today, 3:42pm
Hard stats will be given during bets testing period if you pay with arx
today, 12:01pm
Give me some sand paper and let me at it.

... a lot of sand paper. Industrial grade.

T8 will have 4 of them too afaik/as I'm told, so I think it's the size that matters. (For once, and not an inappropriate joke about body proportions this time... I know, shocker, coming from me) But the T7 only has C1 weapon slots, unless my memory is horribly off. And I don't think that there's any C1 core mining equipment (for the hardpoints).

... have they given us any kind of hard stats for the thing yet or is it just "superficial" info on how the ship will perform, without the numbers?
today, 7:27am
Type 8 is to fix a Type 7 flaw - half a meter taller than medium landing pad's hangar height. This was the only issue which stopped Type 7 being better hauler than python. The second flaw is that Type 7 have too few hard points making it not viable even as mining ship.

So yes, Kasumi is right here. However, I am not sure a Type 8 will have any chance at anything related to combat - those engines are way too exposed. Once it drops in normal space it is a slow brick with unnecessary large shield hitbox thanks to those "horns" Infront and vulnerable engines.

My guess is that it will be noob trap v2 but I am sure people will make it "good" exploration or AFK farming ship as with the v1.
What I’m saying is that - by information which I’ve heard in this thing having stupid speed along with its cargo capacity(whatever it will end up being… because it has to stand up to the almighty Python ) - it looks made to get around people trying to be in the way of someone doing the cargo thingy for Powerplay. Especially for medium pad hauling with those outpost-only systems.

… will it replace a Cutter or T9? Probably not, but it occupies a different niche than just brute forcing as those two do (and as elegant as a hauler can get). I’m sure people will also find creative ways to use the ship outside of the “intended” role. Just like some people have killed Hydras with small ships.

All just theory until it gets to that point anyway. And the design philosophy, if I am right about it, will probably also eventually meet “Go to PG/solo”. Not that I’ll be one partaking in powerplay - that’ll be someone else’s thing.
today, 6:15am
It's only Sunday morning (and a very early one) and people are already getting mad about pixels, because somebody else had the audacity not to share their love for a particular bunch of pixels, or whatever. This show never ends. :p

Did you mean the visuals, or the internals? I doubt it's going to replace T9's and Cutters in cash earning though. Unless it has a gigantic cargo capacity... In that case, by the rule of min/maxing, it should replace them completely and instantly, lol, at least in cargo hauling.
Whatever I did to sour your morning cereal? That was coming from out of nowhere and your aggressive barking up the tree because somebody else dropped an apple with a comment about the ships being made to earn money - to which I simply commented it’s enough to provide an early access period where you pay for them, no need to tie extra features to the package - is also quite uncalled for.

If I “hated this game” as you seem to imply(even though I’m perfectly happy to throw down some for cosmetics every now and then), I wouldn’t be on this here forum playing it (a lot of days), having fun with it, and spending a fair amount of time writing RP stories for it. Also, I don’t know, bought the game twice to have an alt account.

… as for your snapping around about free ARX and telling me to bark off, those “free ARX” get used every once in a while. So unless you’ve been stockpiling them for a year - starting from 0 ARX, you’re looking at 41 weeks of it for the early access, assuming the pricing point for the early access ships remains the same.

What I pointed out was - the design looks like it is very much being done with a certain focus to the Powerplay rework, not just to be cash earners… with my usual manner of saying things, which apparently steps on your toes for absolutely no reason. You haven’t seen me go off the rails because you have an interest in the ship that’s currently in the early access period and keep mentioning it and how it’s about “supporting the devs”.

My mental and tooth health are also fine, contrary to your baseless internet assumptions with no knowledge about my real life situation. Nothing is immune to criticism and personal preferences still exist even when the thing talking is digital avatars with real people behind it. Whereas you seem to take other people not liking things in a meaningless virtual sphere like a personal insult.

If you want to take issue at someone claiming the whole thing is just being done to rake in cash(which I don’t agree with as a claim and also… don’t really even care about, positively or negatively), look at the post above mine which you quoted.

