Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

16 Dec 2016, 2:54am
Luke3107Too late for popcorn. The end credits are rolling and I don't anticipate a post-credits scene, sorry!!

I'll be happy to play the highlight reel.
16 Dec 2016, 2:55am
It's liquor time anyway.
16 Dec 2016, 4:17am
Tisiphone Moreau
Luke3107Too late for popcorn. The end credits are rolling and I don't anticipate a post-credits scene, sorry!!

I'll be happy to play the highlight reel.

Luke, love you man, but you better head to the burn unit.
16 Dec 2016, 8:00am
Soap opera at it's finest. And Luke: don't worry. Those who think they have you all figured out after the first sentences are shortsighted. Dubbing someone creepy or edgy without even trying to get to know them is immature at best.
16 Dec 2016, 8:16am
Tisiphone Moreau
Luke3107Too late for popcorn. The end credits are rolling and I don't anticipate a post-credits scene, sorry!!

I'll be happy to play the highlight reel.

Luke, love you man, but you better head to the burn unit.

Don't worry, I had an ice shower afterwards... Definitely healed up the superficials, but them 2nd and 3rd degrees will take a while to clear

Ryan MurdocSoap opera at it's finest. And Luke: don't worry. Those who think they have you all figured out after the first sentences are shortsighted. Dubbing someone creepy or edgy without even trying to get to know them is immature at best.

Don't get the wrong impression, this was an 'In Character' argument. There's no hostilities between me and the RL Kyla. At least, as far as I'm aware anyways.
16 Dec 2016, 8:49am
Ryan MurdocSoap opera at it's finest. And Luke: don't worry. Those who think they have you all figured out after the first sentences are shortsighted. Dubbing someone creepy or edgy without even trying to get to know them is immature at best.

That is kinda what happens when someone acts creepy and/or edgy as a first impression, though. First impressions leave a lasting imprint, and don't act like you don't judge people based on it. Everyone does it.

Anyway. I got a shipment of stuff to go take into Smurfland.

Last edit: 16 Dec 2016, 8:59am
16 Dec 2016, 9:06am
Okay, I have seen people RP by way of Forum before....I come from a background of MUSHes and MUDs....it just seems to me that it would be easier to RP at storyteller's circle (or whatever the of the place is now, if indeed it still exists) where they have grids made to order. . I've RP'd through chat room as well. I'm not trying to be prick, I am seriously curioius as to how this type of RP works..I have heard some say it is superior to Roleplaying on a MUSH....IF this is so...in what way? I always RP in game if I can but sadly I only have a couple of people who play along. How does one enter into Forum RP? Also, would anyone be interested in RP through Steam? Like in group chat rooms?
16 Dec 2016, 10:02am
DrShradreI always RP in game if I can but sadly I only have a couple of people who play along. How does one enter into Forum RP? Also, would anyone be interested in RP through Steam? Like in group chat rooms?

I occasionally RP in game too. But it appears you are on PC rather than Xbox so maybe in 15 years when cross-platform gaming becomes the norm eh? I could recommend the Discord channel on here rather than Steam. But I haven't used it myself so someone else would be better suited to explain that to you.

If you want to join in the RP, be sure to read back a few pages at least, to get a jist of what's going on at the time. If you are going to interact with someone, check for a character bio in the users logbooks to save you commenting on their Blonde Curls when in fact they're a Brunette. The best place to go to start with is the InGaBa as that's where most interactions and story arcs begin. You can begin off station if you like, with your character exiting Supercruise and proceeding to dock etc. But it's not completely necessary. (I always use myself as an example, I should really stop but....) I myself started out in the bar straight off the bat and itr was fine. To paraphrase what someone said to me, "If nothing interesting happened, there's little need to comment on it."

On a side note, if you want help with writing stuff, be it proofreading, character design or even just being stuck for a response to an action, loads of people here are happy to help out so never hesitate to ask.

Make your character how you like, but a word of advice: a powerful leader with entire armies at his/her disposal is fine, So long as it is justified. By which I mean, don't make your entering statement "The Fleet Commander entered the InGaBa and several of his guard took positions around the room as he ordered a full on assault on the Kremainn System". For something like that, a slow burn is necessary. (And so we turn to the inevitable example of such a thing: ) Marra Morgan. Her character started off as a minor smuggler/pirate with nothing to go on. Nowadays, she is a full on Pirate Lord. Had she started off as the latter, it wouldn't have been well received. As it is, it's universally accepted due to the development put in through her multitude of Logbook stories.

An example of how not to do it would be my very own Lilith. I was that determined to follow Marras footsteps (loosely), I basically had her wave her gun at every Tom, Dick and Harry that she could. Thinking that would get me (her) the same level of fear and respect. In my first Logbook entry of hers, she vents someone out of an airlock. That would be fine but a comment on how it was written was "that it was evil for the sake of evil". Suffice to say, it failed, not in creating a character, but in making her believable. But as I've progressed with her, I know at least two people (who will go unnamed for their privacy) who enjoy her antics.

I appreciate I rambled on a bit. Apologies for that, I just felt it necessary to get this stuff out of the way now rather than someone inadvertantly chase you off because you broke an unspoken rule you weren't aware of.

Last edit: 16 Dec 2016, 10:09am
16 Dec 2016, 12:31pm
Kyla Emmerich That is kinda what happens when someone acts creepy and/or edgy as a first impression, though. First impressions leave a lasting imprint, and don't act like you don't judge people based on it. Everyone does it..

Yes, everyone does it. But some people are able to alter their view on others, given time and the ability to question if their first views were too hasty.

Not everyone is able to do that though. People don't want to admit they've been wrong.

One more thing: I don't act. When I say something it's how I perceive it and express it accordingly.

Yet I can be wrong, too. But I know and admit that, contrary to others.
16 Dec 2016, 1:06pm
Ryan Murdoc
Yes, everyone does it. But some people are able to alter their view on others, given time and the ability to question if their first views were too hasty.

This is very true; some people seem very nice at first but after time you realise that they're not.

They're the ones I worry more about.
16 Dec 2016, 1:13pm
Marra Morgan
Ryan Murdoc
Yes, everyone does it. But some people are able to alter their view on others, given time and the ability to question if their first views were too hasty.

This is very true; some people seem very nice at first but after time you realise that they're not.

They're the ones I worry more about.

You can always fall prey to some pretender in that way, I agree. But I myself dare to say I'm very open minded about people, and will only remove myself from the equation if I detect that I'm being played.
16 Dec 2016, 1:19pm
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle - not just for science!

16 Dec 2016, 2:56pm
I just go by the rule of "When you meet someone new, act polite, but be ready to defend yourself."
16 Dec 2016, 4:59pm
Marra Morgan
Ryan Murdoc
Yes, everyone does it. But some people are able to alter their view on others, given time and the ability to question if their first views were too hasty.

This is very true; some people seem very nice at first but after time you realise that they're not.

They're the ones I worry more about.

I have arrived in this topic for no particular reason.
18 Dec 2016, 10:27am
Luke3107If you are going to interact with someone, check for a character bio in the users logbooks.

I was looking at yours and you have a bio under Fleet listed as additional information.  How did you input that bio?

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