaken he can hear a new broadcast near by. He quietly walks over to a empty booth to watch the ships news broadcast."

The Conduits news broadcaster says:

"What we know is three commanders are wanted for questioning. Security forces have been severely injured while trying to detain a possible group of pirates. We know that one ship has left the station and two others have possibly made its way out of dock as well. Because there has been no intergalactic or system wide violation the security forces have issued a internal low level bounty. This however is highly suspicious as they have issued a two million credit bounty to any commander that can return the violators to the Conduit and turn them into galactic relations. The high bounty has drawn attention to many of the ferry passengers that had come here to hunt wanted pirates and explore the alien ruins. Now a deeper mystery lingers. " The camera breaks to a group of scavenger pilots. "Yeah, we are going to collect that credit tag baby! Look out Dreadnaught we got your name and we are coming your way!" The feed breaks from the drunken scavengers as the news commentator moves on to other news.

Grim turns and rushes down the stairs. He saw the name of the ship the data was transferred to. The drunken scavenger on the news feed tells Grim that everyone is after the same ship but he has to get to the Dreadnaught first. Rushing through the street he did not want to get caught up in a security check so it can be discovered he is wanted. He finds an access port and drops into it. Running down the path to make it back to his ship.

The sound of boots and shouting above him as he makes his way through the under belly of the ship. He comes to a dead end but it is at the loading area for his Python ship. He pushes the hatch to the upper surface open slowly and pulls him self up. Brushing down his coat as he walks out of the shadows and makes the turn to head to his ship for takeoff.

He takes a moment to watch the people moving along the pathways to their ships. The large trucks rushing by with various cargo and flashing yellow lights. The sound is loud, as two Commanders follow along with a station services coordinator as he thumbs through records on a tablet saying to the two men following; "I do not have any record of any Fer de lance with a woman commander! I am telling you right now!" The two men seemly upset as the barrade the flight services man more as they pass Grim. He sees it is about time for him to take his last dash to his ship.

There sitting in the distance is another figure. One that has no interest in shouting matches by station services and apparent hired thugs. Nor interest in anything other then the dark shadow of Grim as he turns to head to his ship for the escape and pursuit of the Dreadnaught.

"This is Star." The woman says in a soft sultry voice. "The contact had his little church service with the pope of bolts." Star says extremely sarcastic as she listens to the voice on the other end of the headset. "Copy that, I planted a beacon on the targets ship. I will be able to track him from the FTL links at the Navs. I will head back to head quarter,,,," Her banter suddenly stops as he expression of confusion grows as she listens to the voice on the coms. "Yes, but, .... No maam, but,, I have,, he has,,, ,,, no... I mean no Maam but respectfully I am not a ,,,, " A long pause as she grits her teeth and closes her eyes for a moment still listening. "Yes Maam..." She says... "Yes I understood. copy that." She says with a clear hesitant flavor to her tone.

The coms going silent Star sits up and uses her device to lock back in on Grim as he enters his docking bay. "Son of a Bitch!" Star growls. Her voice even in anger has a sexy sultry sound she looks around irritated. "Join the special intelligence service they said. You will be great at command and control they said.... " Star looks around at the people as they pass by. "No no, Star, you will not have to be in the field anymore, Your military service has been stellar they said,, you deserve to be in command of your own team they SAID!" Her anger growing as she jumps down from where she was seated on top of a power unit.

Ripping the headset off and folding it up and tucking it away into the sub fold of her leg pouch she looks around for a ride. Spotting a slightly overweight man she quickly steps up pace to him after running her fingers through her hair and forcing on a smile. "Hello sugar, you look like someone that may be able to help me. My ship is broke down and I need to get over to the Prospect. You think you could help me out with that honey?" She says in a flirty voice as she keeps up pace with him as they walk.

02 Aug 2019, 9:59am
With repairs to her ship completed Raine decided she and Jerr needed some down time before continuing on their journey.  The ship is tucked up against a huge rock half hidden in an icy ring. Hopefully not to be noticed by any ships that might be cruising by. She had responded to the comms message from Sen, now it was a matter of waiting to see what he wanted.  Jerr relaxes by tinkering with his fighter, Raine decides to have a look at the file that was sent to her .  

Sipping on tequila laced coffee she stares at the data as it scrolls across the screen.  A frown forms suddenly and she replays part of the file, watching it again she mutters, "holy hell."  Shaking her head she watches again hoping maybe she'd just been out in the black to long and really wasn't seeing what was in front of her face.  She calls out to Jerr for him to come have a look. Because sometimes a second set of eyes is needed.  He comes strolling onto the bridge "what's up?"

Raine hits replay and say's "have a look and tell me what you see, because well ,,just look"   She watches his reaction .
The color slowly fades from his face before he looks at Raine.   "Bloody hell" he grumbles out.    

Raine nods  "Yeah that's what I said"    With a heavy sigh she say's   "It came from Sen so I'm inclined to believe it.  And, " she pauses as another ping hits the console....  Gitchi Protocol....   she sits up straighter reading the message.  "wait, what?  No,,no, hell no!"

Jerr  dips in for a closer look  "what? " he asks.
Grumbling she say's  "Sen sent us a little message to meet up. "

Jerr lifts an eyebrow, he didn't really know Sen all that well they had only met a time or two. He takes a look at the location and shakes his head  "Is he mental"?
A soft snort escapes from Raine before she can stop it.  "Welllll..."  
Jerr rolls his eyes  "oh great, just great, you're gonna follow a crazy man?"  

