Elite: Game talk

09 May 2024, 11:55am
So did everyone and their mothers bought the Python mk2 or just the boomers?

I updated the client yesterday and logged in but I couldn't find desire to leave the landing pad and fly around and check.
09 May 2024, 12:15pm
Do you want to hear a very, very sad story about a naïve cmdr who thought that he was capable of turning toad into the princess. I bought Stellar version of PMKII for the only reason of having 5A FSD with super cruise boost and hoping to replace the modules which came with Stellar with my own ones fully engineered. The first wake up call was that cmdr can't store pre-built modules except selling them for "0". So I accepted it as long as I have my 5A FSD, the rest have no value for me anyway. The second wake up call was much more severe, I tried to replace Stellar's 4D unengineered HRP for my own GR5 Heavy Duty one, I sold stock HRP and click to mount my own. It blinked for a second in the slot and then disappeared. I though it is a glitch and I just need to repeat the procedure. To my dismay my HRP was not in the storage anymore, it evaporated completely. I reported it to FD and they hinted that I never had it because their logs are not showing that it was sold. I did not sell it, I was installing it into the slot where the stock was before. To me the guarding script to keep their pre-built ships unmodified treats new modules as being sold if you sold the stock one. Don't buy pre-built ships, they are ugly toads.
09 May 2024, 2:31pm
Shg56 Don't buy pre-built ships, they are ugly toads.

I'd much rather have an ugly toad of my own design. It may be ugly and toady, but the only person I can blame for it is me.
09 May 2024, 3:14pm
Faizawhat determines how much a station/system will pay for missions?

i thought that i needed to build up my reputation in order to get high pay/high risk missions, so i've been pretty much stay local to one system and not moving on until i've maxed out reputation with each group to get higher paying rewards.

Rewards do scale with reputation, but there are also other, possibly hidden variables that determine base rewards. FDev folks posted some info to the official forums in the past, but I have not bookmarked it and right now I can’t be bothered trying to find it.

Faizabut i came across a system in the past day that seems to give unusually high payouts for ground missions. For example, I just accepted a lvl 5 takedown quest that is neither covert nor professional - the rewards are 2.6mil CR/10 power regulators/5 reputation ticks. My reputation is neutral with everyone though. All of the missions seem to be in the lvl 4 or 5 range with odd payouts.

10 power regulators, just wow.
Two explanations that come to my mind:
  1. The system was in some very special state (not necessarily visible otherwise) that resulted in such extravagant payouts.
  2. The system’s BGS was bugged (and has probably corrected itself since). This is especially likely if it was shortly after an update.
09 May 2024, 3:35pm
@Shg56 I presume you did try relogging, and it did not make the HRP reappear in the storage.
(I’ve had instances of outfitting bugs that were fixed by relogging, e.g. an Overcharged power plant appearing to turn into a (second) Armoured one.)
09 May 2024, 3:43pm
Sampi Ogonek@Shg56 I presume you did try relogging, and it did not make the HRP reappear in the storage

Of course, I did relog. It vanished without a trace. FD insists that I am delusional, I never had one at ISLA... FD is the thee best

Last edit: 09 May 2024, 5:37pm
09 May 2024, 4:03pm
CephalosIs there any squadron that dedicates themselves to murdering innocents only? looking to join one of those

I am completely innocent. Come and kill me! You don't need a squadron for that. Just some weaponry. And luck. Lots of luck.
09 May 2024, 4:13pm
Hey there.
I've found a bug where with the Type 10 we're not able to launch prospector limpets if going straight and between 55 and 75 ms , no matter cargo scoop state. I've submitted it to Frontier's Issue Tracker. The prospector instantly dies, like when you move the ship while launching it and crash it. The problem is, ship stays straight.
I guess that if some of you goes and confirms it, it will be more under attention. It is honestly incredibly frustrating lol as I mostly find myself exactly at that speed when launching prospectors, and I'm ready to bet I'm not the only one.

Here's the link to the issue https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/64520
I hope someone will take the time to test \ confirm it!
09 May 2024, 5:14pm
Faizaokay im back with more questions

what determines how much a station/system will pay for missions?

In the case of Passenger missions I'm sure Reputation and Influence have some to do with it.

From Robigo Mines, since my Reputation is now high, I get more passengers paying 5 mil + per runs, in average 20 million + per run which is almost double what you can expect if you're new to the Station.

