Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
06 Oct 2022, 10:15pm
Just checking that you are aware it's under your commander status in-game, right?

Yes, it's in the game, but not in the journal (except an event when the permit is gained, but no overall list). Just in case the reply was meant as something that can be easily imported to Inara.

VonoothaWould it be possible to copy / duplicate FC Statistics from Commander / Personal Logs / Statistics / Fleet Carrier to Fleet Carrier / Misc or some other FC dedicated tab?

Yes, thanks for the suggestion.
07 Oct 2022, 6:25am
something isn't right here..

GAME JOURNAL IMPORT 2022-10-06 Download failed

Only partial data was received from Frontier's service. Please wait a minute or two and then try to repeat your request.
[httpCode: 206, fetchCode: 0]

Please help
07 Oct 2022, 7:38am
QuillmonkeyCan't seem to find my unlocked permits (ie. list of locked systems I've gained access to). I'm sure it used to be in CMDR -> Ranks & Rep but I don't see it. Is it still there, hiding and I've not spotted it? Have you removed it? or was it just a figment of my imagination?

Artie Hello, just an imagination, it has never been there.

Just checking that you are aware it's under your commander status in-game, right?

Hi Artie, thanks.

@Mac4 yes, aware of that but I often use Inara when not in game. I am trying to get all system permits and wondered which was the next on the list.
07 Oct 2022, 11:46am
Cyberbofh something isn't right here..
Only partial data was received from Frontier's service. Please wait a minute or two and then try to repeat your request.
[httpCode: 206, fetchCode: 0]

Please help

Seems to be working now, please try again.
07 Oct 2022, 3:24pm
Passenger missions and statistics are not handled by Inara today.

I've completed around 40 passenger missions today.

It is reflected by the in-game statistics, but no information (apart from credit income) is recorded in Inara so far.

Last edit: 07 Oct 2022, 3:59pm
07 Oct 2022, 3:30pm
There is some synchronization problem.

My FC carrying most of my fleet has been for a few hours in Sothis. Meanwhile, most of the carried ships are shown as docked in Wredguia XD-K d8-57, where the FC was before.

Even funnier, one ship is shown as docked in Gliese 868, where FC was two jumps before.

Carrier location is correctly shown in Inara. Ships are marked as carried by FC. The jumps mentioned before were completed today.

BTW: It seems it may take more than an hour for FDEV's cAPI to correctly show the FC location. But it is fine now.

BTW2: Inara correctly shows 11 ships are carried by FC, but even that carrier is n X, ships are in Y, and one in Z

Last edit: 07 Oct 2022, 4:00pm
07 Oct 2022, 6:30pm
VonoothaThere is some synchronization problem.

My FC carrying most of my fleet has been for a few hours in Sothis. Meanwhile, most of the carried ships are shown as docked in Wredguia XD-K d8-57, where the FC was before.

Thanks for the reports. Yes, the ships location docked on FC may be currently lagging behind. I have it fixed locally already and so it will be correct after the next Inara update.
About the passengers missions - I suppose you are referring to the medal progress. In this case please import your data after your next game session start (so the Statistics event is written into the journal) via "Import game data" button on your CMDR page. I need to have verified stats for this, so updates via Inara API aren't sufficient for that.
07 Oct 2022, 6:36pm
Synch issues?

I've been away a while... used to log in with commander name I think, now need email? Anyway, I created a new account and synched it with frontier but the data isn't complete. For example, my hangar only shows 33 ships, there should be 39.

Comparing "Ceren Greymage" (old account I can't get into any more) with "Ceren.Greymage" (new account with email) shows the difference in the hangars.

My carrier hasn't moved in weeks.
07 Oct 2022, 7:20pm

Thanks for the reports. Yes, the ships location docked on FC may be currently lagging behind. I have it fixed locally already and so it will be correct after the next Inara update.
About the passengers missions - I suppose you are referring to the medal progress. In this case please import your data after your next game session start (so the Statistics event is written into the journal) via "Import game data" button on your CMDR page. I need to have verified stats for this, so updates via Inara API aren't sufficient for that.

Seems everything - both passenger missions and ship locations - are OK now.
07 Oct 2022, 9:36pm
I dunno, re: this pre-upgraded Odyssey gear, I still get the feeling it spawns just randomly, and so we might as well just hop by random concourses and hope to get lucky, rather than follow the data on it. Unless of course we know the data has some meaning.

Was thinking it could be helpful to know what ports have been checked and threw up nothing this week, but I realize it's probably too much to ask for.

