Elite: Odyssey

29 Mar 2021, 9:39pm
Original character renderer that we see in Codex does creepy stuff too. Like it's two different persons - one that I see in cockpit at the sticks, using camera, and one rendered in Codex.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Mar 2021, 9:56pm
29 Mar 2021, 9:52pm
SakashiroCopied all the Holo-Me sliders over to Odyssey, and this was the result (at high settings):

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Shape seems identical, but the complete absence of specular reflection on eyes and skin (aka. "skin glow") makes the result look very flat and cartoonish. FDev might want to take a look at how CP2077 does this.

And wtf is their thumbnail renderer doing?

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*mental note to self: Make screenshot of holo-me sliders*

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Mar 2021, 9:56pm
29 Mar 2021, 9:59pm
I did my best to re-create Synthya, but not all of the options were there; besides, it's only a temporary design. I couldn't find a way to edit it, nor could I find a way to get to that pre-order-exclusive suit that comes with it.

Sounds like the Alpha is down for maintenance anyway... the 1st of many, to be sure.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Mar 2021, 10:18pm
29 Mar 2021, 10:45pm
Fun facts about Apex shuttles (please correct if wrong):

  • You can't change your destination during the flight.
  • You can't self-destruct.
  • You can't shoot the pilot and take over the shuttle.
  • If you log out, the flight will not continue. The shuttle will simply drop out of supercruise and resume the flight when you log in again. Say goodbye to the idea of traveling to Colonia while offline.

I suspect this will not be a popular means of transport in the final game.
29 Mar 2021, 10:59pm
I tried logging into the Alpha, & I saw, 'update available' & clicked on the 'Upgrade' & my ED launcher locks & freezes.

I guess I'll try a 'validate files'.
29 Mar 2021, 11:02pm
Synthya WylderI tried logging into the Alpha, & I saw, 'update available' & clicked on the 'Upgrade' & my ED launcher locks & freezes.

I guess I'll try a 'validate files'.

Leave it. It actually works in the background. Will take roughly 15 min.
29 Mar 2021, 11:18pm
SakashiroFun facts about Apex shuttles (please correct if wrong):

  • You can't change your destination during the flight.
  • You can't self-destruct.
  • You can't shoot the pilot and take over the shuttle.

  • If you log out, the flight will not continue. The shuttle will simply drop out of supercruise and resume the flight when you log in again. Say goodbye to the idea of traveling to Colonia while offline.

I suspect this will not be a popular means of transport in the final game.

Why are you so evil?

29 Mar 2021, 11:27pm
why would they not make Apex a fast travel just like loading screen?
29 Mar 2021, 11:43pm
Clover Shaw
SakashiroIf your computer could handle Horizons only at low settings, you may be in trouble now.

That's exactly how I have to run the game. Oh well. It's okay though. I bought ED because it's a space flight sim. I can live without walking around on planets and all of that stuff.

This is not optimized yet, so it's likely you'll be fine, but don't get your hopes up. Rumor has it they basically rewrote the whole game for this expansion, and that likely means they're bringing the game into the 2020s in terms of quality. That can be both a blessing for people with high end systems that don't even break a sweat on maximum settings, and a curse for people used to running E:D using computers from 2012.

I have faith that they'll figure something out that will benefit everyone because Frontier have done such a good job of optimizing the game in the past that I can't really imagine them throwing that away. I can imagine them screwing up an FPS though, because I don't think they have ever done one before.
29 Mar 2021, 11:55pm
EpisparhLeave it. It actually works in the background. Will take roughly 15 min.

FDev's updater sucks if you have ED installed on a HDD. It spends more time checking the installed files than actually downloading and updating them.

I wish they'd use Steam's beta update feature. It gets these jobs done much faster.
30 Mar 2021, 12:18am
Has anyone worked out key binding for your character that uses the T flight/Hotas and not an xbox game pad?
30 Mar 2021, 12:21am
<---PC & KB/M for now.
30 Mar 2021, 12:24am
[quote=Synthya Wylder]<---PC

Not sure what you're pointing at <-----PC.

Right KB/M for now, but I've worked out some crude joystick and hotas for movement of character but the interaction between game characters and counter characters are still eluding me.
30 Mar 2021, 12:39am
Took the better part of 4 hours to download, then the UPGRADE took another hour using dedicated port and cable internet. Additionally, the holo-me is a bit Sim 3-ish albeit you can't turn your character to get the profile look of the length of the nose or height of the cheekbones or thrust of the chin. Maybe someone will come out with some "skins" plug-ins. I like that bomber jacket the guy is wearing in the station.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.