Elite: Odyssey

29 Jan 2024, 10:53pm
MeowersWell, there's a place for aero(atmo-)dynamics along the general sci-fi spacecraft building guidelines, it could improve reentry and flight through dense atmospheres... But ED has none of these, lol.

IRL aerodynamics would matter even for the kind of atmospheres we are allowed to enter in Odyssey.

Case in point: the surface pressure of real-life Mars is about 0.007 atm, which is enough to require shielding for entry (but not enough for parachutes to work well — that’s why getting a rover to Mars in one piece requires things like retrorockets+airbags or a sky crane) and also enough to fly aircraft there (as tested with Ingenuity).

Kasumi GotoCivil unrest systems will offer settlements with fires to put out. And AX reactivations in Thargoid-controlled space if you fancy a more thrilling experience(where fighting the fires is more an optional step to make your work there more convenient, rather than required as part of the objective… but I believe the journal tracks those nonetheless).

IIRC the Pirate Attack state also generates burning settlements.

I’m pretty sure every extinguished fire counts for the statistics, whether it is a part of a mission objective or not. Same for the “Settlements rebooted” stat; I recall it go up for settlements I rebooted without any mission, just to loot the data ports (and of course I removed the power regulator afterwards).

Vasil VasilescuAh, that might explain why I see no fires. I go in post-Thargy recovery rather than when an invasion is active.

Yes, AX Reactivation missions to post-Thargoid recovery systems are very different from AX Reactivation missions to Thargoid-controlled systems (the latter would better be called “AX Infiltration”, IMHO), in terms of both objectives and the payout levels; they even belong to different mission categories.
30 Jan 2024, 6:39pm
MinonianCutters are good for trading or mining which is quite a waste for a luxury vessel and not just a little absurd if you ask me. Ahhh the good ole panther clipper why we can't have it back? At least it was looked and flied like a proper trading ship instead of a yacht. You know? Seems like a brick, flies like a brick.

Yup, aerodynamic design on a space ship has no other purpose than to symbolize luxury. It makes sense on the Beluga but not on the Cutter.

But you can still make the Cutter look like a flying trashcan. Just put a cheap tactical graphite or ice paint job on it and never repair it. With scratches all over the place and grime collecting in the crevices, it will look like a proper freighter.

And a cube mounted with engines are ensures optimal space utilization... On the serious note? That's right as long a vessel never has anything to do with the pesky thing called aerodynamic it can look alike what the bleep ever we can imagine, as long it can vector thrust correctly.
30 Jan 2024, 8:28pm
Sometimes the game just cheats.

I dislike Odyssey a lot.
mainly because I bought ED. not STLG and all I want is to fly my ships.
but thanks to edo and the fact that I play the BGS, I have to use the foot portion at times.

So..spent the morning getting manufacturing instructions from 2 nice wreck missions.
as the mission timer was nearly done I am bouncing back to my srv for the last time...
Suddenly the screen goes red and black splat, along with the sounds of a DBS in the air? wtf?

sooo.. not a soul on the planet. I already killed all the guys that did show up.
I have seen ships materialise out of the ground many times, as well as the kaboom of them spawning near you...
There is no defence for a ship materialising inside your body.

so much fun.

Main reason for this post BTW is there is also a new(maybe not new) bug.
Over the past 5 days or rather Friday, Saturday and today, lost an NPC Pilot whilst being killed in the srv.
3 times in 5 days
fdev says its rare, yet I can do it easily..apparently.
todays was me doing a destruct to my ship after a useless defenceless death that took all my stuff.
after i died on foot i re-appeared on someone elses carrier instead of mine.
wanted to destruct over and over till it felt worthwhile.
Making me more angry, so I set the self destruct to see if it would blow me back to MY carrier.
I knew it wouldn't.
It didn't.
but it did take out my npc pilot
there was again, no option on the rebuy screen...

So, FWIW if you die, make sure you still have your pilot, or if its gone, make a ticket to get it back.
I don't usually die, so if its not new..ehhh.
EDO has creative ways to kill you and seems to want to show you even when you go to great lengths to avoid.

bad enough that all edo mats are 1 at a time instead of 3 for every 1
even worse when you are at your goal and the game throws a ship at your body to make sure you dont keep it.
31 Jan 2024, 2:57am
-Sajuuk-All fun and games untill you get a wing of not shit tier career ganker NPCs, and get a full wing of dedicated people who run groms have a cutter and will simply chain pull and grom your ass till you piss yourself and wake out, or fucking die.

Had my fair shair of cocky "gank proof people" ending up on youtube cringe comps, blowing up and eating a 30m + rebuy.
Like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DetAttJGV1w (case and point example in first minute of the video)

If you werent blown up yet constantly low waking on people, id say you eventually would, but the games community in that sector is mostly dead nowadays.

