Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
13 Oct 2023, 9:45am
All the little things... And none of em more than a day's work.
14 Oct 2023, 4:04pm
Hi Artie,
a request: In the outfitting search, could you please add an option to search for any of the items, rather than the default all of them? This would really help when searching for pre-upgraded personal equipment, as it appears that there are only four Pioneer Supplies stock types in the game (long-range, short-range, plasma, everything), but all Inara has right now is the purchase history, not the actual stock.

(As you may recall, I suggested some time ago to include the above assumption in the search, but you said the existing observations were not convincing enough for you. Well, in that case, why not augment the search to let people make assumptions based on the observations? )
14 Oct 2023, 11:23pm
The database is awesome!
One minor improvement requested:
When looking at the info for a planet or moon, it would help if "domesticable" was flagged for flora & fauna. This could be done with "(d)", a colored font, an "*", or some other shorthand.

Again, thanks for the comprehensive go-to for Starfield! It's the only info source that warranted adding to my favorites.
15 Oct 2023, 7:28am
I was searching for 3 types / sizes of passenger cabins and found some stations that had them. I was unable to sort the results; wanted to see updated times newest first.
Should I be able to?
15 Oct 2023, 2:13pm
User432198The database is awesome!
One minor improvement requested:
When looking at the info for a planet or moon, it would help if "domesticable" was flagged for flora & fauna. This could be done with "(d)", a colored font, an "*", or some other shorthand.

Again, thanks for the comprehensive go-to for Starfield! It's the only info source that warranted adding to my favorites.

Actually, I had something in progress already and it's live now (I may add some icon to the resource tag later on, as it requires some internal changes). Thanks for the feedback!

Evil DazeI was searching for 3 types / sizes of passenger cabins and found some stations that had them. I was unable to sort the results; wanted to see updated times newest first.
Should I be able to?

Yeah, there is no sort as the outfitting is fairly static - pick anything that was updated relatively recently, it should be there. The only problem is that people sometimes may not see the modules that should be there (the game is reporting them) and nobody knows exactly why and there doesn't matter if the station was updated a minute ago or yesterday. So in general, anything remotely recent will work with that exception mentioned.

Sampi OgonekHi Artie,
a request: In the outfitting search, could you please add an option to search for any of the items, rather than the default all of them? This would really help when searching for pre-upgraded personal equipment, as it appears that there are only four Pioneer Supplies stock types in the game (long-range, short-range, plasma, everything), but all Inara has right now is the purchase history, not the actual stock.

(As you may recall, I suggested some time ago to include the above assumption in the search, but you said the existing observations were not convincing enough for you. Well, in that case, why not augment the search to let people make assumptions based on the observations?)

Yeah, the data for determining the vendor item pools weren't sufficient, but I will think about that AND/OR switch, thanks for the suggestion.
16 Oct 2023, 8:03pm
I've found a number of Surface Stations that do not appear on here or turn up in searches. The latest one is Marinov's Find in system HIP 54040
17 Oct 2023, 1:58am
the systems are first setup with starports and outposts.
making almost any programs life easy with 1 to maybe 30 stations.

my home system had 21 stations.
Horizons released and that nearly doubled
edo released and it went up by over 100..
and there is nothing in the logs for output for easy accounting of edo settlements.
I have no idea about the existing programs that people use, but mine requires that I land near a settlement in order to capture its info for my db.

that was more than overwhelming at first and for me, a BGS player and I still have more than 2/3's to actually land at and log them.
Or steal the info from Inara or at one time, eddb..
my actual home planetary station was not recorded on eddb or inara for more than 5 years.
Interestingly the system was traveled through and scanned and eddb and inara updated almost daily the entire 5 years..
but always missed 2 stations.
It takes a lot of cmdrs to contribute by using one of the prgs.
I used a prg to rip the names from screenshots for 3 of my systems, then ignored it forever till I actually land near one.

