Logbook entry

Hur we go again

Hmm, so, yeah, first things first, gotta get some bearings on what the hell is going on, and where I am.

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Ok, well, looks like I fell asleep in my Captian's chair again.. Funny how everybody on board respects me enough (or is too afraid) to let me just pass out and sleep where I am. Is this a good thing? Well, it ain't a bad thing. When Captain's tired, Captain sleeps, I always say.

I am still sitting here on Van Maanen I. Got the system scanned to 100%. Gotta makes sure I update the surveying database, then on to the next system.

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Just jumped into Tau Ceti. Appears to be some gourmet place here. It's called the "Tau Gourmet Production Center". Why does that seem familar? I know I must have picked or eaten their food somewhere. I cook so muich these days that other then noodle products and veggies, I don't pick much up. Though I do scarf things down. You know all that training in gastronomy, I still can't cook much things. Sure wish there was a greater variety of meals I could cook...... Oh well, Chapaguri again, lol

Tau Ceti appears to have 5 resources and 3 natural phenomena. I am not going to get more specifc unless something really catches my eye. Check the Universal Starfield Database for the info. I hate writing out all my scanning info, if you know what I mean.

Time to land and check out this so-called gourmet place. Sure would be nice to learn a new recipe or two. I mean if this is a simulation, and I am basically playing a game- you'd think a "Gourmet" center would be a place to learn at least one new recipe. Just hope this doesn't turn into another "working a shift at Xenofresh" bullshit. (Wonder if this journal program will get mad at me for swearing. I mean I do speak cuss-words fluently.)

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Ok, I'm standing here on deck. I'm looking out the window, and this place is way smaller then I thought it'd be. I bet ya there's some go get this or go save this person. There's animals and plants here to be scanned so I bet ya they're gonna want me to go find some special ingredient the can't walk their own asses to fetch. Probally because there's some monster guarding it. Did I already mention this all seems like a video game?

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Fuck, there's nobody here and the turrets are broken! I used my sense ability while I'm outside here and nothing, not one living thing is inside. Even Andreja wasn't happy about how quiet things are. Going in, proceed with caution right.....

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ok, damn, still haven't gone inside what I think is a welcome center, because as I was sneaking up top, there it was behind, in a valley, a HUGE ass factory. Much bigger than I originally thought. well, you know what they say about brain cells and Aurora, the junk flush gets rid of the addiction but does bring back your common sense. Ok, let me check this place out, then I'll update this log. I bet there's bugs here somewhere, or Spacers, same thing though.

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Well, that was a whole lotta nothing. Other than some radioactive gun, with the name Radburn etched into it, and some big Magsniper, just a couple dead bodies and barely any loot worth writing home about. I was listening over the scanner and heard some UC numbskulls talking about how the plant here is broke and I guess their sending someone to fix it, so I am outta here. I hate those UC idiots as much as I hate the pirates- same desires just different methods and both about control and hierarchy.

Phooey to all of'm, I'm just a bum with a knack for locks, an eye for science, and wind beneath my feet.

Gonna go somewhere else on the planet and set up a small scanning outpost. Be nice to get away from all the stinky shipmates...

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