Raine grins as she looks up at Jerr.   "Go set the course" she say's before adding. "Crazy,,,heh  like a fox maybe.  "  Then she feels the need to add "Fair warning though, this may end up with you getting shot, or at least shot at!"    She hides the grin that was on her face.  She couldn't resist teasing
She sent a message back  "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir" sighing softly as she does , hoping she won't regret it.  
He pauses on the way to nav console  "the hell you say!"  

The giggle she  had been holding in slips out and she looks over with a twinkle in her eyes.  "I'm kidding man"  That gets her a huge frown but he finishes plotting their course to their meeting.  In a nice little backwater hellhole at the end of nowhere.    The grin fades as they set off and she whispers softly  "Please don't get me shot"...

Last edit: 02 Aug 2019, 10:06am
02 Aug 2019, 10:55am

The sound of the weapon charging as Rose holds it to Jax's profile causes his attempts to call for help from the sub console a massive failure. "Damn it why did I not try the main coms console where Ben is." he shouts at himself in his head. The expression on his face showing he is trying to find a way out of this. The only thing he can count on is the small space as he slowly lifts from the chair he pulls on a metal square attached to his belt. His slight of hand of being a thief and con man coming in handy as he lets the metal box rest on the seat he has risen from. A small red light blinks in unison to his wrist band remote control system.

"Hey hey hey,, now now no need to get mean." Jax says to Rose as he smiles and tries his best to talk his way out of the situation. "Hey look I just arrived here, I was only looking for a piss break as the ship I was on ,," Jax explains as casual as he can before cut off by Rose.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP RAT BOY!" Rose shouts at him lowering her weapon but staying on guard.

Jax's espression again trying to stay casual but showing a bit of insult and shock as he says, "Wow, Rat boy? Really, that is a bit harsh! In fact my feelings are really hurt as you mis gendered me I identify more as a Rabbit, but now , given your insensitive attitude, I need some time to recover so I am just gonna go now?" Jax says, putting on an emotional tone of upset in his voice. The act not being bought by Rose as her tolerance of this game fades.

"You move again and I am going to shoot your guts out through your back!" She snarls at Jax,

Jax looking down at the remote detention device as the light on his wrist starts to blink just as the small box in the chair starts to blink. "Oh look at the time....." Is all Jax can say before a bang and burst of smoke is filling the room between Jax and Rose.

"GOD DAMN YOU!" Rose shouts out, lifting the weapon and looking through the scope. The scope can usually see through darkness and fog but something in the small smoke bomb Jax set off scrambles the thermal imaging and targeting on the weapon Rose is using.

"FUCK!" Rose growls as she can hear Jax hitting buttons , opening locked doors.

"WAIT WAIT THATS WASNT ME!" Jax yells out hoping to keep Rose from filling the area where he stands and despretly tries to open the locked doors to get in to where Ben's Lab is.

"Do not go through that smoke it will eat your skin away!" Jax yells out as he starts to see green lights of unlocking doors. If he can just get into the safe haven where Ben is, they both can be safe and send a signal for help! Jax runs that through his mind over and over again as he makes a break for the unlocking doors to reach Ben's office.

Rose, looking through the scope trying to make sense of the images it is trying to lock onto, she can only make out a faint shape of Jax/ "Got you ya fuc,,," Pulling the trigger of the weapon as a molten metal round is fired just pass the brow of Jax.

"FUCK!" Jax says as he turns to sprint out the unlocking moving door, through the hallway and into the office of Ben. Hitting the deadlock button again as doors shut fast and lock into place. Jax unaware of the fate of Ben he talks out loud while looking out the window for rose.

"Sorry man, hey sorry, do not shoot me Im a good guy! " He says in a panic as he can see rose moving through the fake smoke he dropped and heading his way. Jax turns to talk to Ben to see the state of the body.

"OH GOD! OH NO NO NO NO NO WHAT THE! NO.. Not looking, nope,, no way, what the fuck,, no,, dude you should have locked your door! Nope not looking!" Jax rambles as a sudden bang on the blast proof glass and walls can be heard with a slight thud.

Jax turns his attention away from Ben to Rose.

"Open the fucking door rat!" Rose growls at Jax.

"That is not how we say the magic word now is it? " He pauses at his quick witted comment. The sharpness of it being lost in his attempt to keep the sharp of his commitment going., his face drops some as he knows hes not doing very well at being funny yet he keeps going.

"It is way better to say,, um and be nice and say please let me in to kill you and um,,, " Jax looks around as Rose looks at him like he is drunk. "

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" Rose shouts on the glass in a psychotic look and tone.

"And that is why I can not let you in and you are not getting in here, I can not trust you." Jax says with a smug look on his face as he leans down and talks into the com mic in Bens office. "Help at Black monitor needed we have been attacked by crazy women with guns." Jax again feeling more cocky behind the secure glass and coms link. What Jax has no idea about is the broadcast data is still being sent to the Dreadnaught only. Every call for help, every voice com. All of it going right to the Dreadnaught data files in audio recordings.

"You are not getting in here but you are going to jail. " Jax smirks and says to Rose.

"Oh I am getting in there. And im going to kill you Rat!" Rose says before calling out. "ALEX!"

