Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
01 Nov 2015, 12:46pm
-=Vampyre=-What is the "Discord server ID" in Wing?
It says "(optional, from Server settings>Widget)"...

It's just when you have Discord server set, something like Teamspeak. If you have none, you can ignore it.
01 Nov 2015, 12:47pm

in the Market section ... when/if you manually update the commodity prices can we  please have it so that this edit date and time overwrites a OCR update time stamp that may be many months old ?
01 Nov 2015, 1:00pm
Well, it's little bit complicated. I have this timestamp for full price updates for all station commodities (OCR/EDDN). For manual edits it may become misleading as there is not sure if it was full price update or not (for example, I don't know when just few commodities updated, if it was just partial update and prices for other commodities are still the same or these are different, but doesn't worth updating (low-cost goods typically)). There can be check for full manual updates added, but it becomes once again more complicated when some commodities become prohibited/allowed in the station due government/allegiance/power change. As manual price updates are very rarely used these days, I am afraid it doesn't worth the effort. If station prices are somehow OK to the actual state, just ignore the date...
01 Nov 2015, 1:07pm
so market data is not just not worth any manual update.... cool
01 Nov 2015, 1:27pm
I meant that doesn't worth the effort to add complicated internal system to check if all commodity prices were changed or not, which will also require user to put ALL prices in, even if they are the same, to just change one date. It just increase time of manual updates needed on user's side and also adds extra work on my side for marginal benefit. But manual station price updates are still very welcome, of course. I can add least add time stamp of partial price update, it's also stored.
02 Nov 2015, 7:09pm
Big Pappa
Greeboskinot so much a bug as an observation (for those who use a second/older pc for their game chat)

discord is not compatible with windows xp (which is still the most common os on an in use pc)

Hey Greeboski! Long time my friend..

Are you referring to the App or just using within a browser?

the whole voice side

and , on xp , the text side crashes REGULARLY with privacy violations (it wants to transmit system personal info - no choise after xp its built in)
03 Nov 2015, 2:57am
I apologize if this question has been asked before but is there an android app for Inara? I really use reddit on anything but my phone and I'm on that everyday. I know that if I had an app for Inara is use it more. I did a search but didn't see anything so I'm just checking to see if I missed it.
03 Nov 2015, 3:38am
ArtieI meant that doesn't worth the effort to add complicated internal system to check if all commodity prices were changed or not, which will also require user to put ALL prices in, even if they are the same, to just change one date. It just increase time of manual updates needed on user's side and also adds extra work on my side for marginal benefit. But manual station price updates are still very welcome, of course. I can add least add time stamp of partial price update, it's also stored.

When I update market prices, for example, I just did Almad/Heinkel Station since I was there for upgrades and testing. I was able to update the entire market in <5 min. If we each commit to at least doing a COMPLETE market update I think the majority will see that it is not as daunting as it first appears--regardless the method. For example, I am blessed to have multiple monitors so, I mean, market updates are a matter of scan and change as needed, on-the-spot. I realize it is more difficult for others. But, to help each other out on INARA, the data management, whether, markets, or Commander updates, is manageable if we address it together. Unless there is something major from an individual standpoint, I tend to update bi-weekly, market-based I will just do the whole thing to help the next commander out. I have only been with INARA a short time but I've seen many instances of more current data existing over other third party market apps. I attribute that to our being a community with a more common and dedicated purpose. My thoughts, anyway.

Last edit: 03 Nov 2015, 4:02am
03 Nov 2015, 4:54am
Warf4ceI apologize if this question has been asked before but is there an android app for Inara? I really use reddit on anything but my phone and I'm on that everyday. I know that if I had an app for Inara is use it more. I did a search but didn't see anything so I'm just checking to see if I missed it.

As far as I know there is not.
03 Nov 2015, 10:44am
Warf4ceI apologize if this question has been asked before but is there an android app for Inara? I really use reddit on anything but my phone and I'm on that everyday. I know that if I had an app for Inara is use it more. I did a search but didn't see anything so I'm just checking to see if I missed it.

No native Android app planned, but there will be improvements and mobile browser support added in the next update (probably this Thursday). Inara should work better on cellphones/tablets then...

Jack Dekerdt
When I update market prices, for example, I just did Almad/Heinkel Station since I was there for upgrades and testing. I was able to update the entire market in <5 min. If we each commit to at least doing a COMPLETE market update I think the majority will see that it is not as daunting as it first appears--regardless the method. For example, I am blessed to have multiple monitors so, I mean, market updates are a matter of scan and change as needed, on-the-spot...

Yes, manual updates with multiple monitors setup are very fast. But without it may be complete market update really pain. Also by principle, not so many people will be doing complete update when the majority prices are the same in the market, to register it was full price update. But, as I mentioned, there will be date of partial update displayed too, so it will help a little bit.
03 Nov 2015, 8:17pm
ArtieNo native Android app planned, but there will be improvements and mobile browser support added in the next update (probably this Thursday)

THIS just made my day
04 Nov 2015, 12:08am
Warf4ceI apologize if this question has been asked before but is there an android app for Inara? I really use reddit on anything but my phone and I'm on that everyday. I know that if I had an app for Inara is use it more. I did a search but didn't see anything so I'm just checking to see if I missed it.

No native Android app planned, but there will be improvements and mobile browser support added in the next update (probably this Thursday). Inara should work better on cellphones/tablets then...

Jack Dekerdt
When I update market prices, for example, I just did Almad/Heinkel Station since I was there for upgrades and testing. I was able to update the entire market in <5 min. If we each commit to at least doing a COMPLETE market update I think the majority will see that it is not as daunting as it first appears--regardless the method. For example, I am blessed to have multiple monitors so, I mean, market updates are a matter of scan and change as needed, on-the-spot...

Yes, manual updates with multiple monitors setup are very fast. But without it may be complete market update really pain. Also by principle, not so many people will be doing complete update when the majority prices are the same in the market, to register it was full price update. But, as I mentioned, there will be date of partial update displayed too, so it will help a little bit.

Thanks for the response!
05 Nov 2015, 4:20pm
Can we discuss a way to allow pilots to be in multiple flights? Our organizational tree has both timezone based flights as well as specialists who focus on certain roles. We cross-staff the flights, where a specialist might fly with his own specialist crew as well as with his timezone flight (and each timezone flight has assigned specialists). If there is a way to implement that kind of thing, it would be very handy for our organizational structure.
05 Nov 2015, 10:02pm
Hmmm... that's pretty specific feature and I rather do not want to implement it into current flights. How are your flights staffed? Are your specialists flights flying together, doesn't matter the timezone? Are flying together at all or they are rather a "pool" of specialists, which are "distributed" between other flights by actual need? Eventually are timezone-based flights having stable members or are staffed on demand and are constantly changing?

I can imagine another group type like Task Force or Specialists outside the current flights/squadron structure. But it can be also solved by "specialization" setting of each wing member, which is easier solution. But it all depends on it's usage. So I would like to know more how it is used in your wing currently and maybe there can rise something more universal from it which can be also useful for all wings here.
06 Nov 2015, 9:25am
Is it possible to have a wing with sub-wings? For example the wing UGC-DF is a sub-wing of UGC but I can be member of only one wing ...

THX in advance.


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