Elite: Lore

12 Apr 2022, 3:04pm
But we can't find it in Galaxy map, so eventually they doesn't. Or has different names in 3rd millenia, or has been destroyed or what. We don't know anything about that.
12 Apr 2022, 3:54pm
A.G.DuranA quick question, what in the lore happened with some currently stars we well know? Like that Stephenson 2-18 or UY Scuti (and some more)

Both are not ingame, but VY Canis majoris is
12 Apr 2022, 5:28pm
On the question of lore, is the Earth still habitable or lived on?
12 Apr 2022, 5:42pm
12 Apr 2022, 6:26pm
Yum KaxOn the question of lore, is the Earth still habitable or lived on?

As I understand it, Earth access is restricted in the 34th century. In my head canon it protects an Earth of dwindling resources from overpopulation.
13 Apr 2022, 5:15am
The old home is afterwar but still operational, but under surveilance to be nice place to live on, yes. Maybe THIS reason is why the PF members can't visit Earth-like worlds everywhere? (And totally not lack of modeled surface territories and cities)

Last edit: 02 Aug 2022, 5:55am
16 Apr 2022, 10:30pm
Did anybody come across of phenomena I call neutron stars vanity curse or spell? To describe it briefly when neutron starts are multiplying because of your urge to put your name on every new discovered rare star.
23 May 2022, 4:12pm
Not me... and I wanna ask about the live in a small station, the non-rotational structure has no gravity in there. Your vital functions may be SERIOUSLY affected. Do we have the solution, since there is no wide spread of gravity-generators?
23 May 2022, 6:27pm
A.G.DuranNot me... and I wanna ask about the live in a small station, the non-rotational structure has no gravity in there. Your vital functions may be SERIOUSLY affected. Do we have the solution, since there is no wide spread of gravity-generators?

In game there are G-Meds which counteract the effects of high and absent Gs on the body. As for the actual force effects being accurately represented? I cannot help you there.

There's a planet you can land on that has something like 45g. Your body would weigh more than a full size van....
25 May 2022, 1:51pm
A.G.DuranNot me... and I wanna ask about the live in a small station, the non-rotational structure has no gravity in there. Your vital functions may be SERIOUSLY affected. Do we have the solution, since there is no wide spread of gravity-generators?

I don't of course know the lore explanation but there would be enough room inside of those to have a spinning sleeping hall in there. Stopping it once or twice a day would give rather natural shifts for workforce.
28 May 2022, 1:11pm
After months of trying to convince and educate people, and trying to stop Salvation, I finally got my own Salvation.

Logs discovered in DG Canum Venaticorum, planet A 4 A, after Prof. Alba Tesreau got a mysterious tip-off with a data tag from Oaken point.

The logs finally prove that me and many other commanders who were suspicious of Salvation were right, and that Salvation and Azimuth are indeed one and the same. A dangerous corporation under a deranged, sociopathic xenophobe.

A further revelation is Azimuths/Salvations involvement in INRA, project Mycoid.

Some people will also be delighted to see, that the same person they deemed to be their Salvation, is responsible for unsanctioned and inhumane experiments of putting involuntary test subjects into Thargoid vessels, leading to the death of most of them.

Screenshots by Cmdr Hurix

Summary by Cmdr Factabulous
28 May 2022, 5:06pm
Those logs mention a Thargoid separated from their ship and held in captivity. Might be meant as a teaser to upcoming on-foot AX combat in Odyssey.
28 May 2022, 5:19pm
SakashiroThose logs mention a Thargoid separated from their ship and held in captivity. Might be meant as a teaser to upcoming on-foot AX combat in Odyssey.

Indeed, he is actually referencing what we already know from the old INRA bases. You can have a look here if you like: INRA settlements

Although his description is much more fleshed out of course.
28 May 2022, 5:28pm
M. V. Coehoorn
SakashiroThose logs mention a Thargoid separated from their ship and held in captivity. Might be meant as a teaser to upcoming on-foot AX combat in Odyssey.

Indeed, he is actually referencing what we already know from the old INRA bases. You can have a look here if you like: INRA settlements

Although his description is much more fleshed out of course.

"Flesh" is the keyword here.

Now we can speculate where those on-foot encounters will take place...
30 May 2022, 5:10am
What interestion things you can find sometimes...

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