The sound of footsteps clink down the hall as a monstrous looking Cybernetic man comes into view. His hardend claws looking like they can cut through any metal. It stepps up behind Rose and says.

"What shall I destroy next Maam?"

Rose only grins at Jax as the color in Jax's face leaves. Knowing that the cybernetic man can and will rip through the wall and protection he has in Ben's office. A gulp is seen as Rose smirks. Alex stepping up and his spinning hand starting to cut into the door into Bens office.

"I really hope my call got out." Jax says under his breath. The data on the monitor near by showing 100% send if message to only the CNV301
02 Aug 2019, 4:45pm
"Black Monitor One? Is that really wise Commander?" Otto programs an audible lilt in this question to give the statement an inflection.

"Otto, do I pay you to second-guess my decisions or to program the fucking nav computer?" Kaisla smirks as the busies herself checking the status of the SRV.

"Commander, you do not pay me anything."

"Precisely, so stop second guessing my decisions and plot the course." She taps the console a final time and waits for the checks to complete before finally, being greeted with a green "RDY" box on the console.

"Okay, so the SRV is ready," She looks around the tight cargo bay, "Whatever weapons we have are all charged...I can't think of anything else,"

"Commander you have depleted your reserves of Bourbon. It is critical that we stop so that you may re-supply." Otto's robotic voices echos through the speakers.

"Otto, how is that relevant to what we're about to do?" Kaisla stares at one of the CCTV camera's dotted around the ship (She had found it weird to have a flight control computer talk to her and talking to thin air never settled well with Kaisla so over the years, she had gotten in the habit of staring down the CCTV camera's during her conversations with Otto).

"Commander, I seem to recall 285.6 days ago, you explicitly creating this alert in my programming. We are not to continue until we re-supply your Bourbon stocks."

"Otto, that's ridiculous. I've never set any such alert and I want you to over-ride whatever bug is flicking through your little carbon brain that is telling you to insist we buy more booze." By this time, Kaisla has stopped what she is doing, resting one arm on her hip and staring dead at the camera lens.

Any image flickers on the nearest screen and adjusts contrast. Kaisla squints to see it before walking closer to the monitor. On the display is the interior of the FDL with Kaisla stumbling around waving a bottle in one hand and an inflatable sheep under the other arm while wearing baggy pajama pants, a pair of fuzzy "bear claw" slippers and nothing else other than a loose fitting sports bra. A tinny voice crackles through the speakers, the recorded audio playing back in Kaisla's ear.

"OTTO! Set an ALERT! NOW we musht, never, ever, ever, um....that was two evers? EVER Go anywhere unless we have enough bourbon to last the trip. EVER. Otto, otto buddy, did you get that? That's a priority ONE Alert!"

Otto's voice can be heard in the background, "Commander, setting this as a priority One Alert, may over-ride essential system integrity reports, are you positive you wish to do this?"

"OTTO! Shtop....questioning.....my authority....jusht do it. pleeeash."

"Okay! Enough, cut the video feed, I get it. Holy shit...I'm making another priority alert. Stop recording me while I'm drunk okay?" Kaisla turns from the screen.

"Commander, does that include times in which you mis-place equipment while intoxicated and require assistance in its location?"

"Shut up, that never happens." Kaisla waves an arm dismissively.

The audio on the speakers crackles to life -

Kaisla throws her arms out, "NO! Stop! I get it, fine, track equipment and its placement while I'm drunk but unless those parameters are met, stop recording my binges okay?"

"Confirmed Commander."

Kaisla strides back to the bridge and climbs into the chair. She taps several switches on the arm rest console and the chair swivels and glides up to the console pavilion, locking into position.

"Commander, news feed are indicating that there is a bounty present for our vessel."

"Fuck, what?!" Kaisla glances to the right to pull up the holonet display.

"Yes Commander, would you like to me route the feed to your display?"


Last edit: 02 Aug 2019, 4:53pm
03 Aug 2019, 12:06am
Maul Montresor

"Yeah, I'm ready. You got this."

Khelan looks at the keypad and bites his lower lip, his fingers hovering over the buttons.

"Six digits, oanly a million possible combinations, wit could possibly go wrang?" he says to himself.

He closes his eyes and swallows before tapping in a six digit sequence. A loud angry electronic buzz sounds from the bomb and a single red led lights up.

"Fuck!" he exclaims and turns to Maul. "Well it's no Omi's birthday" he says dryly.

"Leo, are ye able tae scan this tae see if ye can get access tae disarm it?"

"Afraid not commander, the device is shielded from my sensors I can see it's there but I can't see what's inside it."

Khelan thinks hard for a few moments before typing in another sequence of numbers. The bomb buzzes again and a second red light comes on.

"Shite!" he curses and then a look of realisation crosses his face.

"Ah'm a fuckin tit" he exclaims

Khelan looks at the keypad a bead of sweat trickling down his forehead and quickly taps in a series of digits. He pauses before hitting the last number.

"If this disnae work Ah'm kickin yer arse" he says to Maul.

Khelan closes his eyes and presses the last number.

The bomb makes a faint ding sound and a green led lights up.

Khelan opens his eyes and lets out a whoop of triumph.

"Ah wus puttin in the numbers in the wrang order! Hideo wis Japanese, they put the Year, Month then the Day. Ah've been putting them in usin the format of day, month and year which is how we always dae it back oan Earth."

"It wis Omi's birthday, ye were right wi yer suggestion"

He pats Maul on the back and slides out from the narrow access point.