Robigo Mines is a Medium Landing Pad Outpost and if you play in Solo Mode there is no risk for interdiction, but you need to watch for passengers asking to "Kill enemies" and debark them, if you don't they'll interdict you and shoot at you, even if you don't get killed, you'll loose your contracts because of scanning.

Knowing that, I optimized my Python with no shields to get one extra Passenger cabin, all you need is a 30 LY jump range.
09 May 2024, 5:59pm
Sampi Ogonek
Faizawhat determines how much a station/system will pay for missions?

i thought that i needed to build up my reputation in order to get high pay/high risk missions, so i've been pretty much stay local to one system and not moving on until i've maxed out reputation with each group to get higher paying rewards.

Rewards do scale with reputation, but there are also other, possibly hidden variables that determine base rewards. FDev folks posted some info to the official forums in the past, but I have not bookmarked it and right now I can’t be bothered trying to find it.

Faizabut i came across a system in the past day that seems to give unusually high payouts for ground missions. For example, I just accepted a lvl 5 takedown quest that is neither covert nor professional - the rewards are 2.6mil CR/10 power regulators/5 reputation ticks. My reputation is neutral with everyone though. All of the missions seem to be in the lvl 4 or 5 range with odd payouts.

10 power regulators, just wow.
Two explanations that come to my mind:
  1. The system was in some very special state (not necessarily visible otherwise) that resulted in such extravagant payouts.
  2. The system’s BGS was bugged (and has probably corrected itself since). This is especially likely if it was shortly after an update.

Yes! it was the 10 power regulators that made me stop and think..."yeaaaaaaa this isn't normal haha."

It also wasn't a bug (which I was afraid of) I did receive the regulators.

I'm going to do my damnedest to pin down what causes this because it's too consistent to simply be RNG I think (and I need more regulators haha).
09 May 2024, 6:10pm
Python II Info:

Now that I have engineered a fair part of her, I figured her Achilles' heel is the 6A POWER DISTRIBUTOR, it is too small compared to the Krait MK II 7A and forces you to loose boost to gain Weapon Recharge by engineering it, as it is, it cannot sustain firing a fixed 3C BEAM LASER and two fixed 1E BEAM LASER simultaneously with all PIP on Weapons and the lasers are not even fully Engineered.

The 3C BEAM LASER will cut off and it's annoying, especially because I have another issue which is an over-sensitive controller in the YAW axis, I find this ship twitchy in Yaw and there is no way I can mitigate this without an app with curves (if anyone know of a good one...).

In short, weaponry CAN be very good compared to my Krait MK II but the 6A Power Distributor is a clear limitation the Krait doesn't have, so when they claim the Python MK II was designed for combat, I have some reservations.

Other than that, it's rather good and if you use a less power hungry fit, you'll be OK.

Last edit: 09 May 2024, 7:20pm
09 May 2024, 6:11pm
Faiza I'm going to do my damnedest to pin down what causes this because it's too consistent to simply be RNG I think (and I need more regulators haha).

You could always take restore missions that give you a regulator to install and then abandon the mission. The mission's regulator stays in your inventory, so paying the 100K fine for abandoning the mission is essentially like paying a 100K for a regulator. Good for when you only need a few more regulators to upgrade a suit.
09 May 2024, 6:17pm
Vasil Vasilescu
Faiza I'm going to do my damnedest to pin down what causes this because it's too consistent to simply be RNG I think (and I need more regulators haha).

You could always take restore missions that give you a regulator to install and then abandon the mission. The mission's regulator stays in your inventory, so paying the 100K fine for abandoning the mission is essentially like paying a 100K for a regulator. Good for when you only need a few more regulators to upgrade a suit.

Those also only spawn under certain conditions right? I actually haven't seen one of those since I was 15 or 20 hours in to the game.

Besides, if I do that the the virtual people will get mad at me and send nasty letters to my inbox lol. My suit doesn't have the "resistance to criticism from video game npcs" engineering on it
09 May 2024, 6:18pm
I'm gonna (Carrier) Jump to HIP 36601 to try this Raw material method, I equiped my Imperial Cutter for the purpose...

39mn between jumps, it's worth the wait because my Cutter doesn't have the jump range to get there faster but damn...

Last edit: 09 May 2024, 6:38pm
09 May 2024, 6:23pm
Faiza[quote=Vasil Vasilescu][quote=Faiza] Besides, if I do that the the virtual people will get mad at me and send nasty letters to my inbox lol. My suit doesn't have the "resistance to criticism from video game npcs" engineering on it

On the plus side, it usually only takes a mission or two for them to forgive and forget that you are taking their regulators.

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