Elite: Lore

14 Jan 2018, 8:10pm
I don’t know about Elite Lore, but I was fascinated by Anne McAffery’s concept of special Crystals being mined to bring instant communications to outlying systems
14 Jan 2018, 8:26pm
15 Jan 2018, 9:29am
This Corner of the Universe handles time lag quite well in the story. That being said, there's nothing wrong with a bit of handwavium as long as the rules are consistent in the universe.

I always assumed that populated systems had some kind of hyperspace communication systems.
15 Jan 2018, 6:54pm
I think it's a Glynn Stewart book where a scene takes you through the process of characters digitally completing some necessary administrative work for a change in command and then explains that quantum entanglement is used to update the central archives at the naval headquarters. Then one of the characters muses how disheartening it is to see mankind's single greatest scientific achievement used for something as mundane as paperwork.
16 Jan 2018, 2:52pm
Since all the systems are only more or less affiliated within one of superpowers without any particular hierarchy, I think it is safe to assume the instantenous communication isn't much of the issue when it comes to governing, as systems are pretty much self-governing.

But then I had a major thought on why we move sensitive data - then I came into conculsion. It might be connected to the fact that FTL Comms - as they exist - might be easy to trace down through the system buoys. Pretty much like in case of Mass Effect's Mass Relays, as in one of the book it is mentioned that Salarians were monitoring them through centuries.
24 Jan 2018, 12:16pm
some kind of micro-interstice into witchspace would work well for long range communications, a wormhole an electron wide would take relatively little energy. Time and distance may mean little in witchspace.
05 Feb 2018, 4:46am
I passed by this at random and couldn't help but to read this.  One thing I think people don't give enough thought is just how much control the Pilot's Federation has over...  just about everything really.  The GalNet communications network is owned and controlled by them.  This means if, for some reason, one was going against them there would be some serious problems (not to mention that if they could do something to block your on-board computer from accessing the systems databases -- I would have to guess here that it has an internal database installed by them so it still works in an emergency, but we know they have enough control to be able to issue permits and no one seems to have hacked permit access in any sort of way mentioned in the game I'm aware of so far -- you probably couldn't even jump anymore. I guess perhaps it must be presumed to be stored internally though because they've never revoked jump abilities even for the worst pirates.)  It strikes me that if some power wanted to they could also utilize this.  For example, with the whole business with Salome and whatever it was she wanted to communicate in some form (accessing a major transmission source?) the Empire had declared her to be an extremely wanted fugitive considered armed and dangerous.  It might be that they would have enough power to ask the Pilot's Federation to block her access to GalNet and the like.

They definitely don't go much into detail about how any of the actual communication system works.  We know GalNet is on all independent ships now (and even some military) so this is probably a key thing though.  My assumption has always  been something like a hyperspace relay to a main network.  Though if we assume "ansible" type design with quantum entanglement perhaps, distance would supposedly have no meaning.  Certainly such a thing could be built in in the factory when building the ship itself.
05 Feb 2018, 6:27pm
I think it is a vast and good explanation. I mean, there must be a reason why there's safe data move mission in the first place. I can't really fend off the Mechwarrior-like inspirations from pre-Dark Age era, during which all communication was owned by none other but one firm. As for GalNet's power, I think pretty much it must be owned by someone really shadowy with so much influence none of the superpowers tried to supress the Pilot's Federation. But to think about it, throwing a war against them would be really painful even without going to cutting the feed by PF due to technically unlimited army lurking around The Bubble.
05 Feb 2018, 7:18pm
The Pilots Federation exists by simple virtue of being neutral in all things. As soon as they take a side, they lose at least 2/3 of their pilots and will be kicked out of opposing systems. Sure, the superpowers could do what they do, but that's a waste of money when you have a guaranteed neutral third party doing it for you.
08 Feb 2018, 8:15am
How would they be kicked out? Most don't even know who is in charge for starters. Even if you can pin them down, if they control communications and maybe even travel...
08 Feb 2018, 11:45am
I've read the background for the Pilot Federation, or at least the scraps of it. It looks like it is someone, who owns PF, is also in control of all major comm relays if I understood it right. Moreover, the overall write up pretty much reminds me of all these conspiracy theories about Masons and similiar organizations.

Or if someone played Ace Combat 5 - The Grey Men and Grunder Industries.
08 Feb 2018, 8:34pm
Hey everyone, I am trying to discover if there is any lore on Xihe biomorphic companions, beyond the in-game item description and an old CG related to them (which I found a bit baffling). My google-fu has failed me completely this time.

Has anyone here ever used them in their narratives, or just imagined what they might look like & how they might work?

08 Feb 2018, 11:13pm
Pretty sure they're just robot pets. like this:

but 100,000,000 better
09 Feb 2018, 3:43pm
I posted a Thing about a Xihe Companion, but took it down again almost as quickly.

Not quickly enough for some, though.

I don't think it was outside the Lore, I just didn't like it all that much.
10 Feb 2018, 12:56am
Today, February 9th, year 3304, I was Hyperdictied by a Thargoid interceptor. I had around 6-8 meta alloys and an unknown/Thargoid probe in my cargo hold. An EMP was emitted from the thargoids ship and disabled me for around 20 seconds. As I was disabled the Thargoid scanned me. After completing the scan he backed away, and my ship got back online. Unfortunately, my thrusters were disabled. While trying to fix my ship the Thargoid released swarm drones and almost immediately anillated my keelback. Luckily I was able to survive the explosion. I was on route from Pleiades Sector OS-U c2-7 to Maia after recently collecting meta- alloys from the Thargoid surface site located in Pleiades Sector OS-U c2-7 Body: 4 A coordinates: Lat: 58.21° Long: -177.04° The Thargoid path of destruction seems to be getting closer to the bubble. Maybe I was attacked so I do not learn their plans by using the Thargoid probe to gain access to the galaxy map on the surface site? I recorded the expirence and will be sharing soon. This is commander ap3322 signing out.

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