Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
20 Oct 2023, 5:45pm
Today realized - we have not all services in filters, like pioneer supplies, but we have a special one instead. Not need to select 3 buttons, just push RRR and it's done (also reasonable)
21 Oct 2023, 11:10am
When searching for nearest Interstellar Factors (to Shenve), Zelenko Botanical Holdings is listed, in HIP23759. There is NO Insterstellar Factors present at this surface settlement.
21 Oct 2023, 2:53pm
I don't know if this has been reported or not but on the Starfield > Captains Log > Exploration page there are edit icons next to the exploration percentages but they don't seem to do anything.
21 Oct 2023, 3:28pm
senoteI don't know if this has been reported or not but on the Starfield > Captains Log > Exploration page there are edit icons next to the exploration percentages but they don't seem to do anything.

Thanks for the report, fixed.

SaarisWhen searching for nearest Interstellar Factors (to Shenve), Zelenko Botanical Holdings is listed, in HIP23759. There is NO Insterstellar Factors present at this surface settlement.

Unfortunately, it may happen sometimes. The game (journal) is reporting the IF being present, but for some reason it's not.

A.G.DuranToday realized - we have not all services in filters, like pioneer supplies, but we have a special one instead. Not need to select 3 buttons, just push RRR and it's done (also reasonable)

Yeah, I didn't want to overload it with everything but the most common/used services.
22 Oct 2023, 2:36am
Are there any plans to add Banshee kills to the AX war stats?
22 Oct 2023, 5:45am
I like to keep Inara open when playing ED. Lately, suddenly I get barraged by an ad from Holiday Inn, or some other useless waste of a company. If I have several Inara tabs open it can take a while to find and mute it. I use headphones and they can be quite loud!

This just started. These need to be muted by default, or at least for paying customers!

Is there a way or place I can mute these without having to hunt them down and close/mute/kill them?

Yeah Hilton just popped in with kids screaming (Halloween, yay)
22 Oct 2023, 8:05am
Happy DazeI like to keep Inara open when playing ED. Lately, suddenly I get barraged by an ad from Holiday Inn, or some other useless waste of a company. If I have several Inara tabs open it can take a while to find and mute it. I use headphones and they can be quite loud!

This just started. These need to be muted by default, or at least for paying customers!

Is there a way or place I can mute these without having to hunt them down and close/mute/kill them?

Yeah Hilton just popped in with kids screaming (Halloween, yay)

There are a number of ways to skin this cat, but if you want to keep the ads but *just* mute them then go to your speaker settings in the bottom right of your taskbar, right click and select "open volume mixer", and then mute your browser whilst gaming.
22 Oct 2023, 8:20am
Yeah, depending on the browser, there are also ways to mute specific tabs, if you use some other tab for music, etc. Like, that option is present in Firefox at least.
22 Oct 2023, 8:28am
MeowersYeah, depending on the browser, there are also ways to mute specific tabs, if you use some other tab for music, etc. Like, that option is present in Firefox at least.

Yeah you can, but I wasn't sure if these were pop-up, and if they took the sound options from the calling tab. If they are in-frame ads then yeah this is an easier way to go. Right click on the browser tab and there should be a "mute tab" option.
22 Oct 2023, 11:34am
Happy DazeI like to keep Inara open when playing ED. Lately, suddenly I get barraged by an ad from Holiday Inn, or some other useless waste of a company. If I have several Inara tabs open it can take a while to find and mute it. I use headphones and they can be quite loud!

Well, that generally shouldn't happen, but if such ad with sound on auto-play will appear, please report it via the button "N" below it, so I can block such creative. It's certainly an ad nobody wants anywhere.

LukozerAre there any plans to add Banshee kills to the AX war stats?

Ah! I somehow missed it in the update 17 patch notes. Banshees were added, thanks!

By the way, that reminds me - does anybody know if the Thargoid Spire sites are temporary or fixed? It means, can they disappear if the Thargoid system is taken back or such thing or are they still present?
22 Oct 2023, 11:45am
We won’t know until next Thursday (the one coming up) what happens when a spire site is cleared of Thargoid control - three of them around Taranis are currently marked as complete. Maybe one or two at another Titan will follow, don’t know yet.

I’ll certainly be taking a look, though. And people will probably relay it somewhere on the Frontier forums.
23 Oct 2023, 12:53am
I suspect control will revert to Thargoid on Thursday... The idea was that they couldn't be reclaimed from Thargoid control while they were Barnacle Matrix sites and I highly doubt this is supposed to have changed now that they have advanced and become something much more formidable. It's just sloppy coding from FDEV regarding the rescuing of human captives from Titans that has resulted in this happening, so they're having to manually override it every Thursday until (presumably) 17.01 when this will either be done automatically or Spire site systems will no longer be affected.

On a side-note, hopefully they'll include a fix to being able to fly right through Banshees at the same time.... oh and Thargoids constantly flying below the planet surface and getting stuck under planetary spaceport buildings in conflict zones. We live in (faint) hope.
23 Oct 2023, 2:51am
Aunty Sledge

There are a number of ways to skin this cat, but if you want to keep the ads but *just* mute them then go to your speaker settings in the bottom right of your taskbar, right click and select "open volume mixer", and then mute your browser whilst gaming.

Thanks Aunty, hadn't even thought of muting the browser, or tabs in the browser.
(AKA Happy Daze)

I will certainly report any more noisy ads.
(AKA Happy Daze)
23 Oct 2023, 6:14am
Artie Well, that generally shouldn't happen, but if such ad with sound on auto-play will appear, please report it via the button "N" below it, so I can block such creative. It's certainly an ad nobody wants anywhere.

It's only Hilton ads.
23 Oct 2023, 8:13am
If a minor faction says: Supporters: 0 / 2, is there some way to figure out who those two commanders are that supporting this minor faction?

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