Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

15 Jan 2017, 12:05am
Got a serious Fallout "Big MT" vibe from that mistake. Haha.
15 Jan 2017, 12:15am
15 Jan 2017, 8:31am
If you did it intentionally just say it. There's no need to keep up the facade in the OOC board.
15 Jan 2017, 12:33pm
Character Rendering - Complete with Currency from Colonia (Where Marcus/Nsite is at the moment).

Good times.

15 Jan 2017, 12:34pm
Thargoids coming to Colonia, heads or tails?

15 Jan 2017, 1:03pm
Nsite, Holy shit! This looks incredible. What rendering program are you using?
15 Jan 2017, 3:21pm
Agreed! O_O
15 Jan 2017, 8:33pm
Final render was done in after effects believe it or not. Built the scene and then imported the obj's into E3d. Just getting warmed up. Doing some animations/video work for CCN. Thought I'd develop my own Avatar for RP in the proces.
15 Jan 2017, 8:46pm
But I use them all, c4d/maya/auto.
16 Jan 2017, 10:34am
Meet Sydney, my sidekick.

(Hey if you don't make friends easily, easier just to make your own).

16 Jan 2017, 10:39am
I seem to be better at making enemies.

16 Jan 2017, 10:41am
16 Jan 2017, 10:41am
That's a solid render Simon, you make that in Maya?
16 Jan 2017, 10:47am
No, I just used Eve Online + a combination of colour correction and adjusting curves in Photoshop and a background taken from Elite - one of the ones you see at stations with a person in front of it.

I haven't really touched any proper 3D software since Lightwave a few years ago.
16 Jan 2017, 10:54am
Well eve seems to do a nice job.

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