And it’s not even like what I said is untrue. Frontier are throwing out the Titans for the latest thing in their playbook, and as someone who is interested in the Thergoid story arc, just seeing it unceremoniously shoved aside gets on my nerve quite a bit too. Because they’ve pretty much stopped providing the story that actually made following it worthwhile, up to this point, for about three months.

I really shouldn’t be having to do this kind of writeup at 8 AM in the morning after four and a half hours of sleep, sheesh.
today, 5:26am
The problem with the Python MK II is that she is equipped with Class 6 Power Plant and Power Distributor like the FDL or Mamba, but the ship herself is 200t heavier, in fact, not the same class, she seats between them and the Corvette with ton less shielding capacity.

This T 8 should offer a good alternative to those who don't want to buy an Imperial Cutter especially for mining, I have one (Imperial Cutter) and rarely use it, for mining the Python MK I is even better suited, since I don't spend hours mining she has enough internal capacities at least for me.

What I hope we will have with the Type 8, is a fighter bay.

Type 8

today, 5:11am
You're starting to p*** me off with your insult, if you don't like this game just bugger off somewhere else and stop spitting your venom over here, you contribute nothing but negativity to the debate, how many of the ship you bashed up did you posses?

You need mental health help or a good dentist.

Do you refund the free ARX you're given? If no just shut the bark off.
So, I guess, it is once again that time where I get to say…

I really wish people didn’t feel the need to spam a dozen entries all at the same time to flood the main page with and obscure the works of those who don’t write five things a day(or actually don’t have a backlog of 5,000 things pre-written/wait to post one at a time every 2-3 days).
“Could, not be a distress call. I don’t think, anyway.”, I replied. “Whatever it is… I have never heard. May just be another of their secret things… that has gone wrong. Or there would not be a message about how it is ‘compromised’.”

I looked at navigation. Getting close… then there was a megaship as the transport ship dropped out of supercruise.

“But, maybe it is to be figured out later. Do this first, and then …”

I couldn’t deny feeling kind of nervous, about this one. I was nice and cozied up by the small outpost, which helped, but here… I was stuck right in it, whether I liked it or not. Though, as long as I didn’t need to try squeezing into any ordinary uniforms to try selling a disguise, it wasn’t as bad as it could be.

Still, said nervousness made me check if that data pad had any location transponders. Just in case - it squawking to some Azimuth system on the other end, from a distinctly non-Azimuth ship, wouldn’t be particularly practical to trying to sneak around one of their megaships.
"No idea what else you get up to…“ I retorted with a smirk, my voice dripping with mischief as I nudged the ship's course just a hair to the right. The thrusters roared to life, propelling us to jump speed with a satisfying surge.

"AZB sure sounds like Azimuth Biotech to me. But 'Helix'? That doesn't ring any bells. The repetition smells like an automated message - maybe from a beacon… What's tickling my brain is that this message doesn't have any location details. Doesn't seem like a distress call. What's your take?"

By now, we'd closed in on our target, and I smoothly initiated the braking sequence. It wouldn't be long before we'd cozy up close enough to Musashi that their flight control would be hailing us.
yesterday, 9:10pm
Would definitely be down for a Skyrim series.
“Who said… I was only naughty, today?”

Though, that was enough silliness for the moment. I got back to monitoring the comms, and as we were leaving the settlement, then planet, behind us… something else popped up. Encrypted, but that was taken care of quite quickly.

“Hm. Your systems, they caught a thing, about a… ‘compromised Helix’. And it has ‘AZB’ with it too… Azimuth, probably. But the transmission does not seem new. What do you think, it is?”
"As naughty as you are today, that's probably enough for a whole treasure fleet.." I said with a laugh.

Then I opened the cockpit shutters and established comms with the local tower.

"Control, this is the Gullveig requesting clearance for takeoff."

The tower responded promptly, "Gullveig, this is Control. You are clear for systems check. Proceed when ready."

I moved my hands with practiced ease over the console, my gaze focused on the array of lights and data screens. "Systems green across the board, Control. Ready for departure."

"Copy that, Gullveig. Disengage landing protocols and initiate thrusters. You have the green light for takeoff."

Our spaceship vibrated gently as it detached from the landing pad. "Landing protocols disengaged. Thrusters are go. Taking off now."

"Safe journey, Gullveig."