No such thing as being "gank proof", anyone reading, dont listen to clowns, and dont end up being one, submit, high wake, and return. People that gank that see you doing that will usually leave you alone after you comeback, as thats a good sign youre not a brainlet.

Or keep getting chainpulled for half an hour and call yourself "gank proof".

Been there, done that.

For several years now, gank evasion has been pretty much the only thing I've been doing in this game. You could always find me at the hotspots: ShinDez, Deciat, community goal systems. At this point I've probably been pulled by every known and unknown ganker in this game. And yes, there has always been someone predicting that my luck would run out eventually, because of that mythical wing of career gankers with long-range rails, groms, yadda yadda.

Never happened. Look for cringe comps featuring me, you won't find them. And it's not for a lack of opportunities. I've been chain-pulled by wings. I used to post the logs here when that happened, like trophies.

I've explained how it works. You need shields that bounce back faster than they deplete under fire. This is possible because fast-charging bi-weaves charge even faster in supercruise, and you can optimize for resistances rather than raw shield strength. And then all you need to do is low-wake as fast as possible, and stay in supercruise between pulls as long as possible. There are multiple ways to achieve that, and none of them requires leaving the system. For example, you can drop out of supercruise yourself, before they pull you again. You can wait in your instance with a fully charged FSD, ready to low-wake the moment they drop in. You can turn and low-wake in the opposite direction, so they have to waste time in supercruise to get behind you for the next pull. And that's only when you actually deal with multiple gankers determined to get you. Lonely gankers you can even prevent from pulling you in the first place because your dashboard shows in which direction they fly.

Gank evasion is 50% engineering and 50% tactical manoeuvres. High-waking is easy mode, an exercise for beginners. Saves you from a rebuy, but you won't reach your destination that way if the system is buzzing with gankers. Consider yourself lucky if none of them is carrying a wake scanner and following you into the next system.
01 Feb 2024, 5:21am
Multi jumping in the next system immediately jump to some except the first system on your list. with all likelihood they are know we jump as fast is possible and simply choose the closest system in the list so you cannot. this is where they will going to go if cannot find our warp echo fast enough. After a few short distance jump they will lose your trail. They can't find and scan the signal quick enough wo an awful lot of luck practice and engineered out equipment. Did this a few times before i once and all fed up with them.
01 Feb 2024, 7:17am
Multi jumping won't solve the problem of your cargo not delivered to a hotspot system. Only few ships can do that as Sakashiro rightly mentioned.
01 Feb 2024, 8:13am
So much about open...
01 Feb 2024, 8:19am
Well, the C&P scaling is the least issue with Open. Junky instances and p2p hacking is the elephant in that room.
01 Feb 2024, 9:30am
For those interested (or reluctant to believe) I'd recommend building a training ship. Start with a cheap one such as the Adder. There's a reference build in my hangar. Then accept passenger transport missions at a ganker hotspot system (not the sightseeing missions, they take too long to complete). Now you have a reason to go back and forth between the hotspot and its neighbor systems. When you get pulled on return, submit and then try to boost out of mass lock range and low-wake asap. Don't go in a straight line but don't linger either. Keep four pips in SYS at all times. Complete shield regen on that Adder takes 51 seconds in supercruise, but you won't start from zero, so it's less than that for you. Try to extend the time between pulls using the tactics I mentioned earlier. Try surprising them, e.g. by throttling down during transition to supercruise and then changing direction. If you're dealing with a lone ganker, target them and then watch their ship's orientation on your dashbord. Turn to keep your ship facing in the opposite direction at all times. This way they'll never be able to pull you and will eventually give up.

Try to stay in the system and reach your destination. High-wake only as a last resort when you realize you're getting worn down. You'll figure out what works and what doesn't. You'll realize that high-wakes are rarely necessary.

It's a different form of PVP, but it's just as much fun. Oh, and don't forget to trash talk the gankers in system chat after docking at your destination! Super important!
01 Feb 2024, 10:09am
EpisparhWell, the C&P scaling is the least issue with Open. Junky instances and p2p hacking is the elephant in that room.

The elephant in the room the peoples poisoning it and p2p hacking is just one symptom of the sickness what we never going to tolerate.
01 Feb 2024, 10:16am
A tip for setting up controls: Use the 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 percent throttle shortcut keys to control your ship's speed. These also come in handy when gankers are hanging out in front of stations. Take your time in supercruise to align your ship with the station's mail slot, so that you have it right in front of you when you drop into the instance. Boost towards the station, request docking permission as soon as you're in 7.5 km range. To slow down, don't use your analog throttle controls but hit the 0% throttle key and then quickly tap flight assist off and on just when your speed drops below 100 m/s. With a bit of practice you'll be able to hit the 100 m/s mark just when you pass through the slot. Your goal is to keep your approach to the station as quick and short as possible to reduce the risk of getting rammed.
01 Feb 2024, 10:24am
Another thing: If you get pulled in front of a landfall planet, don't submit but try to hit the orbital cruise zone. This will cut the interdiction tether.
05 Feb 2024, 12:11am
-Sajuuk-All fun and games untill you get a wing of not shit tier career ganker NPCs, and get a full wing of dedicated people who run groms have a cutter and will simply chain pull and grom your ass till you piss yourself and wake out, or fucking die.

