
10 Jun 2020, 1:09am
Welcome Venom! Stay safe!
10 Jun 2020, 9:07am
Weeee are glaaad you are with ussss.
10 Jun 2020, 2:25pm
Hi guys,
I am new here!

just came across this tool as am getting ready for some enigneering

I cannot figure out how to import my frontier account though. It always gives me error after I logged in with frontier...

"Not possible to obtain user journals from cAPI. Your access/refresh tokens expired or there is a new authentication required by Frontier server. Please perform a new authentication.
[httpCode: 400, fetchCode: 0]"

Where would be the best place to report such issues?
10 Jun 2020, 2:36pm
Most likely an incorrect game account and/or platform used for the account linking.
Welcome here!
10 Jun 2020, 6:14pm
Greetings & Welcome!
11 Jun 2020, 5:23pm
Hello guys I'm new to the chats on here so I'd like to start by saying hi.
Now down to business, my carrier is in LHS 191 and I'm buy tritium at 30k.
Look for The Wasted Seaman ????????
11 Jun 2020, 5:44pm
Greetings & Welcome!
11 Jun 2020, 5:55pm
11 Jun 2020, 6:09pm
Hello Fellow Commanders Geniuss Here, I am new to the galaxy having been swept through a wormhole I have just quipped my Mk3 cobra to mine and I am collecting small amounts of materials however I am very new to this game and this site is there a how to guide on how to best utilise this site because I havnt got a clue! I did have a browse around after linking my account but I am confused, for example the other day I allowed my ship to be destroyed as I ran out of fuel I have since heard of the fuel rats but how would one Request help? I am experiencing all of this through VR with a hotas setup as a new player I have now got exceptional control of my ship and know how to navigate, scan etc but thats as far as it goes :-) Hope to see you in Sol when I finally arrive there that is my target destination I currently find my self in Dromi.


CMDR Geniuss
11 Jun 2020, 9:43pm
Greetings & Welcome!
11 Jun 2020, 10:18pm
Welcome aboard! o7
12 Jun 2020, 4:18am
Welcome to minecraft 2.0 ...
ermm without the building part .. but we do have spaceships.

12 Jun 2020, 10:16am
Genius2k19Hello Fellow Commanders Geniuss Here, I am new to the galaxy having been swept through a wormhole I have just quipped my Mk3 cobra to mine and I am collecting small amounts of materials however I am very new to this game and this site is there a how to guide on how to best utilise this site because I havnt got a clue! I did have a browse around after linking my account but I am confused, for example the other day I allowed my ship to be destroyed as I ran out of fuel I have since heard of the fuel rats but how would one Request help? I am experiencing all of this through VR with a hotas setup as a new player I have now got exceptional control of my ship and know how to navigate, scan etc but thats as far as it goes :-) Hope to see you in Sol when I finally arrive there that is my target destination I currently find my self in Dromi.


CMDR Geniuss

Welcome Cmdr 07

Just in case you weren’t aware Sol is permit locked. It is an easy permit to acquire, you just need to rank up with the Federation (can’t remember which rank you need offhand, check the fandom wiki for Elite Dangerous) To do that just run missions for Federation aligned Factions (station mission board, look for Factions with the Federation icon) and, where possible, choose the extra REP reward. You will see your progress on the right hand UI panel in your cockpit. Each time you reach 100% visit a Federal controlled system and watch for a ‘rank up’ mission. Complete that and you will have advanced to the next rank - rinse and repeat. Eventually you will receive a message informing you of the granting of the Sol permit.
12 Jun 2020, 11:15am
Welcome cmdr Genius2k19!

Fly safe!
12 Jun 2020, 11:57am
Greetings fellow commanders, Long time player but new to the INARA community. Just wanted to take a minute to say hello!

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