
12 Jun 2020, 2:13pm
Hello, and welcome CMDR!
13 Jun 2020, 2:53am
Greetings & Welcome!
13 Jun 2020, 4:02am
Hey been playing about a month now. Completely in love with the game!! Well....after fleet carrier's came out there a load of bug and i cant find an intact barnacle anywhere but still love the game!
13 Jun 2020, 11:07am
Aceofsocal619Hey been playing about a month now. Completely in love with the game!! Well....after fleet carrier's came out there a load of bug and i cant find an intact barnacle anywhere but still love the game!

Welcome commander
13 Jun 2020, 7:09pm
Welcome to the ED family
13 Jun 2020, 8:46pm
Greetings & Welcome!
15 Jun 2020, 6:28pm
Hello everyone. While i'm not new to Elite, i'm coming back to it after a hiatus of around 2 years and it seems like an awful lot has changed. Last I was on I was flying around the Empire in an Imperial Courier getting my combat rank up. Now that I've come back I've abandoned the Empire and have instead decided I'd like to visit Sol, which i'm yet to do. So i'm back in Federation space now, just trying to figure out how to optimise my Imperial Courier for combat, so I can earn money for a dedicated exploration and maybe mining vessel.

P.S. I still think back to Frontier : First Encounters a lot, it's great to be able to continue the story.
15 Jun 2020, 8:08pm
Not new to Elite, but this is my first post here on Inara =] Hey there every body.
15 Jun 2020, 8:20pm
Bjornsson & Jade, welcome.

INARA is an invaluable resource for players and writers alike.
15 Jun 2020, 9:04pm
Greetings & Welcome!
15 Jun 2020, 9:25pm
Welcome guys!
15 Jun 2020, 9:53pm
Thanks folks, having a ton of fun on here so far =]
16 Jun 2020, 4:52pm
Welcome aboard, friends!
17 Jun 2020, 3:00pm
Trying to get involved with inara! Wonderful site! o7 Commanders!
17 Jun 2020, 3:07pm
*Looks up the price of hair straighteners*

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