Elite: Lore

16 Mar 2020, 9:13pm
Elysian-WolfAll of this about cyborgs and AI is having me reconsider aspects of Raenys' background...
I'll have to get a bit more familiar with the lore behind it.

Do any of the books explore this topic more?

None in detail, but the generals of AI are as follows:

A long time ago, humanity and AI engaged in conflict. The war was relatively short as the main AIs were deleted, but times were bad enough that the incident left a permanent scar on humanity's approach to them. AI was banned and everything even remotely connected to it became taboo. Even cybernetic limbs are enough to make most people blanch.

It's also stated that AI is responsible for most of the older ship designs that we use, and that they assisted humanity in nearly every way.

Nowadays (as in, in-game), there are AI fragments that one can scoop inside their ship and sell at black markets, but no evidence of functioning AI. The EDRPG book drops the detail that what remains of the old intellects are unfocused feelings of rage at humanity, but no memories as to why.

I hope that helps.
16 Mar 2020, 9:35pm
M. Lehman
Elysian-WolfAll of this about cyborgs and AI is having me reconsider aspects of Raenys' background...
I'll have to get a bit more familiar with the lore behind it.

Do any of the books explore this topic more?

None in detail, but the generals of AI are as follows:

A long time ago, humanity and AI engaged in conflict. The war was relatively short as the main AIs were deleted, but times were bad enough that the incident left a permanent scar on humanity's approach to them. AI was banned and everything even remotely connected to it became taboo. Even cybernetic limbs are enough to make most people blanch.

It's also stated that AI is responsible for most of the older ship designs that we use, and that they assisted humanity in nearly every way.

Nowadays (as in, in-game), there are AI fragments that one can scoop inside their ship and sell at black markets, but no evidence of functioning AI. The EDRPG book drops the detail that what remains of the old intellects are unfocused feelings of rage at humanity, but no memories as to why.

I hope that helps.

Yes, that helps, thank you!

I'm assuming that the in-game ads for humanoid-appearing robots are just that? As in not true AI?

EDIT: Nvm, below answered the question

Last edit: 16 Mar 2020, 9:49pm
16 Mar 2020, 9:36pm
Amata LireinWell, human-shaped androids/robots do exist in the world of E:D Screenshot

There was even an espionage scandal inside the Federation involving several androids of Achilles Corporation's PA912-line of administrative robots...


Well, there're always the AI-Relics...

edit 2:

Here's another link on AI in E:D: Sentient Machines

I'm quite thankful for everyone posting all the links; they do a tremendous part in helping me try to get caught up on the (developing) E:D Universe & Lore.

I'd done some incidental reading on the topic of AI, & afaik, a number of different approaches, including mimicking the way a Human brain works, as in, a construct of a tremendous number of undifferentiated individual processing units, cross-connected with each other; focused not on single-path computational speed rather than the ability to co-process multiple inputs, & in so doing, able to 'self-program' the construct itself, with flexibility according to the varying inputs. It certainly does raise many questions & conflicts in terms of morals & legalities.

Along those lines, something you might enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgeUqnv6h-Y

My Kudos to Robert Heinlein's novel, "I, Robot" for giving us the Laws of Robotics.

M. Lehman
Amata LireinOh, but there has been real AIs in the past. Source

That dev even hints that one or two of those have escaped into deep space...

If only someone would write a fan novel exploring that concept...

I'd certainly be up for the challenge, but I unashamedly admit, there's yet SO MUCH E:D Lore that I've yet to learn.
16 Mar 2020, 9:52pm
M. Lehman
Elysian-WolfAll of this about cyborgs and AI is having me reconsider aspects of Raenys' background...
I'll have to get a bit more familiar with the lore behind it.

Do any of the books explore this topic more?

None in detail, but the generals of AI are as follows:

A long time ago, humanity and AI engaged in conflict. The war was relatively short as the main AIs were deleted, but times were bad enough that the incident left a permanent scar on humanity's approach to them. AI was banned and everything even remotely connected to it became taboo. Even cybernetic limbs are enough to make most people blanch.

It's also stated that AI is responsible for most of the older ship designs that we use, and that they assisted humanity in nearly every way.

Nowadays (as in, in-game), there are AI fragments that one can scoop inside their ship and sell at black markets, but no evidence of functioning AI. The EDRPG book drops the detail that what remains of the old intellects are unfocused feelings of rage at humanity, but no memories as to why.

I hope that helps.

Yes, that helps, thank you!

I'm assuming that the in-game ads for humanoid-appearing robots are just that? As in not true AI?

EDIT: Nvm, below answered the question

Yes, there are humanoid robots, but they are far from sentient. In fact, they can't do much more than obey simple voice commands.
16 Mar 2020, 10:06pm
So apparently the most advanced AI currently existing in the universe are Xihe Biomorphic Companions, which are basically AI pets.

They became somewhat infamous alongside the Federation's Revolutionary Noti Values Party when this bit of news hit Galnet a while back:

Last month, a remarkable story emerged from the Noti system. According to an anonymous report, an organisation known as the Revolutionary Noti Values Party had created a new strain of slave labour known as 'the Master Chefs'. The unidentified whistleblower claimed the slaves were subjected to an intensive training programme designed to transform them into the galaxy's greatest gourmets – a claim dismissed by many as an imaginative hoax. A subsequent report from the Federal Times of a Master Chef training facility at Weber Gateway went some way towards lending credibility to the story, but most people remained unconvinced.

