Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
06 Nov 2015, 11:23am
Well, you can create a flight or squadron which may act as sub-wing within a wing. It may be more or less autonomous, depending how you distribute proper rights in a wing.
06 Nov 2015, 1:14pm
Sounds cool. Can I be member of both then? the main wing and the sub-wing?
06 Nov 2015, 1:30pm
What I think Artie is saying is this:

1. You would create a Wing Named UGC or you could rename your current Wing to UGC (Best Option)

2. You would then create a minimum of 3 flights (A minimum of 3 flights is required to create a squadron) that would operate under UGC-DF

3. Finally you would create a Squadron called UGC-DF and add the flights to it

Currently you do not have a sufficient amount of commanders in your group to accomplish all of this.  In addition to the Wing Commander and Deputy Commander you would need a minimum of 13 people to build this structure.
06 Nov 2015, 1:32pm
I hope this made sense
06 Nov 2015, 1:35pm
well, thx. that's because we use our own portal mostly ;-)
06 Nov 2015, 2:21pm
Feature request:  Trade route planner

The issue
We have a myriad of tools available to us at the moment to search for and define a trade route. The in-game commerce interface of the map, Inara's tables, ETN, etc. But none of them work very well. By this I mean they are difficult to use (the in-game map), difficult to consume (Inara's tables), or simply difficult to understand (ETN). However I have found most data to be fairly accurate +/- 10%, which isn't bad, considering

The workaround
Right now my workflow for finding a route is:
-Scan Inara tables for nearby systems/stations with commodity prices in the extremes, then try to manually match  buys and sells to find a lucrative route
-Use to try different origin/destination combos to find a route. Often the route they provide is either a little out-of-the-way or has a "dead leg" where you don't earn enough to justify the loop.
-Take the most lucrative portion of the loop suggested by and tie the loop around that leg alone, to improve the credits/hour rate. But to do this means coming back to Inara to do more work. For example is eddb tells me A > B > C > D > E  and A > B  > C makes $1million and C > D > E makes $1million but B > C > D makes only $500k, but D > E is waaaay far from A > B > C, then I'd rather just figure out a loop from A > B > C > B > A.
-So I come back to Inara and put up the tables, one in each window, for stations at A, B, and C. Then proceed to manually compare station to station to see if I can create my own loop.

The solution
What would be great for Inara is to build its own route planner. However in lieu of that highly complex and challenging objective, it would be really useful to easily compare multiple systems/stations in the Market.

Eg. a "comparison view" that put all the data from a system/station in a single column and allowed us to horizontally "stack" the columns by choosing which stations/systems we want to compare. Maybe Inara could even highlight "lucrative relationships" amongst commodities in the different stations/systems being compared. If Inara sees Painite is going cheap in the "sell" column on station A while station B is buying it up at a significant profit, then the relationship is highlighted is some way.

Then as an extension to the idea, we could set alerts for certain stations/systems to watch for these profit relationships. Maybe Inara could send us an email or text if a system and/or set of commodities we are monitoring becomes lucrative.

We could even be given the option to share our findings with the rest of Inara, and build a "top 10 routes" display for the Market or for the front page. Or folks could keep them secret if they choose. Maybe there is an Inara incentive to sharing your routes (the more you share, the more shared routes you can see, or something).

We would still have to do a lot of our own work, but a tool like this could help us to track and reuse our findings over time.

Last edit: 06 Nov 2015, 2:35pm
06 Nov 2015, 2:46pm
It is really problematic. Calculating multiple trade routes is pretty expensive for a web service. It's not so bad when there are start (A) and final (B) targets set and there is reasonable amount of stations between on predefined path (on shortest route, for example), but when it starts to find best profitable routes between A and B, the "price" for calculating best option(s) significantly increase and it may become VERY expensive. There must be various limitations, incomplete or fuzzy data used to keep it fast enough with more or less acceptable error rate. There may desktop apps really shine, as there is all computer power dedicated to one user only. In any case it is something I'd like to have there, having it on my ToDo list already, but not sure when and in which form it will be implemented (I am also not fan of simply displaying all best trade routes available, I'd like to keep some secrets of each commander and maintain the feel of discovery, where some effort must expended to find great trade route).

But, that comparison view proposed is very cheap and not hard to do, I'll add this to my list.

Edit: Yes, favorite trade routes (optionally with sharing, maybe alerts mentioned) will be nice, too. Are in the plan already.
06 Nov 2015, 2:46pm

the number of character that you can write in the flight description and the number wich is save in the database is different.

it seem that it's shorter of 3 or 4 character in the db
06 Nov 2015, 2:49pm
Thanks Artie! And is a lot of calls to the database to take on the bigger approach. But I think the table comparison would be really valuable and very "Inara".
06 Nov 2015, 2:54pm
Laynor: Ah, I will take a look on it and will be fixed today, thank you for info.
Nailer: It looks like Inara seems to be obsessed with various tables, eh?
06 Nov 2015, 2:58pm
Do you think that it could be possible to extend the limit for the description? (varchar 255?)
06 Nov 2015, 3:01pm

Is there plans to have outfitting section to market? It seems quite obvious to add it there.
06 Nov 2015, 6:09pm

Is there plans to have outfitting section to market? It seems quite obvious to add it there.

You're right. It WAS an obvious addition.
06 Nov 2015, 8:35pm
Laynor Luna LagoonaDo you think that it could be possible to extend the limit for the description? (varchar 255?)

It was rather a design decision than data size limit, but yes, I will increase it a little bit.

Is there plans to have outfitting section to market? It seems quite obvious to add it there.

Hello, I didn't thought that outfitting list for each station will be super useful in the market, but I may add it there eventually. In any case there is outfitting section in Galaxy section as mentioned by Sidenti.
07 Nov 2015, 12:45am
ArtieHmmm... that's pretty specific feature and I rather do not want to implement it into current flights. How are your flights staffed? Are your specialists flights flying together, doesn't matter the timezone? Are flying together at all or they are rather a "pool" of specialists, which are "distributed" between other flights by actual need? Eventually are timezone-based flights having stable members or are staffed on demand and are constantly changing?

I can imagine another group type like Task Force or Specialists outside the current flights/squadron structure. But it can be also solved by "specialization" setting of each wing member, which is easier solution. But it all depends on it's usage. So I would like to know more how it is used in your wing currently and maybe there can rise something more universal from it which can be also useful for all wings here.

Hi Artie,

It is something along the lines of a task force, or a staff-designated specialization (not the flight roles you can choose freely). We have timezone based flights as our general staffing layout, but we also run a few specialist crews (PVP, BGS, money collection, intel). We'd like to be able to designate people to those roles.

Creation of task forces or specialties that are separate from the wing structure would be an adequate solution. It would allow us to keep our current timezone based system while still allowing us to specialize our guys.

It would also allow us to show what those of us who ended up as bureaucrats actually do and vaguely who we fly with.

Our goal is to be able to assign orders based on flight via chain of command (I tell a flight leader "take the boys over there and do a thing"), but for example if it's "take the boys over there and beat up this dude" that is something that calls for all PVPers available, regardless of flight. So we might have times when we want to give one guy two different orders ("go do what your flight is doing, but ALSO go kill a guy.") And so on.

Sorry for this delayed response, I appreciate your diligence with this and your willingness to work with us to develop your platform so it benefits everyone.

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