Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
26 Dec 2015, 1:44pm
MetZwergmake a suggestion....

Isn't this where we make feature request? :p
26 Dec 2015, 1:56pm
Imagination is without boundary they say....
26 Dec 2015, 2:16pm
CoragonImagination is without boundary they say....

Hmmm, I guess that's why I want make my out custom Voice Attack AI voice. It will only add to the imagination!
26 Dec 2015, 4:35pm
Synthorian Hmmm, I guess that's why I want make my out custom Voice Attack AI voice. It will only add to the imagination!

since Hal i don´t like space-ships to talk.......
26 Dec 2015, 5:16pm
dunno, I really like the default spanish TTS voice for windows
26 Dec 2015, 5:34pm
Mila Strelokdunno, I really like the default spanish TTS voice for windows

I'm surprised Voice Attack even works with a non-english Windows.
26 Dec 2015, 5:46pm
windows 7 has speech recognition on many languages, but TTS only in english, I had to "patch" it to be able TTS on spanish

The original post where it explains how to do it is deleted, so here is a copy for anyone interested:

Last edit: 26 Dec 2015, 5:53pm
26 Dec 2015, 6:12pm
OliviaVesperaThank you Inara, sorry to ask, but could we perhaps have more roleplay locations? also where is the galactic bar located? which system/station?

I would also like to see these! Even a few dedicated In-Character roleplay channels in the Discord app would be good for me!

Last edit: 26 Dec 2015, 6:19pm
26 Dec 2015, 6:35pm
AkadoHey everyone, I can't seem to get my .log files to upload in "My Flight Logs." I tried to drag and drop a .log file and it just
opens It. I then tried to click on the find file and it can't seem to see my .log files or my .zip file with the .log file Inside.

Any ideas?

If you are using Internet Explorer, I recommend to click here to select files instead. Drag&drop doesn't work very well in IE...

OliviaVesperaThank you Inara, sorry to ask, but could we perhaps have more roleplay locations? also where is the galactic bar located? which system/station?

I didn't wanted to set specific location to keep it more "universal" place, but if there should be any specific spot, then Citi Gateway in Inara system is the right place.
But, we can also scrap whole bar theme and keep the thread opened to everything, it was just initial idea.

Nova Cassidy
I would also like to see these! Even a few dedicated In-Character roleplay channels in the Discord app would be good for me!

There is channel created on our Discord, so RP stuff can take place here. If it will be too much crowded, there is no problem to create additional channels for it...

Last edit: 26 Dec 2015, 6:45pm
26 Dec 2015, 7:17pm
OliviaVesperaThank you Inara, sorry to ask, but could we perhaps have more roleplay locations? also where is the galactic bar located? which system/station?

I didn't wanted to set specific location to keep it more "universal" place, but if there should be any specific spot, then Citi Gateway in Inara system is the right place.
But, we can also scrap whole bar theme and keep the thread opened to everything, it was just initial idea.

I wouldn't scrap the whole bar theme. As  a long time user of RP chat systems, I've always find some sort of location is greatly beneficial. RP is made easier when everyone knows where they are. As far as locations go, a bar is a good place. Many pilots would find themselves visiting one when not working. It's a great way for many different people with different lifestyles to meet.  

As far the dedicated in-character roleplay channels I mentioned, I was more referring to a channel that's mostly in-character only. While I haven't been using it long, the rp channel seems to mostly be out of character discussion about RP rather than actually RPing. In the past I've found an Out Of Character channel and an In-Character channel work well.

Last edit: 26 Dec 2015, 7:32pm
26 Dec 2015, 7:22pm
Nova Cassidy
OliviaVesperaThank you Inara, sorry to ask, but could we perhaps have more roleplay locations? also where is the galactic bar located? which system/station?

I didn't wanted to set specific location to keep it more "universal" place, but if there should be any specific spot, then Citi Gateway in Inara system is the right place.
But, we can also scrap whole bar theme and keep the thread opened to everything, it was just initial idea.

I wouldn't scrap the whole bar theme. As along time user of RP chat systems, I've always find some sort of location is greatly beneficial. RP is made easier when everyone knows where they are. As far as locations go, a bar is a good place. Many pilots would find themselves visiting one when not working. It's a great way for many different people with different lifestyles to meet.

As far the dedicated in-character roleplay channels I mentioned, I was more referring to a channel that's mostly in-character only. While I haven't been using it long, the rp channel seems to mostly be out of character discussion about RP rather than actually RPing. In the past I've found an Out Of Character channel and an In-Character channel work well.

This girl here knows what's up. I'm a play-by-post forum RPer myself and that works in a similar light. Having an OOC and an actual RP only channel would be beneficial for your Discord.
27 Dec 2015, 12:18am
At the very least, you'll want an IC/OOC discussion. IC can be kept in a bar, for sure.
27 Dec 2015, 2:35am
IC/OOC ?!?

could you tell me what that means?
i´m german.... and mybe a little too old....
27 Dec 2015, 3:09am
MetZwergIC/OOC ?!?

could you tell me what that means?
i´m german.... and mybe a little too old....

In-Character: Refers to how you would respond as the character you're pretending to be; roleplaying.

Out-Of-Character: Used when responding as your real self, or discussing things outside of roleplay.
27 Dec 2015, 3:24am
hmm no big difference....

i´m used to pen & paper roleplay......
you know.... face to face.......

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