Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
27 Dec 2015, 3:54am
ArtieI didn't wanted to set specific location to keep it more "universal" place, but if there should be any specific spot, then Citi Gateway in Inara system is the right place.
But, we can also scrap whole bar theme and keep the thread opened to everything, it was just initial idea.

Citi gateway in the inara systemXD, I love it! Now the bar is great as a setting but it's a good idea to keep locations separate because it is difficult to keep track of who's where when there's more than two roleplayers. Having separate channels/room, "Physical" spaces helps.

Here's what i was thinking:
The Pilot's Market
There are many shopping districts on the station, but the one place that every station would have is a pilot's market. Everything that a pilot may need is sold within these of shops. Or so the locals claim as they pocket your credits. The atmosphere is loud, roudy and the air is filled with bickering and heated haggling.

The station administration warns all pilots that all transactions in the pilot's market  is not protected by the Bank of Zaonce or Citi Gateway

The Starport Docks
This is where the pilots initially enter into the station. Here pilots can communicate with the Starport traffic controllers and ground crew, request repairs, outfitting, pay taxes and levies. The Starport docks is a desolate tarmac low gravity environment punctuated by continual public announcements

The Station Living Districts
Here lies the living quarters of all the station crew and inhabitants. As space is a premium, purchase of an apartment is a pricey and highly bureaucratic affair and are rarely successfully sold to out-of-system registered pilots.

The districts can be as rundown or as pristine depending on where one ventures.

The Garden Ring
If there was a peaceful area of the station, this would be where it is. Nature abundant, 1G, and a black sky above with the core starport hanging above. The gardens are when the majority of the station's subsistence food is grown. Some of the locals like to take long walks all around the ring for fitness. There is vegetation and some basic bio-diversity to support crop and pastoral farming so there may be insect sounds and perhaps birds. This is where you want to go if you want to be surrounded by nature.

The Galactic Bar
We all came from the galactic bar. And it could definitely use some character. It's up to the roleplayers, I think since it's a released location.

Now i don't expect it to be done. But these were my ideas.

With all of this being said, I'm glad we at least have the bar. There aren't many places out there to roleplay elite dangerous.
Edit: just realised I messed the formatting. now sorted.

Last edit: 28 Dec 2015, 3:02pm
27 Dec 2015, 11:23am
XeknosAt the very least, you'll want an IC/OOC discussion. IC can be kept in a bar, for sure.

OliviaVespera Now the bar is great as a setting but it's a good idea to keep locations separate because it is difficult to keep track of who's where when there's more than two roleplayers. Having separate channels/room, "Physical" spaces helps.

Here's what i was thinking:...

Good ideas! I will add some additional rooms today. Let's start in small to not scatter discussion between various places too much, but additional rooms may be added later...
27 Dec 2015, 12:56pm
XeknosAt the very least, you'll want an IC/OOC discussion. IC can be kept in a bar, for sure.

OliviaVespera Now the bar is great as a setting but it's a good idea to keep locations separate because it is difficult to keep track of who's where when there's more than two roleplayers. Having separate channels/room, "Physical" spaces helps.

Here's what i was thinking:...

Good ideas! I will add some additional rooms today. Let's start in small to not scatter discussion between various places too much, but additional rooms may be added later...