Quillmonkey@Mac4 yes, aware of that but I often use Inara when not in game. I am trying to get all system permits and wondered which was the next on the list.

Yeah, cheers, just checking

Ceren.Greymageused to log in with commander name I think, now need email?

That is by design, yes.
07 Oct 2022, 11:22pm
Is there a way to reclaim an old account where I logged in by commander name? Don’t remember if I ever had an email associated with it.
08 Oct 2022, 2:47pm
Mac4I dunno, re: this pre-upgraded Odyssey gear, I still get the feeling it spawns just randomly, and so we might as well just hop by random concourses and hope to get lucky, rather than follow the data on it. Unless of course we know the data has some meaning.

Was thinking it could be helpful to know what ports have been checked and threw up nothing this week, but I realize it's probably too much to ask for.

Inara cannot know what ports have been checked — all it can know is that a specific item has been bought at a specific port at a specific time. That, unfortunately, is all that is currently available from the game data. There is no information about items offered.

Now, the data Inara has access to does have some meaning, but it is rather tricky to interpret.

From my observations premium equipment (that is the term FDev has used for pre-upgraded gear) can spawn at a particular port only if non-premium equipment of the same type is offered at that port. For example, if you search for, say, grade 3 TK Aphelion, you want to know which ports offer the TK Aphelion in the first place. The best Inara can do is return a list of ports where someone has bought a TK Aphelion (premium or not), except for the ports where someone has bought the specific premium item you are looking for (i.e. grade 3 TK Aphelion) since the last Thursday tick, because then it is pretty much guaranteed that the item will not be available there. (I think it is possible for two identical premium items to spawn at a port, but the odds are tiny.)

Of course, only a minority of players use Inara, so the reliability of such predictions is going to be rather low, but still, they are better than nothing.

Now, my observations also show that there are only a few variants of personal equipment stock, e.g. if a station offers the Karma AR-50 it is pretty much guaranteed to offer the TK Aphelion, too. Inara could perhaps use that information to improve the search, although it would have to account for exceptional ports like Jameson Memorial (which offers everything), and of course fleet carriers offer whatever the owner decides.

Also, a note about historical personal equipment purchase data: AFAIR there was a short period after the Odyssey release when every port offered every type of equipment. Data from that period are obviously not reliable, and ought to be deleted from the database. (For example, if I do a search for TK Aphelion (Grade 1) now, about half of the results are from 500+ days ago; those are likely not to be valid any more.)
08 Oct 2022, 3:16pm
Ceren.GreymageIs there a way to reclaim an old account where I logged in by commander name? Don’t remember if I ever had an email associated with it.

Yes, please drop me a private message with the e-mail address you would like to have set there (different than on this account) and I can change it. As in this case was easy to verify the ownership, it's no problem.
08 Oct 2022, 3:36pm
About the personal equipment presence - yes, there almost certainly are "pools" of gear that may be offered by the vendor, which helps to narrow down the search and the historical data is useful (so, it's not entirely random across all the suits and weapons). It seems to copy the offer of T1 gear as Sampi noticed, I am however not entirely sure if any vendor providing T1 gear can also have T2/T3 gear, thus I do not want to make a speculative search with that assumption (although I have a hundreds of thousands records for the personal equipment offers, it's still not a sample large enough to make any conclusions about it). The gear from the early Odyssey days (so before the change mentioned) shouldn't be there, so unless something changed in the game sneakily meanwhile, the data should be relevant.
08 Oct 2022, 7:12pm
Artie[…] I am however not entirely sure if any vendor providing T1 gear can also have T2/T3 gear, thus I do not want to make a speculative search with that assumption

Well, any search for T2/T3 equipment is going to be, by the nature of things, quite speculative, so I think that particular assumption would be unlikely to make things worse. But of course it is your choice to make

Artie The gear from the early Odyssey days (so before the change mentioned) shouldn't be there, so unless something changed in the game sneakily meanwhile, the data should be relevant.

Hmm, well I have just checked again.
No more 500+ day results, but a search for Manticore Oppressor AND TK Aphelion (both grade 1), which, excluding FCs, should really return just Jameson Memorial (and perhaps a couple of other special stations I am currently not aware of), instead returns a lot of stations, the overwhelming majority conspicuously updated 485+ days ago. I have just verified the closest result (George Lucas, Leesti) and as I suspected, it has neither Oppressor nor Aphelion in the stock; it has what I call the “close combat weapons set”, i.e. TK Eclipse, TK Zenith, Karma C-44, Karma P-15.
So it appears you have set the cut-off date a bit too early…

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