It's a Diamondback Explorer. The multi-cannon is at priority 1 in the journal, and correctly shows up at priority 2 on Inara. However, when I click Export to Coriolis at the bottom of Inara's loadout page, Coriolis shows it at priority 5. The power distributor, thrusters, sensors, and heat sink launcher priorities are also exported incorrectly, showing up as 2 instead of 1. There may be more, but I stopped looking at that point.
"timestamp": "2021-09-23T02:51:18Z",
"event": "Loadout",
"Ship": "diamondbackxl",
"ShipID": 5,
"ShipName": "MAGGIE",
"ShipIdent": "TA-DE1",
"HullValue": 1373307,
"ModulesValue": 4539202,
"HullHealth": 1.000000,
"UnladenMass": 320.899994,
"CargoCapacity": 24,
"MaxJumpRange": 66.817261,
"FuelCapacity": {
"Main": 32.000000,
"Reserve": 0.520000
"Rebuy": 295628,
"Modules": [{
"Slot": "ShipCockpit",
"Item": "diamondbackxl_cockpit",
"On": true,
"Priority": 1,
"Health": 1.000000
}, {
"Slot": "CargoHatch",
"Item": "modularcargobaydoor",
"On": true,
"Priority": 4,
"Health": 1.000000
}, {
"Slot": "MediumHardpoint1",
"Item": "hpt_multicannon_gimbal_medium",
"On": true,
"Priority": 1,
"AmmoInClip": 90,
"AmmoInHopper": 2100,
"Health": 1.000000
}, {
"Slot": "MediumHardpoint2",
"Item": "hpt_beamlaser_fixed_medium",
"On": true,
"Priority": 1,
"Health": 1.000000
}, {
"Slot": "TinyHardpoint1",
"Item": "hpt_heatsinklauncher_turret_tiny",
"On": true,
"Priority": 0,
"AmmoInClip": 1,
"AmmoInHopper": 2,
"Health": 1.000000
}, {
"Slot": "TinyHardpoint3",
"Item": "hpt_cloudscanner_size0_class3",
"On": true,
"Priority": 4,
"Health": 1.000000
}, {
"Slot": "TinyHardpoint4",
"Item": "hpt_chafflauncher_tiny",
"On": true,
"Priority": 0,
"AmmoInClip": 1,
"AmmoInHopper": 10,
"Health": 1.000000
}, {
"Slot": "Armour",
"Item": "diamondbackxl_armour_grade1",
"On": true,
"Priority": 1,
"Health": 1.000000
}, {
"Slot": "PowerPlant",
"Item": "int_powerplant_size4_class5",
"On": true,
"Priority": 1,
"Health": 1.000000
}, {
"Slot": "MainEngines",
"Item": "int_engine_size4_class2",
"On": true,
"Priority": 0,
"Health": 1.000000
}, {
"Slot": "FrameShiftDrive",
"Item": "int_hyperdrive_size5_class5",
"On": true,
"Priority": 1,
"Health": 1.000000,
"Engineering": {
"Engineer": "Elvira Martuuk",
"EngineerID": 300160,
"BlueprintID": 128673694,
"BlueprintName": "FSD_LongRange",
"Level": 5,
"Quality": 1.000000,
"ExperimentalEffect": "special_fsd_heavy",
"ExperimentalEffect_Localised": "Mass Manager",
"Modifiers": [{
"Label": "Mass",
"Value": 26.000000,
"OriginalValue": 20.000000,
"LessIsGood": 1
}, {
"Label": "Integrity",
"Value": 77.279999,
"OriginalValue": 120.000000,
"LessIsGood": 0
}, {
"Label": "PowerDraw",
"Value": 0.690000,
"OriginalValue": 0.600000,
"LessIsGood": 1
}, {
"Label": "BootTime",
"Value": 2.000000,
"OriginalValue": 10.000000,
"LessIsGood": 1
}, {
"Label": "FSDOptimalMass",
"Value": 1856.399902,
"OriginalValue": 1050.000000,
"LessIsGood": 0
}, {
"Label": "FSDHeatRate",
"Value": 32.400002,
"OriginalValue": 27.000000,
"LessIsGood": 1
}, {
"Slot": "LifeSupport",
"Item": "int_lifesupport_size3_class2",
"On": true,
"Priority": 0,
"Health": 1.000000
}, {
"Slot": "PowerDistributor",
"Item": "int_powerdistributor_size3_class2",
"On": true,
"Priority": 0,
"Health": 1.000000
}, {
"Slot": "Radar",
"Item": "int_sensors_size3_class2",
"On": true,
"Priority": 0,
"Health": 1.000000
}, {
"Slot": "FuelTank",
"Item": "int_fueltank_size5_class3",
"On": true,
"Priority": 1,
"Health": 1.000000
}, {
"Slot": "Decal1",
"Item": "decal_explorer_pathfinder",
"On": true,
"Priority": 1,
"Health": 1.000000
}, {
"Slot": "Slot01_Size4",
"Item": "int_fuelscoop_size4_class5",
"On": true,
"Priority": 4,
"Health": 1.000000
}, {
"Slot": "Slot02_Size4",
"Item": "int_cargorack_size4_class1",
"On": true,
"Priority": 1,
"Health": 1.000000
}, {
"Slot": "Slot03_Size3",
"Item": "int_cargorack_size3_class1",
"On": true,
"Priority": 1,
"Health": 1.000000
}, {
"Slot": "Slot04_Size3",
"Item": "int_shieldgenerator_size3_class2",
"On": true,
"Priority": 1,
"Health": 1.000000
}, {
"Slot": "Slot05_Size2",
"Item": "int_detailedsurfacescanner_tiny",
"On": true,
"Priority": 0,
"Health": 1.000000
}, {
"Slot": "Slot06_Size2",
"Item": "int_buggybay_size2_class2",
"On": true,
"Priority": 4,
"Health": 1.000000
}, {
"Slot": "Slot07_Size1",
"Item": "int_supercruiseassist",
"On": true,
"Priority": 4,
"Health": 1.000000
}, {
"Slot": "Slot08_Size1",
"Item": "int_dockingcomputer_advanced",
"On": true,
"Priority": 4,
"Health": 1.000000
}, {
"Slot": "PlanetaryApproachSuite",
"Item": "int_planetapproachsuite",
"On": true,
"Priority": 1,
"Health": 1.000000
}, {
"Slot": "VesselVoice",
"Item": "voicepack_verity",
"On": true,
"Priority": 1,
"Health": 1.000000