All of this sounds quite lovely to be honest. I've been curious about starting up some roleplaying as well. Mostly from inspiration by the great quality role-play others have provided here and there. Some mentions would be OliviaVespera, Synthorian and Nova Cassidy to mention a few.
My lack of doing this earlier is to be honest due to fear that I'll fail in providing the immersive feel only good RP can provide.
I used to role-play a long time ago. Even did some LARPing before the wife and child.
I have some pretty high standards on myself and I am quite uninformed about the Elite universe lore and role-play apart from what I've seen other CMDRs write.
If anyone is willing to help out a former role-player with some tips and ideas how to get myself started and immersed in the lore.
Feel free to contact me one way or another. It'd be greatly appreciated.
27 Dec 2015, 1:43pm
James Wolfheart
All of this sounds quite lovely to be honest. I've been curious about starting up some roleplaying as well. Mostly from inspiration by the great quality role-play others have provided here and there. Some mentions would be OliviaVespera, Synthorian and Nova Cassidy to mention a few.
My lack of doing this earlier is to be honest due to fear that I'll fail in providing the immersive feel only good RP can provide.
I used to role-play a long time ago. Even did some LARPing before the wife and child.
I have some pretty high standards on myself and I am quite uninformed about the Elite universe lore and role-play apart from what I've seen other CMDRs write.
If anyone is willing to help out a former role-player with some tips and ideas how to get myself started and immersed in the lore.
Feel free to contact me one way or another. It'd be greatly appreciated.

*Tips glass of water at the honorable mention.*
27 Dec 2015, 10:13pm
XeknosAt the very least, you'll want an IC/OOC discussion. IC can be kept in a bar, for sure.

OliviaVespera Now the bar is great as a setting but it's a good idea to keep locations separate because it is difficult to keep track of who's where when there's more than two roleplayers. Having separate channels/room, "Physical" spaces helps.

Here's what i was thinking:...

Good ideas! I will add some additional rooms today. Let's start in small to not scatter discussion between various places too much, but additional rooms may be added later...

Sounds good!

James Wolfheart
All of this sounds quite lovely to be honest. I've been curious about starting up some roleplaying as well. Mostly from inspiration by the great quality role-play others have provided here and there. Some mentions would be OliviaVespera, Synthorian and Nova Cassidy to mention a few.

27 Dec 2015, 10:22pm
I'm definitely with OliviaVespera on the locations. The ones she has outlined sound great.
28 Dec 2015, 12:09am
Any chance of a ship wish list? One that takes your build along with the credits necessary to build and holds the value on a separate list in the my credits section to tell you how many days of grinding it'll take to buy and insure it?
28 Dec 2015, 12:20am
Jonathon KnightAny chance of a ship wish list? One that takes your build along with the credits necessary to build and holds the value on a separate list in the my credits section to tell you how many days of grinding it'll take to buy and insure it?

That would be an interesting feature.
28 Dec 2015, 12:25am
Jonathon KnightAny chance of a ship wish list? One that takes your build along with the credits necessary to build and holds the value on a separate list in the my credits section to tell you how many days of grinding it'll take to buy and insure it?

That is something I can definitely get behind.
28 Dec 2015, 12:51am
Jonathon KnightAny chance of a ship wish list? One that takes your build along with the credits necessary to build and holds the value on a separate list in the my credits section to tell you how many days of grinding it'll take to buy and insure it?

That is something I can definitely get behind.

There's already a similar feature on the My Credit's page

You'll have to work out the costs yourself though, but you can use for price checking.
28 Dec 2015, 12:53am
Oh true. I should be more observant. ED Shipyard is also pretty good for working out your builds.
28 Dec 2015, 1:38am
For the future in adition of the Inare wing TAB a Multicrew ship tab.

To create and train your own ships crew.
28 Dec 2015, 4:30am
Jonathon KnightAny chance of a ship wish list? One that takes your build along with the credits necessary to build and holds the value on a separate list in the my credits section to tell you how many days of grinding it'll take to buy and insure it? will hold your build and you can set the 'days til you reach X credits" on your CMDRs Log.
28 Dec 2015, 9:06am
LordpsymonOh true. I should be more observant. ED Shipyard is also pretty good for working out your builds.

I prefer Coriolis faaaaaaaaaaaaaar more than ED Shipyard
28 Dec 2015, 9:51am
Mila Strelok
LordpsymonOh true. I should be more observant. ED Shipyard is also pretty good for working out your builds.

I prefer Coriolis faaaaaaaaaaaaaar more than ED Shipyard

Same. I love the layout. It's easy to visualise everything. Truly excelent polish. ED Shipyard is the original, and a fine tool, but it doesn't help me to visualise the ship as I outfit it.

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