Had my fair shair of cocky "gank proof people" ending up on youtube cringe comps, blowing up and eating a 30m + rebuy.
Like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DetAttJGV1w (case and point example in first minute of the video)

If you werent blown up yet constantly low waking on people, id say you eventually would, but the games community in that sector is mostly dead nowadays.

No such thing as being "gank proof", anyone reading, dont listen to clowns, and dont end up being one, submit, high wake, and return. People that gank that see you doing that will usually leave you alone after you comeback, as thats a good sign youre not a brainlet.

Or keep getting chainpulled for half an hour and call yourself "gank proof".

Been there, done that.

For several years now, gank evasion has been pretty much the only thing I've been doing in this game. You could always find me at the hotspots: ShinDez, Deciat, community goal systems. At this point I've probably been pulled by every known and unknown ganker in this game. And yes, there has always been someone predicting that my luck would run out eventually, because of that mythical wing of career gankers with long-range rails, groms, yadda yadda.

Never happened. Look for cringe comps featuring me, you won't find them. And it's not for a lack of opportunities. I've been chain-pulled by wings. I used to post the logs here when that happened, like trophies.

I've explained how it works. You need shields that bounce back faster than they deplete under fire. This is possible because fast-charging bi-weaves charge even faster in supercruise, and you can optimize for resistances rather than raw shield strength. And then all you need to do is low-wake as fast as possible, and stay in supercruise between pulls as long as possible. There are multiple ways to achieve that, and none of them requires leaving the system. For example, you can drop out of supercruise yourself, before they pull you again. You can wait in your instance with a fully charged FSD, ready to low-wake the moment they drop in. You can turn and low-wake in the opposite direction, so they have to waste time in supercruise to get behind you for the next pull. And that's only when you actually deal with multiple gankers determined to get you. Lonely gankers you can even prevent from pulling you in the first place because your dashboard shows in which direction they fly.

Gank evasion is 50% engineering and 50% tactical manoeuvres. High-waking is easy mode, an exercise for beginners. Saves you from a rebuy, but you won't reach your destination that way if the system is buzzing with gankers. Consider yourself lucky if none of them is carrying a wake scanner and following you into the next system.

You wont be in any cringe comps because pretty much most if not all of the worthwhile groups that are able to do it have been gone for the last 3 years.
Your advice is still poor for regular people whos "experience" in pvp is a typically a swift intrediction followed by a rebuy screen.
If you fly a large, or pretty much any medium, and you "chain low wake" against the same people you will literally either deinstance and never see them again, provided you survive the LW charge and they dont have something that mass locks you, or you will eventually die/ be forced to highwake. unless theyre, EXTREMELY bad, im talking, npc levels of bad. Unless you fly a small ship that gets outta rail range faster than they can swat you, and ive had my share of "trolly fast lul antigank couriers", that eventually ran out of luck aswell.

And even then escaping ganks in this game is braindead easy, like i said, unless you really mess up and, and youve pissed some big sweaty group, and you get hunted by a group whos sole purpose is to punish low waking shitters, youll likely get away, even if low wake constantly like a goblin chances are in anything but a large/medium. These days i bet you wont even reinstance with the people who originally pulled you.
Repeatedly low waking, especially against a wing of people who have groms, is an insanely stupid idea, literally a matter of time till your shields are low enough where you cant survive a grom cycle to then jump out before they snipe your fsd.

Unless of course theyre bad. And judging from the insane level of self confidence, and poor advice i frequently see here, im guessing they are worse than anyone back then could even imagine they would become, which is kinda funny.

For everyone else, dont fly a paper ship, submit and highwake.
Or dont play in open if youre that worried over losing chump change.

And for anyone wondering, i'm not and never was a "career ganker".
(Besides a few select people, most of them were kind of viewed as shitters in the actual "old" pvp community)

Last edit: 05 Feb 2024, 12:47am
05 Feb 2024, 3:03pm
-Sajuuk-You wont be in any cringe comps because pretty much most if not all of the worthwhile groups that are able to do it have been gone for the last 3 years.

Well, if they're gone, why high-wake? Do you see how you contradict yourself?

-Sajuuk-Your advice is still poor for regular people whos "experience" in pvp is a typically a swift intrediction followed by a rebuy screen.

My advice is exactly what "regular people" need to hear to stop being regular.