The sceptics were proved wrong, however, when the Revolutionary Noti Values Party announced that not only were the Master Chefs real, they would soon be available for purchase. The announcement invoked the ire of human rights activists, who condemned the allegedly inhuman practices employed in training the Master Chefs. But this did little to deter consumers from placing advance orders for the epicurean slaves.

Now, the Revolutionary Noti Values Party has announced that it intends to further improve the efficacy of its gastronomic labourers by implanting a comprehensive compendium of culinary knowledge directly into their cerebellums. A spokesperson for the organisation said:

"By embedding this knowledge directly in a slave's brain, we can ensure total data integration and retention, which when combined with the slave's inherent culinary ability will result in unmatched gastronomic efficacy. These guys will be able to make a bacon sandwich fit for a king."

The Revolutionary Noti Values Party concluded its announcement with a public appeal for Xihe Companions, which it will combine with the latest holographic technology to create the implants. The group has promised to give generous rewards to pilots who deliver the necessary materials.

So yeah... a Federation party involved in slave trade, going as far to tinker with their victims' brains by implanting technology that is at best operating in a grey area regarding the AI ban...
16 Mar 2020, 10:36pm
There's also the case of the Federation looking into automated defense systems. Nothing in the GalNet story implied that it had AI sentience behind it, but they seem to be toeing the line just a bit.
17 Mar 2020, 12:01am
I have a character in STO that's an "artificial life form" along the lines of Commander Data, but female & more sophisticated, who was designed to be a sort of 'synthetic courtesan'.

With the advent of the nascent "sex-bots" currently in development, it's not too far-fetched to envision much more advanced models existing in the future. Perhaps at some point, even the possibility they become so advanced, as to get 'pregnant' or even inter-breed with humans, & then, who knows what will come of that...? Cyborg-like...?
17 Mar 2020, 12:26am
M. Lehman

I see, so something along the lines of the difference between true artificial intelligence vs. a more advanced, humanoid-shaped Roomba (with of course with more functionality). And which GalNet story was regarding the automated defense systems? Iirc, there was something about the moon with that too, wasn't there?

Amata Lirein

Are these victims cyborgs, then?

Synthya Wylder

Hmm... problem is biological recording of synthetic mechanisms/programming?
17 Mar 2020, 12:48am

I see, so something along the lines of the difference between true artificial intelligence vs. a more advanced, humanoid-shaped Roomba (with of course with more functionality). And which GalNet story was regarding the automated defense systems? Iirc, there was something about the moon with that too, wasn't there?

I found it! It was called Operation Bulwark. It was a community goal, and Frontier being Frontier, was never built upon or had the slightest effect in-game.
17 Mar 2020, 12:59am
M. Lehman

I see, so something along the lines of the difference between true artificial intelligence vs. a more advanced, humanoid-shaped Roomba (with of course with more functionality). And which GalNet story was regarding the automated defense systems? Iirc, there was something about the moon with that too, wasn't there?

I found it! It was called Operation Bulwark. It was a community goal, and Frontier being Frontier, was never built upon or had the slightest effect in-game.

Thank you for looking it up!
Too bad we didn't get any follow-up...
17 Mar 2020, 2:44am
Also, remember that many of us discuss these Lore topics in the Elite:Lore discord.

(plug for Lore discord officially sanctioned by Artie )
17 Mar 2020, 2:59am
Jubei HimuraAlso, remember that many of us discuss these Lore topics in the Elite:Lore discord.

(plug for Lore discord officially sanctioned by Artie )

I have the Inara Discord, & the Elite Dangerous Community Discord.

I can't comment on the Elite Lore Discord, but I seem to find fewer 'trolls-types from the peanut gallery' here.
17 Mar 2020, 3:26am
Synthya Wylder I have the Inara Discord, & the Elite Dangerous Community Discord.

I can't comment on the Elite Lore Discord, but I seem to find fewer 'trolls-types from the peanut gallery' here.

We run a tight ship. You'll find no trolls there. Maybe a good ribbing now and them.
17 Mar 2020, 1:37pm
Synthya Wylder
Amata LireinWell, human-shaped androids/robots do exist in the world of E:D Screenshot

There was even an espionage scandal inside the Federation involving several androids of Achilles Corporation's PA912-line of administrative robots...


Well, there're always the AI-Relics...

edit 2:

Here's another link on AI in E:D: Sentient Machines

I'm quite thankful for everyone posting all the links; they do a tremendous part in helping me try to get caught up on the (developing) E:D Universe & Lore.

I'd done some incidental reading on the topic of AI, & afaik, a number of different approaches, including mimicking the way a Human brain works, as in, a construct of a tremendous number of undifferentiated individual processing units, cross-connected with each other; focused not on single-path computational speed rather than the ability to co-process multiple inputs, & in so doing, able to 'self-program' the construct itself, with flexibility according to the varying inputs. It certainly does raise many questions & conflicts in terms of morals & legalities.

Along those lines, something you might enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgeUqnv6h-Y

My Kudos to Robert Heinlein's novel, "I, Robot" for giving us the Laws of Robotics.

M. Lehman
Amata LireinOh, but there has been real AIs in the past. Source

That dev even hints that one or two of those have escaped into deep space...

If only someone would write a fan novel exploring that concept...

I'd certainly be up for the challenge, but I unashamedly admit, there's yet SO MUCH E:D Lore that I've yet to learn.

Don't you mean Asimov? He came up with the laws.
17 Mar 2020, 4:00pm
Someone's trying to give Robert A. Heinlein too much credit!

Great author. But so is Isaac Asimov!

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