Elite: Lore

16 Mar 2020, 3:59pm
Amata, I meant im the only one checking the sources -you- linked! Didn't know that clone world was an alliance one though, as there was no mention of the Alliance anywhere else on the page. Also: that that is an alliance world doesn't mean that they aren't beneath normal people in the Empire. I didn't see a source from you, and I'm at work so I can't look around that extensively. If someone read that book for example: to Whom was it the clone couldn't claim credit? That the world is an alliance world doesn't mean there wasn't an imperial who utilized the clone.

John: You are right; it was a response to you asking where I got the quote from. I also agree with you that Wiki doesn't determine lore, but I don't have the books and can't justify going through extensive research of ED while at work. I didn't mean that the wiki is a good source, just that the links provided by Amata didn't seem to be read, and that they seemed to make the Empire even worse.

Last edit: 16 Mar 2020, 4:08pm
16 Mar 2020, 4:20pm
A C EnderAmata, I meant im the only one checking the sources -you- linked! Didn't know that clone world was an alliance one though, as there was no mention of the Alliance anywhere else on the page. Also: that that is an alliance world doesn't mean that they aren't beneath normal people in the Empire. I didn't see a source from you, and I'm at work so I can't look around that extensively.

Well, how the Empire is treating clones I cannot say as I found no informations about that issue myself so far. I can only guess that they are born into slavery to pay for their "debt" their creation did cost and may become a citizen afterwards, but that is, like I said, just a speculation on my part. And that this clone wasn't able to claim her credit as being a pilot hints IMO more towards a problem with the Pilots' Federation, as every pilot is meant to be a member in Elite.

And while I agree that a wiki is always a source that you should take with a grain of salt I too don't know and/or own every bit of lore that's out there, and a wiki is usually a good place to find a summary of said lore.

What I don't see though is how the wiki makes the Empire look even worse.
16 Mar 2020, 4:22pm
I guess my point about the Feds and robots is conceded.

Carry on.
16 Mar 2020, 4:27pm
John MontagI guess my point about the Feds and robots is conceded.

Carry on.

Well, I assume it only makes sense that the Federation uses a shitton of robots and automation to keep production costs down. The Federation is after all secretly run by its corporations, extremely capitalistic and the huge number of unemployed Fed citizens living in slums are at least a rather good indication that Fed companies prefer robots over manual labour.
16 Mar 2020, 4:31pm
My interpretation was that the Clone could not claim credit for the skill with which it was piloting a ship due to the status of being a clone. Since everything else in the wiki article mentioned how the Empire use them extensively, the Federation not using them, and nothing about any other factions, I assumed that it was an Imperial who would not give the clone credit should it claim it.

But like I said I don't have anything further than that wiki article.

John: I trust you have looked at the sources and been unable to find them. With that I would assume we don't have a source for the feds using robots.

However; when you say robots do you explicitly mean humanoid/autonomous robots? Even without an explicit source I would be surprised if industrial robots (like we use in today's industry) aren't used extensively by the Federation. I have heard that high level AI is banned after some incident in the past (don't know the source).
16 Mar 2020, 4:34pm
I'd be happy to say anyone in Elite uses a robotic workforce happily.  We have the example of robots loading and unloading ships in Drew Wagar's works, for example.

As far as anything approaching proper artificial intelligence like the wiki claims?  No way!

When I said "robots" that's what I really meant: AI.  Apologies for being imprecise in my language.
16 Mar 2020, 4:38pm
Amata Lirein
John MontagI guess my point about the Feds and robots is conceded.

Carry on.

Well, I assume it only makes sense that the Federation uses a shitton of robots and automation to keep production costs down. The Federation is after all secretly run by its corporations, extremely capitalistic and the huge number of unemployed Fed citizens living in slums are at least a rather good indication that Fed companies prefer robots over manual labour.

"Secretly" is quite debatable
16 Mar 2020, 4:39pm
Well, human-shaped androids/robots do exist in the world of E:D Screenshot

There was even an espionage scandal inside the Federation involving several androids of Achilles Corporation's PA912-line of administrative robots...


Well, there're always the AI-Relics...

edit 2:

Here's another link on AI in E:D: Sentient Machines
16 Mar 2020, 4:46pm
What do those androids have between their ears though?  Certainly not AI.

The Achilles ones were destroyed because of fears they were spying.  If they were acting suspiciously owners destroyed them.

And AI Relics, per the in-game description, are "highly illegal" and in a lot of cases fake.

So yeah, AI is a big no no.

EDIT: Saw the Michael Brookes quote just now.  I include sentience as part of artificial intelligence.  So I guess we're saying there are certainly very clever machines out there in Elite but they're not self aware by any stretch of the imagination.  Or shouldn't be, anyway.

Last edit: 16 Mar 2020, 4:53pm
16 Mar 2020, 4:49pm
Oh, but there has been real AIs in the past. Source

That dev even hints that one or two of those have escaped into deep space...
16 Mar 2020, 4:50pm
Amata LireinOh, but there has been real AIs in the past. Source

That dev even hints that one or two of those have escaped into deep space...

Yup, I think there were some really messy conflicts about it all.
16 Mar 2020, 4:51pm
Amata LireinOh, but there has been real AIs in the past. Source

That dev even hints that one or two of those have escaped into deep space...

If only someone would write a fan novel exploring that concept...
16 Mar 2020, 6:48pm
Is there a novel on it, or about the time(s) where they had the AI incidents? I love myself a good Sci-Fi story. Should really look at getting some Elite novels.
16 Mar 2020, 7:59pm
I tried to get into the novels. I probably shouldn't have started with Mostly Harmless.
16 Mar 2020, 8:59pm
All of this about cyborgs and AI is having me reconsider aspects of Raenys' background...
I'll have to get a bit more familiar with the lore behind it.

Do any of the books explore this topic more?

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