Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
03 Oct 2022, 1:16pm
Hello, I'm trying to find systems that are in the state of War or Civil War. If I enter both War and Civil War on the system search page it does not return any systems. I assume it looking for War AND Civil War, which of course is not possible. Would it be better that have the items in that field use OR rather than AND? Or is there a way to do what I'm attempting which I'm not aware of?
03 Oct 2022, 1:35pm
Is there a general API for getting information *out* of Inara? I see the API Docs but I'm not interested in writing data. Specifically right now I want to get the docking permissions for arbitrary fleet carriers.

Burglar_openHello, I'm trying to find systems that are in the state of War or Civil War. If I enter both War and Civil War on the system search page it does not return any systems. I assume it looking for War AND Civil War, which of course is not possible. Would it be better that have the items in that field use OR rather than AND? Or is there a way to do what I'm attempting which I'm not aware of?

You may be interested in the conflict search:
03 Oct 2022, 2:04pm
I never notices the misc search, it has exactly what I need. Thanks.
03 Oct 2022, 7:22pm
okay i'm experiencing weird issues with the data updates.. i have EDMC connected and i bought a fleet carrier a week and a half ago i've ran multiple updates, even manually clicked on the update button (which always was partial due to "server being too busy") it registered me spending 8 billion in assets, but as misc assets wtf?
04 Oct 2022, 10:06am
Is it not possible to make it sortable by date?

Oddly, it seems Inara doesn't know the system Eol Prou IW-W e1-2926. It nonetheless exists.

Sorting by date has not much a point, as the "threshold" is more important than the date of the update. But I am currently making some analysis and it may be possible to make personal equipment search more comfortable, based on that. Let's see...

Not all star systems may be present in the database, as I am not storing everything far in the black (as there is not much reasons to store star systems somebody flew through once and it has no other importance otherwise).

Burglar_openHello, I'm trying to find systems that are in the state of War or Civil War. If I enter both War and Civil War on the system search page it does not return any systems. I assume it looking for War AND Civil War, which of course is not possible. Would it be better that have the items in that field use OR rather than AND? Or is there a way to do what I'm attempting which I'm not aware of?

Hello, to add to the Winter's reply above - yes, the AND is the default because there can be multiple states per faction present. The OR query can be made with multiple searches, the AND not so much.

Winter IhernglassIs there a general API for getting information *out* of Inara? I see the API Docs but I'm not interested in writing data. Specifically right now I want to get the docking permissions for arbitrary fleet carriers.

Nope, as a vast majority of data is coming through EDDN everybody can listen to. For the docking privileges... well, you know... just use Inara.

Cfcokay i'm experiencing weird issues with the data updates.. i have EDMC connected and i bought a fleet carrier a week and a half ago i've ran multiple updates, even manually clicked on the update button (which always was partial due to "server being too busy") it registered me spending 8 billion in assets, but as misc assets wtf?

Please import your game data via button on your Commander page, I need verified data for the fleet carrier ownership assigning. Assuming there will be a relevant record in the journal (you may want to open FC administration screen in the game first), the FC will be assigned to you.
04 Oct 2022, 2:11pm
Question - I will be adjusting the switch for the modules/equipment search and I want to utilize the existing switch "Just discounted" with a name like "Just discounted or with a higher probability of personal equipment presence", which is a terrible and long name. Do you have any suggestion how to make it clear and short, instead of this? I am out of ideas.
04 Oct 2022, 5:24pm
ArtieQuestion - I will be adjusting the switch for the modules/equipment search and I want to utilize the existing switch "Just discounted" with a name like "Just discounted or with a higher probability of personal equipment presence", which is a terrible and long name. Do you have any suggestion how to make it clear and short, instead of this? I am out of ideas.

Just Discounted / High Equip Chance ?
04 Oct 2022, 9:29pm
ArtieQuestion - I will be adjusting the switch for the modules/equipment search and I want to utilize the existing switch "Just discounted" with a name like "Just discounted or with a higher probability of personal equipment presence", which is a terrible and long name. Do you have any suggestion how to make it clear and short, instead of this? I am out of ideas.

BL1PJust Discounted / High Equip Chance ?

Nothing snappy immediately springs to mind. Maybe they should be two separate switches though? Could be confusing otherwise; esp. non-Odyssey players won't even know what the latter refers to.

I see about the completeness of star database, Artie, thanks. In this case, I was looking to see if I could find some trade along the way to there, the codex mentions some geo or bio presence there.

Last edit: 04 Oct 2022, 10:00pm
05 Oct 2022, 9:15am
BL1P Just Discounted / High Equip Chance ?

That sounds quite good, thanks.

Nothing snappy immediately springs to mind. Maybe they should be two separate switches though? Could be confusing otherwise; esp. non-Odyssey players won't even know what the latter refers to.

I was thinking about that, but it's better to keep it in a single switch, because for ships/modules it will do nothing and this way it's driven by the items sought, so it will display relevant results for both (modules and personal equipment).
05 Oct 2022, 9:48am
Hi Artie.

Can't seem to find my unlocked permits (ie. list of locked systems I've gained access to). I'm sure it used to be in CMDR -> Ranks & Rep but I don't see it. Is it still there, hiding and I've not spotted it? Have you removed it? or was it just a figment of my imagination?
06 Oct 2022, 12:01am
ArtieQuestion - I will be adjusting the switch for the modules/equipment search and I want to utilize the existing switch "Just discounted" with a name like "Just discounted or with a higher probability of personal equipment presence", which is a terrible and long name. Do you have any suggestion how to make it clear and short, instead of this? I am out of ideas.