"Leo can ye scan the device an see if ye can find any mair onboard the ship?" he asks

"Scanning, hold on" responds Leo while Khelan slumps to the floor and takes a few deep breaths.

"Scan complete, if there's any more of those onboard I can't find them." says Leo.

Khelan sighs and leans back against the bulkhead before looking at Maul.

"We still need tae check oot the computer systems. Ah'm no goin gear up till ah know everything's OK wi the Prid." he says.
03 Aug 2019, 8:00pm
Maul nods and reaches his hand out to help Khelan up off the floor.

"Ya know, I was taught month, day then year. So it's a good thing you were entering the codes. I would have blown us up." Maul says cracking a smile.

They head back towards the elevator and up to the cockpit. Maul walks to the terminal to the left of the elevator.

"Alright let's see if Hideo left us any other surprises." He says as he types away.

He scans through some of the systems to look for anything out of the ordinary.

He stops at the sight of a message hidden among some files and looks over at Khelan.

"It looks like he left you something here." He says before he begins to read it aloud.

"If you're reading this then my plan has failed and I'm likely dead. You win. Omi is yours. The anger that boils inside of me at the sight of you was mixed with the love I had for her and it's created a monster within me. You were truly a good friend to me at one point but I can no longer stand the sight of you. I guess this is an apology for how I feel. I just can't control it anymore. I'm a ticking time bomb. I'm sorry that I couldn't let go of my feelings and I'm sorry for what is about to happen. It appears that your friend Maul is on his way back to the Shinigami now, I must go and prepare."

Maul looks over at Khelan.

"What a weird way to say "I'm sorry for trying to kill you and your pal". Sounds like he had some issues." He says trying to make light of the situation.

"I guess we haven't really had enough time to stop and talk about it though, have we? How are you handling all of this?"
03 Aug 2019, 11:33pm
Khelan shrugs at the question as he slumps down in the pilots chair ignoring the displays coming into life that almost always fascinated him as he sits down.

He turns to Maul and slides down his mirrored glasses. His eyes ringed black and half closed with exhaustion.

"Honesty? Ah've hid easier times, Ah mean in the last few days Ah've hid wit used tae be ma best mate try tae kill me an get a glorified buncha drug dealers kill ye basically over a burd. Ah've been shot at, watched as the scariest person Ah've ever met tortured the lassie we've currently goat unconscious an locked up in a cabin a couple a couple of levels below us. Found oot that wan of the only folk who actually gave a damn aboot me an gave ma life purpose is aboot tae pass oan an Ah dunno if Ah'll make it back tae see him afore he goes. An Ah've just hid tae defuse a fuckin big bomb strapped tae the reactor of ma ship. Tae say Ah'm startin tae feel a wee bitty pressure is a bitty an unnerstatement."

He sighs and smiles

"Oan the upside, Ah'm no trapped flyin an ancient, smelly type 7 that's constantly overheatin an his a hold full of bio waste an wonderin when Ah'm next gonna eat. So Ah guess that's somethin."

He pauses for a moment before continuing.

"Ah need tae head tae Hondo City but Ah'll unnerstand if ye want tae go yer own way an go aftur that Anton twat oan yer own but Ah will say Ah'd like ye tae stay oan here an come wi me tae say goodbye tae Shin, it'd mean a lot tae me an tae Omi but it's up tae you."
04 Aug 2019, 12:25am
Maul logs off the terminal and plops into the co-pilot seat.

"Well, the way I see it, Anton is using those poor girls as hostages to keep Vega away and that sounds like a pretty desperate move to me. Nah, he's just looking for that "one last big score" so he can get out of the game. I don't think he actually intends on hurting them. But then again I don't really know him that well. Maybe he is a complete nut job.."

Maul shrugs.

"But Shin helped me out when he didn't really have to and so did Omi and so did you. I owe all of you my life."

He looks over at Khelan.

"So nah, I'm not going anywhere."

"Vega sure as hell won't be happy about this but we can't cut her loose yet. She'll run straight to Anton and wind up getting herself or the others killed. I'll talk to her once we get out of here. Plus, I'm still working on that plan to help her get them out safe."

Maul runs his hand through his hair and sighs.

"It really has been a crazy few days hasn't it?"

He shakes his head at the realization and looks back over at Khelan.

"Well, I suppose it's onward to Hondo City."

Last edit: 04 Aug 2019, 2:44pm
04 Aug 2019, 1:21pm
Khelan snores lightly having passed out from sheer exhaustion. His head resting on the back of the pilots chair a small strand of drool moving slowly down his chin.
04 Aug 2019, 2:35pm
"Shit, you really must have been exhausted." Maul says to the fast asleep Khelan.

He smiles and shakes his head as he runs through the pre-flight checks.

"Leo, set a route to Hondo City and try to get us there pronto." He whispers.

"Aye Aye Captain." Leo whispers back.

Maul looks around slightly confused.

"We've really got to get you checked out, Leo." He says to himself as he sits back and watches The Prid leave the station and point towards the next jump in the route.

"FRAME SH--" Leo starts to say loudly before changing back to a whisper. "Frame Shift Drive charging."

The ship safely makes the jump.

"Well, we didn't blow up, so I guess that means everything is working like it's supposed to."

The low rumble of the ship begins to soothe him as he too falls asleep.
05 Aug 2019, 10:08pm
The Prid jumps to frameshift and takes up position to fill it's tanks before lining up to jump to the next system.