The tower's voice faded into the background as our ship ascended, leaving the landing pad and then the planet behind, setting course for the Azimuth mega ship.
yesterday, 3:14pm
Is there anywhere a listing of voice actors in the game? I would swear that the woman with the Manchester accent in the traffic control is Daphne from Frasier (Jane Leeves) and the French lady in my carrier is Leliana.
yesterday, 3:05pm
I’m just saying that their core features (aside from SCO - think of that what you want …) are seemingly made in mind with the Powerplay rework. This hauler, for instance, apparently has lots of speed and cargo capacity. Sound like blockade runner much?

The money aspect… just making them early access for ARX when there hasn’t been any new ships for years would do it alone.
yesterday, 2:55pm
Actually, they are designing them to get cash. Nothing stopped them for actually make SCO behave in similar matter or even make it normal function to existing FSD.

And don't let me even started for their design choices.
I am not sure about the war daily results as it's the internal game mechanics, but I guess that somebody else may have been doing actions against yours and that's why it ended in a draw. In any case, the stats values like a number of settlements assaulted/defended will get increased by the game after the conflict is resolved and then you should see the proper numbers in the in-game Codex (and imported into your stats on Inara).

Hello, the general search is what it is - just a general search. For getting the nearest FCs (DSSA or not) it's best to use the Nearest stations search. Assuming you have your data/journal imported, it should take your current position as a point of reference (doesn't matter if the star system itself is in the database or not) or you can set the galactic region you are in as a more general location reference. It will then list the nearest FCs, including their distance and general direction.
yesterday, 12:35pm
So far, these ships scream “Muh Powerplay 2.0” to me. If you’ll believe they are designing new ship variants for new human stupidity.

… yes, I don’t really have a particularly high opinion on that thing, since so far the Titan atory has been getting shoved aside rather unceremoniously and without the narrative that even kept it vaguely interesting in the first place.
yesterday, 10:35am
This is just what I've been waiting for , a sizeable cargo that can use outposts -

Also my fingers are crossed for a reasonable choice of internals.
Currently using a MK4 Cobra as an exploration ship in the black, because it's the only one I can use for detailed mapping AND some mining capability when I come across those pristine ring hotspots. Trouble is the cargo capacity.

Previously I was using an Asp for the explore - , but if I found anything worth mining I had to nip back to the carrier and switch to my Python MK1 miner.
It's just so much more efficient to be able to do it all with one vessel, so just maybe the T8 can also be adapted for this.

Sadly though if there is going to be focus on the defense capability I think it will likely be the same situation as the Python MK2 with reduced internals , albeit some might be class 6 or 5's.
yesterday, 9:41am
I mean, your money, your choice(s). I personally just wouldn’t see a huge point in throwing it out there for a ship I have no interest in (or couldn’t immediately justify the purchase for).

Yes I dare. takes appropriate posture and puts on matching expression
yesterday, 3:13am
Frankly, I'd rather spend my game budget into new E.D ships than throw it to War Gaming for Premium Gaming, I uninstalled WoW completely btw.

I need Haulers, if only to transfer Tritium from the Carrier to its tanks (Type 7 all the way to Colonia and back plus system honking), I also occasionally buy it to replenish my reserves after an exploration trip, so I'll have no problem buying new ships including this one.
yesterday, 1:17am
yesterday, 12:55am
Considering the Type 7 is basically obsolete in the current standing of the game, unless you have an unhealthy love for what is almost literally a brick with thrusters (and Canonn say calling the Type 7 a brick is an insult to the brick, quite hilariously), that can’t be a bad thing.

Given that I am not much of a hauler, I’m not sure I’d be able to justify that one, however. Certainly not for ARX, and I doubt that Thargoid rescue operations will necessarily still stick around long enough (in the current fashion) for this to become useful in that regard.

… that is assuming the remaining Titans are thrown down the flusher within the next… month, maybe two. If not, I guess there’s going to be a magic anti-Titan switch thrown by Frontier or they make the surviving one(s) leave… not quite of their own accord.

Regardless, I’m eyeing this one cautiously, unlike the strong disinterest I had in the Python knockoff trying to be an FDL(and possibly not very good at it, certainly where the visuals are concerned …).
31 May 2024, 11:48pm
Replacing my Type 7 with this one would be a good idea...