only saying because I don't quite see it as a bug. and I am grateful the game does not include them in the fssdiscovery.
the game already sends me lists of all my ships every time I use a map or enter a shipyard.
and the fssdiscovery is a similar with too many carriers and they all get listed, like flying into a bowl of jello. and thanks to the sad little streams of data I dont want, now choppy jello, till its finished.
And fssdiscovery runs more than when you just enter the system.
I have over 400 i go make a coffee while I wait...
really do NOT want another 30 to over 100 items added to the little server stream

keep on mapping them....
17 Oct 2023, 1:40pm
Rattus MetallicusI've found a number of Surface Stations that do not appear on here or turn up in searches. The latest one is Marinov's Find in system HIP 54040

Thats why Hutton Truckes have a event to discover all the data using EDMC.
If you go to the First Mug/Gin Sellers, you can see the Rankings for players that discovered new settlements that don't exist in the fan database.

Inara or the fans don't know how many settlements exist until somebody go here running third party apps that share the data.

Are you using EDMC/EDDiscovery? thats how you update those settlements, not asking Inara dev for each of the 300000 new settlements included in Odyssey.
17 Oct 2023, 2:04pm
Rattus MetallicusI've found a number of Surface Stations that do not appear on here or turn up in searches. The latest one is Marinov's Find in system HIP 54040

It's quite possible, Frontier said there is something like 400k surface settlements and so there is still something over 50k to go, as getting everything into the 3rd party databases can take time due to the amount of settlements. Uploading your journals or updates via EDDN will definitely help to gather the rest of them, as mentioned by guys above. Thanks!
18 Oct 2023, 8:04am
There seems to be some kind of a problem with updating fleetcarriers. The fleetcarrier I have on my account got missing. When I update my game profile via api it sayst Fleetcarrier update: Skipped...
18 Oct 2023, 9:14am

Bug Report here.

The Vendor Jane Weller is located in Cydonia and not in Akila City.

Best Starfield Database, keep it up!

Edit: Also the Riot Shotgun, which lead me to this Bug, can only be obtained after the Quest Start-up Stopped.
18 Oct 2023, 11:46am
Bug Report here.
The Vendor Jane Weller is located in Cydonia and not in Akila City.
Best Starfield Database, keep it up!

Edit: Also the Riot Shotgun, which lead me to this Bug, can only be obtained after the Quest Start-up Stopped.

Thanks for the report, fixed.

Cortez InvestmentsThere seems to be some kind of a problem with updating fleetcarriers. The fleetcarrier I have on my account got missing. When I update my game profile via api it sayst Fleetcarrier update: Skipped...

Please open your fleet carrier management screen in the game, so the information about your carrier will get recorded into the journal and then import your game data. That should assign the carrier to you (and update it).
18 Oct 2023, 12:37pm
Please open your fleet carrier management screen in the game, so the information about your carrier will get recorded into the journal and then import your game data. That should assign the carrier to you (and update it).

It worked.
Thank you
18 Oct 2023, 12:56pm
Bug Report here.
The Vendor Jane Weller is located in Cydonia and not in Akila City.
Best Starfield Database, keep it up!

Edit: Also the Riot Shotgun, which lead me to this Bug, can only be obtained after the Quest Start-up Stopped.

Thanks for the report, fixed.

Thank you for the quick fix, found another one, the weapon Ace Sidestar is actually called Ace Sidearm.
And i would personally remove the "(pistol)" after the Marathon Weapon because it's pointless but that's just me
18 Oct 2023, 6:09pm
Thank you for the quick fix, found another one, the weapon Ace Sidestar is actually called Ace Sidearm.
And i would personally remove the "(pistol)" after the Marathon Weapon because it's pointless but that's just me

Ah, yes, I had it originally this way and then renamed it to Ace Sidestar because I saw it in the other game data and though that I made a mistake earlier. Apparently not.
The "(pistol)" is there to differentiate it from the ship of the same name (I want to have the names unique).

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