"Five, four, three, two, one..... Frame shift engaged" whispers Leo "Sleep tight dudes"

Leo starts humming to himself and starts singing in a low voice

"Guten Abend, gute Nacht, Mit Rosen bedacht,
Mit Naeglein besteckt, schlupf unter die Deck'
Morgen frueh, wenn Gott will, wirst du wieder geweckt
Morgen frueh, wenn Gott will, wirst du wieder geweckt"

The Prid arrives in the next system and Leo continues heading to Hondo City, scooping and jumping while Khelan and Maul sleep in their chairs
06 Aug 2019, 12:53am
"Hey boss, Dreadnaught accepted the comms request, what did you want me to say?" Echo turns to EC, who is lost in his displays.


EC is startled away from examining the data he'd received from Sen.
"oh uh... yeah, he asked me to contact him when we were clear. Just... you know, ask him what the hell he wanted to tell us. We're kind of flying blind here in Guardian space."

Raven, leaning over Echo's shoulder into the console, yells "Yeah, hey, uh, throw us a fuggin' bone here, before we die of boredom."

**Message Sending*** COVAS alerts.

EC quietly facepalms and looks back at his data, adding "Yeah just... tell him that wasn't my wording..."

Looking through the data so far hasn't yielded much, but what it did have were a few coordinates, possibly for stations, and some strange energy readings. Some appeared Guardian in origin, others not, but more importantly, some appeared to be hybridized Guardian technology.

Finally, a lead worth his time. So far, the trail of this 'Spiritweaver' had lead him all the way to Odin's hold and back, with little more to go on than a few covered up murders and forged manifests to tie the waypoints together. This is the first such hybrid signal EC had seen since he'd made away with his Guardian-hybrid fighter... which saved his life last time he had gotten close. It had been months since then, but EC had made a promise, and it was going to be kept.

EC wasn't sure what to do next, but he knew floating in space waiting for the bounty hunters to find them wasn't a great option.

"So, you trust Sen?" Echo asks, snapping EC back to reality again.

"Yeah... I think. I am 'cautiously optimistic'." EC replies, flipping through the available coordinates.

"Didn't we think he was working with 'Spiritweaver'?" Echo asks, getting up and making his way to the coffee machine, and retrieving three mugs.

"Yeah, at first... but the name hasn't come up and he seems to have enough other life-threatening nonsense to deal with." He walks over to Echo.
"I think its just a coincidence. Whatever Sen's doing seems to have just gotten him caught up in it."

Echo fills the three mugs and hands one to EC and one to Raven.

"Whatever you say, boss man." Echo says before taking a sip of coffee.

"Let me know if he responds. In the meantime, head for The Prospect. We can lay low and figure out what to do next."

==1 Year Ago==

It had been a long day at the Federal Navy Classified Research Division outpost, and the light outside was dwindling.

Sitting at his desk, Leith was trying to stay busy. He was trying to take his mind off of what he was about to do.

Next to him, the last of his coworkers gives up for the evening, gathering his belongings and standing to leave.

"Burning the midnight oil, eh Leith?"

"Oh, yeah man, you know this Purpureum research project has been crazy." He lies.

"OK well, don't work too hard man." the coworker says, making his way toward the door, which opens and then closes behind him with an electrical whirr.

Leith waits long enough to make sure he is really the last one in the office. His heart is pounding so hard he can feel it in his ears.

There was almost nothing he hated more than the fact that it had come to this... that he was forced into becoming a traitor. Almost nothing, however, was not the same as nothing, and a terminal diagnosis will often leave a desparate young man with few options.

He gets up, feeling a little shaky in the legs, and walks slowly over to the reinforced window. It was a heavy, blast-proof compound about 6 inches thick. Fortunately for the claustrophobic, it could be opened from the inside. After normal business hours, it would slide closed automatically after 10 minutes, so the risk to the secure facility was minimal. Besides, even if the window were to stay open, it is on the 16th floor.

Leith unlatches the heavy window and slowly slides it open. He doesn't react as three men in black outfits and masks climb through, setting down their compact climbing gear.

One man, larger than the others with sweat stains on the brow of his mask, takes a step towards Leith, who can't help but cower a little in this man's imposing shadow.

"Where is it?" he says, in a very quiet but still quite threatening Russian accent.

"Um, yeah its, uh..."

"Where!" he bends so that his giant head is inches from Leith's

"Ri..Right this way sir..." Leith manages to stutter as he walks over to a secured cage door on the other side of the room. The sound of many small fans is emanating through the door.

"Open it!" The Russian demands.

Leith weakly fishes his keycard from his pocket and waves it in front of the door, which folds inward with a metal clang, exposing the racks of servers inside.

Immediately the other two men went into the server room and began pulling blades out of the rack. The Russian removes a large empty framed hiking backpack from his back and sets it on the ground as the others bring the stack of server blades out and begin removing the covers to pull the hard drives out.

The noise of the fans has been reduced to just one battery backup unit, and now various electrical alarms were going off. Leith could hear nothing but the sound of his heart thumping in his ears as the large Russian simply stared at him while his men worked, stuffing the large backpack with hard drives from the server blades.

When they were finished, he picked up the backback and put it on. It was heavy, even for him, but his reaction was subtle.

He walked toward the window, but when Leith began to follow the other men stopped him, grabbing him by each arm.

