
26 Mar 2024, 10:13pm
Let's see, it's too early in the development, so I am not sure if it does worth an effort at the moment, but I joined their Discord and will keep an eye on it.

I know, I am on that Discird too. It is warm and friendly community, and dev is sharing almost everything. And actually responds to questions, not like some others
01 Apr 2024, 10:28am
Remember that it is April Fools today, everyone.
01 Apr 2024, 8:03pm
Kasumi GotoRemember that it is April Fools today, everyone.

Yea, just KSP devs pranked community that they will switch to imperial units. Lol. But still be aware of good ol' Rickrolls, they are back in fashion
02 Apr 2024, 3:00am
SICK of April Fools.
02 Apr 2024, 5:42am
Let me guess... Someone found Raxxla yesterday.
02 Apr 2024, 7:47am
Yes. More than one. I also saw fake “official” posts about a delay of the Python MKII to the… holiday season in December, open only BGS and Powerplay this month, and a “Elite is releasing an RTS game called Elite: Supremacy” rickroll was around too.

Only the first one fooled me because I was in a sleepy haze when I decided to check up on activity in discord servers.
02 Apr 2024, 8:23am
"Frontier is fixing bugs (without making new bugs in the process)" and "Frontier is making engineering materials tradeable" would've been the best April Fools jokes.

(and, maybe, adding more content to that on-foot bland minimal game prototype too...)
02 Apr 2024, 9:16am
I wouldn’t complain about a more detailed character editor. Even if it probably won’t let me go totally insane as I have here.

Not that I expect it. Would’ve made for a funny thing to see this points at own profile picture as a joke plan for the game though.

(And one insane 2.5 meter idiot and another with oversized bodily ‘features’ don’t seem that out of order when we have evil horses around as well and not many seem to bat an eye. That one is, in some way, comically amusing too. Not necessarily in a bad way, even if it isn’t my thing.)
03 Apr 2024, 5:34am
frontier is fixing bugs

no, i really doubt that.

try getting any fdev to play for an hour and make a list of all the things that don't work, or don't work correctly.
never going to happen.

instead of adding a new PP that only 1 guy wants.........
sirius, no new modules?, why change a broken boring mechanic 10 years later?

fix stuff, should be the number 1 thing on the list of things to do.

fix the carrier cargo that they said twice now its fixed, never yet been fixed even for 2 seconds in someones imagination.

fix passenger missions.....which faction do they go to? surprise, deliver us and get a surprise...

fix the netcode they broke a few updates ago that makes playing in open a choppy event

optimise ALL GROUND GARBAGE. get off the pot, this is killing video cards, let alone desire to play with very bad graphics from the 60's.
optimise anything........
fix something and keep it fixed.
make a bloody note, play game, look for bugs....

and a new one I am positive no-one gave a thought to - extreme sarcasm
Balance the BGS between edo and horizons, or remove one of them.
it is 100% pointless to even attempt to work a mechanic that is 90% tilted one direction, as in it serves no purpose as it is except to auto cause problems without human input.
as fdev never wanted or expected us to play the BGS, I vote remove it entirely.
no population growth anywhere, only death. so what is the bgs purpose other than to show poorly coded mechanics at work that do nothing useful?

conflicts all around that still show inf changes just like the old BGS.....fdev apparently sees this as new and working as intended...i doubt that.
there are systems that conflicts cannot be won in because the code gives the opposite result after absolutely EVERY conflict, so it starts again, and again, and again...never ending because the results are wrong 100% every time.

FIX ANYTHING. and KEEP IT FIXED - this THIS THIS, IS GETTING really old. (test any cutters with a DC, EVER!? only when we complain we can't dock year after year,every update)

more importantly
stop SAYING you fixed something, when you only made it worse
got any plans on fixing the market's missing mission info? HOW did you even break that when you were trying to fix the carrier cargo bug, and for the love of pete, what idiot thought it was fixed so that you announced its fixed?
does embarrassment not live in your face when you lie to the public?

FWIW, the reason there are no g5 raws is because of a holiday special several years ago when fdev changed it for the weekend so everyone could get g5 mats easy...
then they never switched it back and thats why there are no real g5 raws.
and hope fdev never does dumb crap like that again..
and it wasn't on april fools day...should have been. then re-do it on the following leap year for april fools day.

pp of any kind is pointless and totally a waste of time if any part is unbalanced.
and it is so unbalanced it is a miracle that it even works at all.

yet somehow in a mess of a mind adding new code for a crap feature seems like a good idea???
where tf are your best practices, I'd love some entertainment.
turns on toaster and boosters kick in....wonders who's responsible for that wiring.....
3,2,1...touchdown or boost? we r in a cutter, surprise them. boost.
so many videos of a cutter touching down on a planet and boosting 6km straight up when 1 meter from the pad.......
or like Deciat, lets BOOST into the Tower....its a really big target, can't miss..
It must be intentional.
no coder is this bad and actually gets paid and keeps his job.
03 Apr 2024, 9:30pm
Kasumi GotoRemember that it is April Fools today, everyone.

To some every days is april's 1st which is a tad too much of good.

Aleksander MajjamSICK of April Fools.

From my point? Someone must know when he can take something lightly and when he must be serious.
03 Apr 2024, 9:50pm
im not sure where to post this but i have a question. i made a new squad a day ago and it still isnt showing up here. i can not find it in squad search and my commander page stlll shows me in my old squad. how do i get it to update or how long does it normally take?
04 Apr 2024, 1:55pm
How about some mood maker?

11 Apr 2024, 10:29pm
Ok, got through the Burning Shores DLC of Forbidden West now. And my opinion of the final boss?

Right damn fucking awesome. I might even prefer it to the main game in several regards.
12 Apr 2024, 3:18pm
Did you peoples ever heard about fallout? after 5 minute sure as hell that's something i never heard of it and the same goes to mad max. that after a single look is something im never again going to touch. This is after they were corrupted it not my thing but theirs i refuse to poke with a stick.
14 Apr 2024, 7:50pm
UramakiI finally fixed my low fps problem with Odyssey (I just came back after two years break, but it had bad fps back then too)
Basically... assuming you have nvidia... remove shader cache folder and simply do a fresh install with new nvidia drivers.
My problem was, I kept the same nvidia settings for long time, because they worked.
Also remove ED folder containing graphics settings saves. Both folders will just re-create on new game start.

I FINALLY HAVE GOOD FPS WITH GOOD GRAPHICS!! Instead of low fps and just decent graphic.

Share if you know your friends have same problems.

Weird, I played Ody some time ago on GTX 1060 6GB and I had highest settings. Stable 30-40 fps everywhere, even over settlements about which is know that they are not optimized well. After graphics upgrade to RTX 3060 12GB I got only additional 20 fps cuz V-Sync is on and I have stadard 60Hz monitor. Only thing which annoyed me, was after 10 mins playing Blue Cobra error and inability to open missions. That was on spring before Proteus. In September, after Proteus, from curiosity I updated game and tried if it will again crash. And I havent seen since then any Blue Cobra error. And missions perfectly worked

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