It may be long winded but precise and clearly formulated. I'd have left it that way.

But just how "higher probability of personal equipment presence" connected to discounts?

Or why the search gives different results to search of, say, Dominator 3 and Maverik 3, when there are only two cases we can predict avalability for:
1. It was observed by a database-connected Cmdr. since last weekly tick, but not bought by him.
Certainty, certain item, unless it gets picked by Cmdr. not plugged in any DB.
2. Station market was not updated since last weekly tick. Possibility of finding preengineered item is about the same as meeting an alien on town street - 50/50. Either you will, or you wont...
Possibility, uncertain item(s).

How do you see a search algorithm for a personal gear?

And remove grades 4-5 from search options - we know its a fish milk by now. )
06 Oct 2022, 7:11am
With all this talk in GalNet and among certain players about Thargoid/Stargoid/"Anomaly" (I so hate that term) happenings, in particular this week signals, audio, and sounds, I thought I'd point out that I'd noticed something peculiar about two weeks ago. Apologies that the meat of the discussion has taken place on Reddit, but if Inara or others would like to host any of the videos (all created/cut/edited by me) or other media (e.g. spectrograms, audio of FC jumps from 2020, etc.), I certainly have no problem with it as long as I get a mention as content creator.

Note that the hard links have a 75/25 chance of leading you to a youtube-hosted "google player" that will show you a lovely 360p version of a video I painstakingly encoded in various formats and durations up to 4k60 in lossless audio with a 17-minute voiceover. If you find yourself stuck with that, definitely take advantage of that download button in the upper right of the player screen and do yourself a favor by watching it locally with 5KPlayer or VLC or any player that can handle whatever format you chose to download.

Just throwing this out there; I'm by no means a karma or attention whore, but I do enjoy a spirited discussion about lore and it's been interesting to read some of the players' takes.

I posted in the on-topic discussion board as well, but I specifically wanted to contact someone at Inara if possible to make sure they know this discussion and media exists and at least I am willing to share it and share alike. If there's no interest, that's just fine too.

Fly safe, CMDRs!
CMDR RearAdmiralPants
06 Oct 2022, 12:35pm
QuillmonkeyHi Artie.

Can't seem to find my unlocked permits (ie. list of locked systems I've gained access to). I'm sure it used to be in CMDR -> Ranks & Rep but I don't see it. Is it still there, hiding and I've not spotted it? Have you removed it? or was it just a figment of my imagination?

Hello, just an imagination, it has never been there.

It may be long winded but precise and clearly formulated. I'd have left it that way.
But just how "higher probability of personal equipment presence" connected to discounts?

Or why the search gives different results to search of, say, Dominator 3 and Maverik 3, when there are only two cases we can predict avalability for:
1. It was observed by a database-connected Cmdr. since last weekly tick, but not bought by him.
Certainty, certain item, unless it gets picked by Cmdr. not plugged in any DB.
2. Station market was not updated since last weekly tick. Possibility of finding preengineered item is about the same as meeting an alien on town street - 50/50. Either you will, or you wont...
Possibility, uncertain item(s).

How do you see a search algorithm for a personal gear?

And remove grades 4-5 from search options - we know its a fish milk by now. )

It's not related to discounts, thus "... or ..." in the text, simply to provide more "favourable" results depending what the player is looking for, so discounted stuff for ships/modules, better probability of the gear present for personal equipment. Due to the technical limits (gear is reported only when somebody bought it) and due to the semi-random nature of the vendor offers, there is not much I can do with providing better results. There appears to be pools of suits/weapons offered by each vendor, so the historical data is relevant, but as there is not enough data for any precise conclusions, it can be only said that the "base chance" of obtaining a desired type and grade (2+) of equipment is at least 15%. Of course, assuming nobody bought it earlier since the "tick". Thus using the switch mentioned above will list just the stations nobody updated since the last tick, as it increases a chance nobody bought the vendor's offer meanwhile. Of course, it's not entirely reliable, but within the range of the limited data the game is providing in this regard it's still better than nothing and players are deliberately looking for "not updated for a while" stations anyway, so why not to make it easier.

Just throwing this out there; I'm by no means a karma or attention whore, but I do enjoy a spirited discussion about lore and it's been interesting to read some of the players' takes.

It's definitely better to have it just in the relevant threads, as this thread serves for the Inara related stuff like bug reports, etc.
06 Oct 2022, 12:51pm
Would it be possible to copy / duplicate FC Statistics from Commander / Personal Logs / Statistics / Fleet Carrier to Fleet Carrier / Misc or some other FC dedicated tab?

BTW: I'm impressed by the FC Passengers functionality I don't usually have many passangers onboard my FC, but it is very nice to sometimes see somebody landed on the FC. And I quess it is very usefull for the scheduled FC flights around the galaxy.

Last edit: 06 Oct 2022, 12:56pm
06 Oct 2022, 9:10pm
QuillmonkeyCan't seem to find my unlocked permits (ie. list of locked systems I've gained access to). I'm sure it used to be in CMDR -> Ranks & Rep but I don't see it. Is it still there, hiding and I've not spotted it? Have you removed it? or was it just a figment of my imagination?

Artie Hello, just an imagination, it has never been there.

Just checking that you are aware it's under your commander status in-game, right?

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