"Wait!" Leith exclaimed. "You said you would cure me!"

"No." Said The Russian calmly. "We said we would operate on you."

Leith realized his mistake too late as he felt the needle go into his neck, and immediately began to lose consciousness...

==Present Day==

EC had seen this security feed so much, he knew it by heart. He wished so much that there was audio... he just couldn't understand why Leith would have let them in. He was a good kid, and he loved his job. He was loyal to the Federal Navy... more than EC ever was.

The grainy footage didn't help identify the men either, just one really huge guy and a couple average huge guys... well, strong enough to apparently climb straight up 16 stories, and then back down with a bag of hard drives and an unconscious captive 19 year old.

Echo had to call in a huge favor from some of his old military buddies to get this capture.

Leith was the nephew of EC's good friend Erin, and had asked him to find out what had happened after the Federal Navy stonewalled her missing persons report.

"Yo, Creamy." Raven put a hand on his shoulder, in a rare moment of calm empathy. "You really gotta stop watching that, it ain't helping."

EC looks up at him, pauses, and nods. He closes the video, takes a sip of his coffee, and spins to gaze out of the cockpit canopy at the stars for a moment.

Last edit: 06 Aug 2019, 6:24pm
07 Aug 2019, 11:59am
The launch from the Mega ship was fast as Sen boosts the Dreadnaught outside of jump restrictions and fires up the FSD.  No real destination lock engaged.  

"Did the signal reach Raine?" Sen calls back to Kat.

"I think so, I checked our backdoor to station services and she is not far away for her FSD jump range so we should be good."  Kat calls out as she unbuckles from her seat to rush over and check some near by monitors.

"Sir, the incoming coms request from EC is waiting. "  Dex the Dreadnaughts AI exclaims.

"Dex, transmit white nose on audio com to hailing vessel, send encrypted message on dictation."  Sen uses the rare transmission technology on board the Ship. A long forgotten transmission code trick used in the commonwealth navy against the Indies.  Effective as it will suddenly display the text messages to the other ship with only white nose in both text and audio transmission in any other ship that may be trying to listen in.

"Secure transmission established Sir."  Dex says as at pilot seat audio mic goes live.  Dex waiting to dictate the transmission to EC.

Sen starts moving the ship to the direction of The Prospect station that Kat has locked in on the Nav as he starts his naration to EC on the encrypted stream.

"Well who would have thought what was going to be a simple run of mining with some wing security would turn into this.  Welcome to my world mate."  Sen says into the encoded text stream to EC.

"Best I run through what it is you have, why, and why the break up.  Let me start off by saying. Im sorry.   As you of course know by now this fucking data that the Fed has dropped in my lap is so Toxic it is infectious.  But given we have Frost the cult freak after it, Rose the mercenary trying to collect a bounty for heads from the station we took off from and seemly someone else that has hired a long time con man to put the hooks into Kaisla I thought breaking this data up into its respective compartments would be a wise choice.  So lets see if I can explain what I have been able to sort out from it so far.  "

Sen takes a deep breath as he falls back on his systematic memory.

It appears that someone is using technology to bait the Thargoids into attacks.  Like putting scent on a target for Orion piranha fish to decimate .  All these damn stations and things being attacked as well as ships, all have some sort of bait on them that if the bugs detect it they attack without warning.

  That being said there is also the meta alloys that have such dynamic properties that freaks like Frost want so badly because he can make more AI based implants that make the nut bar even more freakish and his follower even more hard core fanitics! But then we have a section of the data that is showing warnings from pirate factions that know it exisits and want to get hands on.  This is where I think the con job of Jax on Kaisla is coming into play. Jax is no low level con man. He is on top of his game usually and I think given Kaisla and her dedication she will sort it out and find out what the hell is going on.  To make a short story long, you have the bits of data that will make you a target for frost, Kaisla has the bits of data that will make her a target for this unknown element hiring high profile con artists and thieves, and I have the mystery of the biating of the bugs. Given Kat is one of the few experts I know on bug and Guardian tech I need her with me, but I have help coming. And I hope, she has arrived."

Sen looks forward at The Prospect. as he comes into range for docking request.

Kat standing at the console for near by coms data she looks over her shoulder to Sen. A look of somber sadness washes over her face.

"The distress signal is still coming from Black monitor one." She says hoping Sen will change his mind.

"Forward the direct message to systems authority services and Kaisla, unless Ben comes back with the encrypted safe codes we DO NOT engage."  Sen says calmly but pointed.

Kat sighs as she knows its logical and pragmatic direction to take and protocol but none the less she is not happy about it. She forwards on the distress signal to both systems authority and Kaisla's ship as Sen just sent an explanation that the data segments fit to each persons involvement.

The Dreadnaught touches down inside The Prospect as Sen jumps from his seat and heads for the door.  "Don't wait up hunny." He says as he passes Kat.  Kat laughs some and sighs but gets busy making sure the Dreadnaught is refueled and repaired and restocked .

Sen makes his way through the prospect halls to the small bar. On the way his eye piece hud runs through data of last ships landed in the station, repair requests and supplies. The Hud breaking aways from the informations screens as he walks up on the side hall bar.  Dex locks on to a heat signature near by. A woman laid out in a near by booth.

"Wonderful weather we are having."  Sen calls out to her as he walks in taking a seat slowly keeping an eye on her as it could be a trap

"Oh you are a funny one. Im Victoria by the way." The woman says back to Sen not looking up from her comfortable place.  