-Sajuuk-If you fly a large, or pretty much any medium, and you "chain low wake" against the same people you will literally either deinstance and never see them again, provided you survive the LW charge and they dont have something that mass locks you, or you will eventually die/ be forced to highwake. unless theyre, EXTREMELY bad, im talking, npc levels of bad. Unless you fly a small ship that gets outta rail range faster than they can swat you, and ive had my share of "trolly fast lul antigank couriers", that eventually ran out of luck aswell.

Not true. I've been chain-pulled, I posted the logs to prove it when it happened, and only one of my ships is a Courier. Of course the bigger ships don't need to be as fast as the smaller ones, but I low-wake in all of them, all the time. Because I have places to go, and I go there in open. I don't high-wake, switch to solo, and then claim to know how to evade ganks. I've been banned from ganker discords for trolling them, I've interdicted gankers during their live streams. The target on my back has been as large as it could possibly get. They'd love to catch me with my pants down, but they never could. If you build your ships the way I do and fly them the way I do, no ganker will manage to pop them.

-Sajuuk-And even then escaping ganks in this game is braindead easy, like i said, unless you really mess up and, and youve pissed some big sweaty group, and you get hunted by a group whos sole purpose is to punish low waking shitters, youll likely get away, even if low wake constantly like a goblin chances are in anything but a large/medium. These days i bet you wont even reinstance with the people who originally pulled you.

Ah, so it's braindead easy, unless it's not of course.

-Sajuuk-Repeatedly low waking, especially against a wing of people who have groms, is an insanely stupid idea, literally a matter of time till your shields are low enough where you cant survive a grom cycle to then jump out before they snipe your fsd.

Unless of course theyre bad. And judging from the insane level of self confidence, and poor advice i frequently see here, im guessing they are worse than anyone back then could even imagine they would become, which is kinda funny.

Ah, low-waking is stupid, except when it's not. Gankers are good, except when they're bad. Or gone.

Let me know when you're done moving the goalposts.
05 Feb 2024, 3:36pm
¡Saludos, valientes Comandantes del vasto universo! Espero que este mensaje los encuentre en medio de emocionantes misiones y descubrimientos sin precedentes. En estos días de exploración y aventura, he estado reflexionando sobre la increíble diversidad y misterio que nos rodea.

He notado que hay muchas facciones menores de Comandantes que permanecen en el anonimato. No sé si esto se debe a la necesidad de mantener secretos por razones estratégicas, o simplemente a un deseo de mantener un bajo perfil. Sin embargo, creo que sería beneficioso para todos nosotros si estas facciones se dieran a conocer, al menos aquí en Inara.

La transparencia y la comunicación abierta pueden ser herramientas poderosas. Al revelar nuestras identidades y objetivos, podemos encontrar aliados inesperados, formar alianzas fuertes y trabajar juntos para enfrentar los desafíos que se nos presenten. Al fin y al cabo, aunque cada uno de nosotros tiene nuestras propias misiones y objetivos, todos compartimos el mismo hogar: este vasto y maravilloso universo.

Por lo tanto, hago un llamado a todas las facciones menores de Comandantes: consideren la posibilidad de salir de las sombras. Compartan con nosotros quiénes son y qué representan. Permítannos conocerlos, no como enemigos anónimos, sino como posibles aliados y amigos.

Espero que tomen esto como una iniciativa para conocernos mejor y fortalecer nuestra comunidad. Juntos, podemos hacer del universo un lugar más seguro y emocionante para todos nosotros.

¡Adelante, Comandantes! ¡Sigamos explorando, descubriendo y creciendo juntos! ¡Hasta la próxima vez, les deseo viajes seguros y cielos claros!

Greetings, brave Commanders of the vast universe! I hope this message finds you in the midst of exciting missions and unprecedented discoveries. In these days of exploration and adventure, I have been reflecting on the incredible diversity and mystery that surrounds us.

I have noticed that there are many minor factions of Commanders that remain anonymous. I do not know if this is due to the need to keep secrets for strategic reasons, or simply a desire to maintain a low profile. However, I believe it would be beneficial for all of us if these factions were to make themselves known, at least here on Inara.

Transparency and open communication can be powerful tools. By revealing our identities and objectives, we can find unexpected allies, form strong alliances, and work together to face the challenges that come our way. After all, although each of us has our own missions and objectives, we all share the same home: this vast and wonderful universe.

Therefore, I call on all minor factions of Commanders: consider the possibility of coming out of the shadows. Share with us who you are and what you represent. Allow us to know you, not as anonymous enemies, but as potential allies and friends.

I hope you take this as an initiative to get to know each other better and strengthen our community. Together, we can make the universe a safer and more exciting place for all of us.

Forward, Commanders! Let’s continue exploring, discovering, and growing together! Until next time, I wish you safe travels and clear skies!

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.