Elite: Odyssey

10 Dec 2021, 2:16am
SakashiroIs there a way to avoid a bounty and notoriety when doing a data port download mission in a non-anarchy settlement? Any way to knock out a NPC without killing them? Probably a stupid question, but I'm still new to settlement missions.

I don't remember for sure but disabling the alarm system might help with the downloads. As far as I know there are no non-lethal combat options.
10 Dec 2021, 3:04am
KurakilI don't remember for sure but disabling the alarm system might help with the downloads. As far as I know there are no non-lethal combat options.

I had to kill a NPC to disable the alarm.
10 Dec 2021, 3:37am
KurakilI don't remember for sure but disabling the alarm system might help with the downloads. As far as I know there are no non-lethal combat options.

I had to kill a NPC to disable the alarm.

Depending on the settlement layout, you can blow up a red barrel and anyone nearby will run to investigate. It can potentially at least give you a window of opportunity. Of course this assumes you have the appropriate weapon silencing mod. You can also depressurize the building using the corresponding panel outside for a similar effect.
10 Dec 2021, 7:10am
SakashiroIs there a way to avoid a bounty and notoriety when doing a data port download mission in a non-anarchy settlement? Any way to knock out a NPC without killing them? Probably a stupid question, but I'm still new to settlement missions.

Time: 2:15

You don't have to kill to disable the alarm

If you want to download illegal data without gaining a fine you should make sure not to be seen while downloading it.

Which actually makes sense, I wonder why it's not the same for gaining bounties. There you get magically identified.
10 Dec 2021, 8:37am
Gryphnn You don't have to kill to disable the alarm

In my experience, most of the time that is true, but there are a few room layouts and patrol routes where you have no viable alternative. It's too bad you can't throw something from your inventory and they go investigate what made the noise.
10 Dec 2021, 9:16am
SakashiroIs there a way to avoid a bounty and notoriety when doing a data port download mission in a non-anarchy settlement? Any way to knock out a NPC without killing them? Probably a stupid question, but I'm still new to settlement missions.

I don't think you get bounty or notoriety from downloading. You get that from killing. Everything else is a fine and KOS order at which point defending yourself also earns bounties. There is no way to knock out an NPC without killing them. Also, non-lethal assassinate missions allow you to kill the target only as confusing as that sounds.

It's about timing. If you have disabled the alarms, an NPC who paths near the dataport won't be alerted to the download unless directly looking at it. So, you wait until just as they turn around to start the d/l and hopefully it completes before they return. Only d/l one data piece at a time for this to minimize exposure.

When disabling the alarms (or generally any time you need to trespass): the first time you are caught trespassing in an area you're not allowed to be in you get a grace period to leave. If you plan it well (know exactly where the terminal is head of time) you can literally run in, press the button and run out in front of the NPC and they won't agro. If you have been spotted trespassing previously and no longer have a grace period, timing it so they are looking away and doing it stealthily may work. Alternatively, noise distractions such as exploding barrels can also work.
10 Dec 2021, 11:17am
Making the Energylink tool a non-lethal takedown would be so easy to implement.

They just need to put an <IF NOT DOWNED BY ZAPPER> statement around the bounty/notoriety function call, and job done.
10 Dec 2021, 12:25pm
And then you need them to wake up after a while
10 Dec 2021, 12:30pm
Both the settlement alarm panel and the data port were in the same security control room with one NPC roaming it. There appeared to be no way to sneak past him, so I zapped him.

I do these missions unarmed for the added thrill, but the lack of non-lethal takedowns is disappointing. At least the notoriety gained from settlement kills expires much faster. I was able to pay off the bounty within minutes. For ship kills the cooldown period is much longer. I was worried about having to wait two hours between missions, but it seems FDev addressed that problem already.
10 Dec 2021, 12:43pm
SakashiroAt least the notoriety gained from settlement kills expires much faster. I was able to pay off the bounty within minutes. For ship kills the cooldown period is much longer. I was worried about having to wait two hours between missions, but it seems FDev addressed that problem already.

Notoriety does not expire faster with ground kills. It accrues slower. You can kill maybe 4 people and get a point of notoriety whereas destroying 1-2 ships gets you 1. In your case you didn't actually earn any notoriety for that single kill.
10 Dec 2021, 12:43pm
SakashiroBoth the settlement alarm panel and the data port were in the same security control room with one NPC roaming it. There appeared to be no way to sneak past him, so I zapped him.

I do these missions unarmed for the added thrill, but the lack of non-lethal takedowns is disappointing. At least the notoriety gained from settlement kills expires much faster. I was able to pay off the bounty within minutes. For ship kills the cooldown period is much longer. I was worried about having to wait two hours between missions, but it seems FDev addressed that problem already.

It doesn't matter if they see you turning it off, just get out of the restricted area quick enough. As long as you don't get one of these you should always be able to turn off the alarm

10 Dec 2021, 12:51pm
BurstarIn your case you didn't actually earn any notoriety for that single kill.

I did.
10 Dec 2021, 1:15pm
SakashiroIs there a way to avoid a bounty and notoriety when doing a data port download mission in a non-anarchy settlement? Any way to knock out a NPC without killing them? Probably a stupid question, but I'm still new to settlement missions.

No, there is not. If you kill NPC in non-anarchy jurisdiction you get bounty.

There is a way to do those missions with sneaking and patience. If the data you need to download triggers alarm, you need to disable alarms else all nearby NPCs will come when you start the process.

IMO, too much effort and risk for such a small reward.
10 Dec 2021, 1:54pm
EpisparhIMO, too much effort and risk for such a small reward.

I think the influence reward for BGS is still reasonable.

I like doing the sneaky stuff. Deus Ex, Fallout, Cyberpunk, I always sneak.

FDev should add body disposal containers. I like my crime scenes tidy.
10 Dec 2021, 2:08pm
If you watched the end of the video I sent, you will see that they don't even care about their dead comrades

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.