"What can I say, bedrock humor. " Sen responds cryptically as he watches the woman's response. A slight grin on his face as Dex controlled eye hud goes into long range thermal and biofeedback monitoring of the woman on the bench.  No sudden changes in her are seen Sen turns and looks at the automated bartender.

Not looking back to Victoria he orders up a Tequila and Coffee.  Keeping a close eye on the foot traffic coming past the bar. Dex zooms in on the form of Raine walking to the bar Sen turns to lean against the bar

Looking over to Raine as she walks up.

Raine Marjeta turns the corner into the bar and spots the man she'd been looking for.  Grinning she pushes her shades up and nods at him  " Safe yes, sound.eh had to evade a few curious people.  But..." spreading her arms out  "here I am"

Ah, I see you made it safe and sound.  *He says causally with a hint of a smirk*

Taking a drink of the coffee he nods to the hint of curious people  " Yeah, tell me about it. Sorry for the encrypted message but, had no choice really."   *Sen motions to a near by booth* Guess I should explain huh?

Raine Marjeta glances around the bar taking nodding to the woman on the sofa,  she looks back to Sen  " Yeah that would be nice." sighing softly  she moves to the booth to plop down on the seat trying not to think of what might be ground into the cushions.

Victoria watches them both closely not trusting many here. the cybernetic looking ears fine like chappy moving as she thinks like they are part of her body.

*Sliding into the booth Sen places the coffee down as he fishes out his com device.* So, as you know the federation likes to get me tied up into data transfers from time to time. This time they really dropped me in the shit. Some data about Thargoid movements and Guardian tech being used to get the bugs to attack everything from ships to bases.  Like someone is using them as a weapon. *Sen brings up the data and slides it over to Raine* And this is just the part that we have. As you and two others have the other chunk of the data. Had to spit it up for security reasons.

Raine Marjeta a frown forms as she reaches for the coms unit.  Scrolling thru the data she just starts to shake her head.  "I thought the part you sent to me had to be wrong. Even Jerr was thinking there was no way.."  Looking up at Sen ..  " You got this from the Federation ?  Hells bells! " Shoving the device back to him like whatever was in there would jump off on her she asks "so who is this supposed to go to?  What are you, or we or whoever supposed to do with this? "

Sen watches the expression on Raines face " Well,  Ben Farglass. He has a outpost a few clicks from the ruins here. But we have been trying to reach him directly. When we left the mega ship Kat tried to reach the base but, turns out we are getting nothing but distress calls from it. Text only, and given we have not had audio contact, standard engagement rules apply.. Do not engage and forwared to systems authority. *Sen takes a drink of the coffee and pulls out a cigar*.

Raine Marjeta leans back in the booth slowly sipping the drink she had picked up.  " uh huh.."  at the mention of Kat she looks around for her then back to Sen "Did you bring Kat? Tell me she didn't go to the sleeazy strip joint with Jerr"  looking up at him again.   "but you didn't give it to system authority, you sent it to me! Why?!?

Sen laughs slightly at the mention of Kat and Jerr at a strip club*  No she is still on board the Dreadnaught getting it ready.  And no no, I alerted system authority services about the distress call coming from Ben's base. The data I sent you is,,  Well,,  *He pauses a bit as he tries to find the right words*  breadcrumbs. Meaning if me and Kat get blown to hell, you and two others have at least enough data to put together to cash in on or, get to whom ever it needs to get to now to stop these attacks.  But, um, not the only reason why I hailed you.  Id like you to run wing with me to Electra.  Need to check out some of these Thargoid attacks. *Taking a sip of his coffee knowing the prospect of going deep into Thargoid space my not set well*

Raine Marjeta snorts a little before taking a sip of her drink  "bread crumbs, right"  then chokes all together when he tells her what he's really after.  "Hellsbells Sen! First off you and Kat are not going to get blown to hell , just stop saying that! You actually want me to IN , to Thargoid space?  Why is it you feel the need to check these out? Let the feds do it! " she slams back the rest of the drink glaring at him.  knowing she would go with him but not liking that fact.  Then a grin forms and she chuckles softly  "oh Jerr is gonna love this. I told him he was probably going to get shot when we were on our way to meet you.  He was not thrilled by that idea.  And, neither am I just so you know"

A grin forms over Sens face* well, in all honest terms,  I think there is going to be something very profitable. Besides, Frost is after it.  Remember him? Cybernetic addicted doctor freak? Has a huge cult now, running it out of the Conduit. If I do not sort out who this data has to go to now and why,, well.. Gonna have these freaks on my tail until then. And no word from Ben means nothing but trouble.

