Elite: Odyssey

30 Mar 2021, 9:22am
OK, so if you fly to an on-foot mission by yourself, you'll be able to use your ship as a mobile respawn point (in orbit though, not on the ground). If you go there by Apex taxi, you'll be "redeployed" in your original station.

So why would anyone ever use Apex instead of a loaned Sidewinder? This makes no f-ing sense.

I think I'll wait for phase 2 of the alpha. Playing ED without a ship is not for me. Apex is a feature no one will ever use in the final game anyway, so there's no point in testing it.
30 Mar 2021, 10:06am
Yeah, I think I will wait next phase. Apex is boring time sink. We have just bare minimum of tools even if we get Maverick suit. Unfortunately, the mission giver are not aware of our limitations.

WHY I cannot use night vision when on foot, this beam light is so limiting.

Oh yes, can someone explain why a simple hand weapon worth more than few sidewinders?

Last edit: 30 Mar 2021, 10:50am
30 Mar 2021, 10:48am
Here's a crazy idea: Since Apex is essentially a docking computer from base to base, why not instead introduce an "Apex docking computer" module that lazy people can install in their ships? Oh, but please make it interactive and interdictable like supercruise assist, so we can change our mind during the flight and there's some chance of unexpected things happening (aka. "gameplay"). This would solve all the aforementioned problems.
30 Mar 2021, 11:09am
SakashiroHere's a crazy idea: Since Apex is essentially a docking computer from base to base, why not instead introduce an "Apex docking computer" module that lazy people can install in their ships? Oh, but please make it interactive and interdictable like supercruise assist, so we can change our mind during the flight and there's some chance of unexpected things happening (aka. "gameplay"). This would solve all the aforementioned problems.

Not crazy in the slightest. I’d definitely have one on my Cutter when running cargo CGs. Would be like autopilot in Wing Commander, minus the timeskipping.
30 Mar 2021, 11:52am
Finding the balance for things is definitely one of the points of an alpha. I suspect most people will be in a position to not care about the cost of weapons or suits, so bringing it up is probably a good idea. The people who will be trying out ED for the first time with odyssey might have issues if low grade weapons cost more than ships.

I do agree they should adapt the Apex taxi system to work for regular ships, at least in system would be nice

Worth noting*
In America you can easily find cars that cost substantially less than an average priced gun. Especially if you're talking and old, crappy car aka sidewinder

Last edit: 30 Mar 2021, 12:28pm
30 Mar 2021, 12:14pm
Keep the interesting reports of EDO alpha coming in guys and gals. I'm just out and about earning credits to be able to afford the new EDO bling. You know, just in case FD decides that high end suits/weapons will cost more than Cutters.
30 Mar 2021, 1:57pm
Thanatos au GrimmusKeep the interesting reports of EDO alpha coming in guys and gals. I'm just out and about earning credits to be able to afford the new EDO bling. You know, just in case FD decides that high end suits/weapons will cost more than Cutters.

*Pssssst* Don't lead them to this ridiculous idea!
30 Mar 2021, 2:01pm
Dear FD folks - would you please remind our schoolyard bullies NOT to shoot at will at everyone? Once the final is out, gankers will have enough time to live their bad habits.

(I'm trying to do some serious reasonable testing here - and it is not much helpful if you die every 5 minutes and are respawned in a station. I will now go Solo... *sighs*

"How unfair! 90% of us Open players are responsible for the bad reputation of the remaining 10%!!!" (Unknown Player)
30 Mar 2021, 3:33pm
Franklyn SylvesteDear FD folks - would you please remind our schoolyard bullies NOT to shoot at will at everyone? Once the final is out, gankers will have enough time to live their bad habits.

(I'm trying to do some serious reasonable testing here - and it is not much helpful if you die every 5 minutes and are respawned in a station. I will now go Solo... *sighs*

"How unfair! 90% of us Open players are responsible for the bad reputation of the remaining 10%!!!" (Unknown Player)

Wow, people are still ganking in alpha??? That is pathetic.
30 Mar 2021, 6:49pm
Four hour download on a 100 Mbit line... We will take that download tonight...
30 Mar 2021, 8:29pm
SakashiroOK, so if you fly to an on-foot mission by yourself, you'll be able to use your ship as a mobile respawn point (in orbit though, not on the ground). If you go there by Apex taxi, you'll be "redeployed" in your original station.

So why would anyone ever use Apex instead of a loaned Sidewinder? This makes no f-ing sense.

I think I'll wait for phase 2 of the alpha. Playing ED without a ship is not for me. Apex is a feature no one will ever use in the final game anyway, so there's no point in testing it.

Every mission I've died while doing has resulted in failure. I would think using the shuttle is better when that is the case.
30 Mar 2021, 8:37pm
My Apex driver landed over my toon killing it immediately

... Few minutes later... I called Apex on the surface. Once it landed I have unloaded my guns... The bugger low waked soo fast
30 Mar 2021, 8:47pm
EpisparhMy Apex driver landed over my toon killing it immediately

... Few minutes later... I called Apex on the surface. Once it landed I have unloaded my guns... The bugger low waked soo fast

Apex taxi landing on you & killing you? I'd call that a FAIL
30 Mar 2021, 9:09pm
Ganked by Apex.
30 Mar 2021, 9:45pm
SakashiroIf your computer could handle Horizons only at low settings, you may be in trouble now. Otherwise just lower the graphics settings one notch and keep playing. You may not get all the new graphical bells and whistles they added (e.g. PBR shading), but the game shouldn't look worse than before.

YET it tottally does look horrible...even in ultra settings the models are blocky and frankly look like they belong in a 2009 game not 2021, the face of my horizons character (cmdr cephy) shows better detail than what we see walking around in odyssey. EXAMPLE: everywhere areound you look at the models and skins used on these models. It will give you Half Life 2002 vibes...ALSO, book a shuttle...enter the "lift" backward and look at the edge of the left door, you will see the lift never moves the screen just flickers from the station environment to the hangar, then when you go to your shuttle i want you to look at the back of the shuttle aka adder... in ultra settings with a 2000 series GPU still looks like some models were rushed...go through the stores and look at the background graphics and boxes and stuff all around.. It all looks rushed worked by beginner modelers/animators. About the planet tech, as you approach a land-able planet what is supposed to be a lot grainier surface really looks more like buncha messed up pixels...however once you get close enough you can tell they have improved a little as far as terrain quality, however this is rapidly thrown to shit by the piss-poor job they have done with the lighting and shadows all around. Whatever they did to the light source code its spewing garbage right back out. Look at Yamiks review and look at my review and you will see what we mean. I get is alpha and it will be a lot better in the next few months. However there are so many issues with this patch (because of how ambitious it is) that i think it will take a lot of bug reporting to get it going correctly. ALSOOOOOOO....remeber the average elite player has a mediocre PC not a top of the line 3000$ PC so as of now even i with an i7 7700k with 32gb ram 1 Tb SSD and a gtx 2080 I CANNOT play in ultra and get better than 20-25 fps.. I only get smooth gameplay at medium settings which makes the already horrible models even uglier. BTW DO NOT FORGET to look at the back of your shuttle every time you embark and just shake your head at FDEV

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Mar 2021, 9:54pm

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.