Elite: Lore

07 Feb 2022, 12:42am
I have to admit that I have absolutely zero knowledge about how to leverage powerplay, or the factions, or kingdoms...
My character was supposed to be born in space so he has no nationality.
Independent. I even tried to denounce my faction, but apparently I am still listed as being aligned with Ed McMann.
07 Feb 2022, 12:49am
Daddy OIndependent. I even tried to denounce my faction, but apparently I am still listed as being aligned with Ed McMann.
That's because you pledged loyalty to him. So, not so independent.
07 Feb 2022, 1:32am
Daddy OIndependent. I even tried to denounce my faction, but apparently I am still listed as being aligned with Ed McMann.

That's because you pledged loyalty to him. So, not so independent.

I didn't mean to. They forced me.
When I tried to cancel it, they said they would send agents out to kill me.
07 Feb 2022, 1:44am
Daddy OWhen I tried to cancel it, they said they would send agents out to kill me.
Those agents are good only at yelling rude words over the comms. When it comes to the real fighting... Poor bastards.
07 Feb 2022, 7:10am
Federation: Hudson wants to stay in power beyond his elected term even though some of his own supporters are against it.
Empire: Lords of Restoration attempting to dethrone Duval royal family.
Alliance: Sirius corp overstepping their bounds resulting in a violent conflict.

Am I missing anything else?
07 Feb 2022, 8:23am
Light-HawkFederation: Hudson wants to stay in power beyond his elected term even though some of his own supporters are against it.
Empire: Lords of Restoration attempting to dethrone Duval royal family.
Alliance: Sirius corp overstepping their bounds resulting in a violent conflict.

Am I missing anything else?

Alliance reckless expansion into Thargoid territory and insistence on poking the bear constantly.
08 Feb 2022, 3:06pm
Burstar the Always on Time for Dinner
Light-HawkFederation: Hudson wants to stay in power beyond his elected term even though some of his own supporters are against it.
Empire: Lords of Restoration attempting to dethrone Duval royal family.
Alliance: Sirius corp overstepping their bounds resulting in a violent conflict.

Am I missing anything else?

Alliance reckless expansion into Thargoid territory and insistence on poking the bear constantly.

Not to forget the tiny little problem with Azimuth and Salvation...
08 Feb 2022, 4:53pm
Daddy OWhen I tried to cancel it, they said they would send agents out to kill me.

Those agents are good only at yelling rude words over the comms. When it comes to the real fighting... Poor bastards.

Yep, they never showed up.
Pity. I was in my Fer De Lance at the time.
12 Feb 2022, 7:54am
WaylongwayIt seems to me that they did.

I knew I had read it somewhere! My memory is better than I thought it was! Thank you so much for finding this!

Where?? LOL All I see is the same BS as usual about some "alleged backroom meeting, that someone said something that someones friend confirmed in some kinda way" and no FULLY CONFIRMED official statment that it was stated by FDEV that a CMDR honked the system and left. SMH
12 Feb 2022, 10:58pm
WaylongwayIt seems to me that they did.

I knew I had read it somewhere! My memory is better than I thought it was! Thank you so much for finding this!

Where?? LOL All I see is the same BS as usual about some "alleged backroom meeting, that someone said something that someones friend confirmed in some kinda way" and no FULLY CONFIRMED official statment that it was stated by FDEV that a CMDR honked the system and left. SMH

If it was true, I'd love to see that commander's face when he/she find out they skipped over Raxxla. LoL.
16 Feb 2022, 6:07pm
Question, have Thargoids ever attacked Empire or Alliance systems, or has it just been Independent and Federal, and never Winters's systems?
16 Feb 2022, 6:20pm
Thargoids have attacked the Empire. I fought 'em in Kamadhenu a while back. Pretty sure the Alliance was hit too.
11 Apr 2022, 3:42am
Jubei Himura
Shg56or better some unknown lore indeed exists deep in the galaxy.

God, if only that was the case. That would be a great narrative device for introducing phenomena... as long as it ended after a few seconds. Any longer borders on disrupting gameplay and would get annoying pretty quick.

There are hints of Silence (Sequitur) coming.

12 Apr 2022, 9:31am
A quick question, what in the lore happened with some currently stars we well know? Like that Stephenson 2-18 or UY Scuti (and some more)
12 Apr 2022, 12:44pm
As far as I know those stars still exist.
...or is that not the question?

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