Raine Marjeta perks up a little at the possibility of profitable junk.  After all one mans junk is another girls treasure.  She lifts an eyebrow at the mention of Frost.  "oh hell, I thought he had run one to many experiments on himself." she shakes her head  " I like Frost, well..." she say's with a shrug "I liked him when he was him and not "...gesturing with her hands  "whatever the hell he is now" "how does he run something like that out of the Conduit? Seems like someone would find him.  But then again sometimes the feds can't find their way out of a paper bag."  Pulling the flask she always carries free from the top of her boot she refills her glass asking  "who is this supposed to go to.  I'm not sure I know this Ben dude. Why would they pull you in to do this instead of just taking it themselves? "

Sen Shrugs* Just my luck I guess. High security data run. But , if what I see here is correct, and whom ever is baiting the bugs and getting them to attack the stations, its going to get worse and lots of people are going to die unless its stopped. They are heading for the bubble! *Sen shakes his head and runs his fingers through his hair.  The com device signals a message from Kat.  Picking it up and reading it. *  Oh shit, a flagged ship just entered the station. Flying a frost marker. Could be one of his goons.  *Downing the rest of the coffee* So ready to fly? *Sen grins at her*

Raine Marjeta tosses back the rest of her drink shuddering as the tequila goes down.  "ahhh" she says with a grin looking at him.  The grin fades as she thinks about what they are going to do. The thought of people dying because someone has figured out how to stir up the alien bug things. Tucking the flask back in her boot she say's "Probably one of his goons' eyeing him  "Do we have you to thank for that?"  Keying her comms she reaches Jerr and tells him to head back to the ship to get ready for launch. She winces when his angry reply comes back apparently she had picked an inopportune time to contact him . Giggling  she looks at Sen  "oops"

Sen Lights his cigar and smirks*  Jerr found a hooker did he?  *Takes a puff and and leans on the table* This will be fun, in and out nice and easy and hey, maybe a cargo hold with a good bunch of bug goodies to mod or sell.

Raine Marjeta laughs softly  "yes he did oopsie"  leaning back she studies him a little. "Ya know every time you say that.."this will be fun"...  it's not!  But I do like the idea of getting my hands on some bug tech.!"  she adds the last with a gleam in her eyes.

Sen grins and lifts up from the seat*  I send you a wing invite. And, its great to see you again.

Raine Marjeta stands with him to head back to the docking bay.  grinning "It's always good to see you Sen." nodding at the wing request  "I'll see ya out there then "

As they both leave the bar. Victora lifts up from her seat as she pulls out her Coms unit.  "Got them, they are on their way."  She says before closing her unit and tucking it away with a grin.

07 Aug 2019, 4:59pm
KhelanThe Prid arrives in the next system and Leo continues heading to Hondo City, scooping and jumping while Khelan and Maul sleep in their chairs

The Prid arrives in system and shifts towards Hondo City.

"Land ho!" shouts Leo, causing Maul to jump awake.

He looks around confused.

"Leo, did you just yell something?" Maul asks, still slightly addled.

"Sir, I would never do such a thing. Perhaps you were having a bit of a nightmare." retorts Leo.

Maul rubs his eyes and focuses on the nav panel to see that Hondo City is just ahead.

"Fuck!" He shouts as he jumps out of his chair and runs for the elevator. He frantically presses the button to take him to the habitation level.

"Leo, can you slow us down a bit? I gotta deal with Vega before we land. I don't want to take the risk of her being angry and set free on Hondo City."

"You've got it dude." Leo says as the ship begins to slow down.

The elevator doors open and Maul runs to the room Vega was locked in.

He unstraps the blade from his thigh and sits it down outside the door.

"Not this time." He mutters to himself as he presses the button to unlock and open the door.

The doors slide open to reveal a seemingly empty room.

Maul begins to step in when he is suddenly punched in the nose, sending him backwards back into the hallway.

Vega grabs his blade sitting next to the door and runs for the elevator.

Maul gathers himself and runs after her while wiping the blood from his nose.

She arrives at the elevator to find it wont open. She swings around pointing the blade at Maul as he approaches.

"Yeah, you don't have the proper clearance to use the elevators." Maul says as he checks his nose for more blood.

"What the fuck is going on? I thought we were going to get Jaymie and Lydia?" Vega shouts.

Maul shakes his head. "Something came up. It's just a small detour. After this we can go straight after them."

"They could already be dead!" Vega shouts as she approaches Maul with the blade.

"You really think Anton will kill them and eliminate the only thing keeping you out of his hair? He's seems pretty scared of you."

"Don't try to sweet talk me, Maul." Vega replies as she puts the point of the blade at his neck.

"Listen, Omi's father is dying. We are on our way to see him before he passes. I owe the man at least that much considering what he did for me."

Vega scoffs. "So this "small detour" is for that crazy bitches father?" She shakes her head" You should have just let me go on my own. I could have already had them back."

Maul's tone becomes sympathetic. "You were there for your parents when they got sick, right? Omi wants to do the same. She left him to help me back on Ray Gateway. This is something that has to be done. I figured of all people, you'd understand her wanting to be there for her father."

Vega's gaze drops and she sighs. She drops the blade and gets in Maul's face.

"If you're wrong about Anton, I'll kill you."

Maul nods. "If I'm wrong and they die because of me, I'll let you."

She steps back and stares at Maul for a moment and then begins walking back to her room.

"Fuck you, Maul Montresor!" She yells as she walks down the hallway.

Maul smiles "Hey, keep that attitude up and we'll lock you up again."

Vega flips him off as she enters her room and closes the door.

The ship exits supercruise outside of Hondo City.

"Shiver me timbers! We've arrived Captain!" Leo calls out.

Maul picks up his blade and enters the elevator.

"Leo, what the fuck is going on with you?" He asks as he presses the button to go back to the cockpit.

Leo remains silent.

Maul exits the elevator and walks over to Khelan. He puts his hand on his shoulder and shakes him a bit in an attempt to wake him.

"Hey man, we made it. Also I think Leo is broke or a pirate or something."

Last edit: 07 Aug 2019, 9:17pm

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