Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

14 Jan 2017, 3:04pm
Marra Morgan[snip]I must admit, I did feel like I was slipping out of character sometimes with Marra being so generous with her patience. Lilith as an Alpha-female? She just got Omega'd!
I like to think it was because Marra saw more in Lilith than she was letting on. Could be wrong, but that's how I'm sleeping at night
Either way, she certainly did get Omega'd, no doubt about that

John "Xeknos" MathurinLilith doesn't come off as "alpha female" at all. Instead, she comes off as... emotionally unstable and needy? Her agreement with Marra seems strangely appropriate for her character.

I deliberately chose the phrase "Alpha Type" because I don't see her in charge of anything (yet) but still tries to push her weight around. It seemed an apt description. But, emotionally unstable? Short tempered I aimed for, but perhaps I over shot.
And genuine question, how does she come across as needy? This is way off the mark for what I intended so I'm keen to know where I went wrong on that count.
14 Jan 2017, 3:32pm
I like to think it was because Marra saw more in Lilith than she was letting on.

I think Marra's opinion was quite clear.

Luke3107I deliberately chose the phrase "Alpha Type" because I don't see her in charge of anything (yet) but still tries to push her weight around. It seemed an apt description.

Alpha types don't just push their weight around. They seek to dominate, and succeed in doing so.
Have you ever seen a verbal catfight between two alpha-females? It's a sophisticated game of subtelty, underhanded insults and manipulation.
(And an everyday thing for me in my RL job!)

You can research this simply by keeping an eye out for it in your workplace and just observing... but don't get involved, not if you value your skin being kept on your bones!
14 Jan 2017, 3:50pm
Fair point Marra

Although I'm currently not working, I'm acutely aware of the risks involved in getting between to scrapping women
14 Jan 2017, 3:53pm
Marra Morgan
I like to think it was because Marra saw more in Lilith than she was letting on.

I think Marra's opinion was quite clear.

Luke3107I deliberately chose the phrase "Alpha Type" because I don't see her in charge of anything (yet) but still tries to push her weight around. It seemed an apt description.

Alpha types don't just push their weight around. They seek to dominate, and succeed in doing so.
Have you ever seen a verbal catfight between two alpha-females? It's a sophisticated game of subtelty, underhanded insults and manipulation.
(And an everyday thing for me in my RL job!)

You can research this simply by keeping an eye out for it in your workplace and just observing... but don't get involved, not if you value your skin being kept on your bones!

Been there. Can confirm. I'm now a skeleton.
14 Jan 2017, 3:56pm
Luke3107Fair point Marra

Although I'm currently not working, I'm acutely aware of the risks involved in getting between to scrapping women

You have much to learn Padawan.

There is a difference between two women scrapping it out, and two engaged in their sublte art for dominance.

Last edit: 14 Jan 2017, 4:18pm
14 Jan 2017, 4:04pm
Stryker Aune
Luke3107Fair point Marra

Although I'm currently not working, I'm acutely aware of the risks involved in getting between to scrapping women

You have much to learn Padawan.

There is a difference between two women scrapping it out, and two engaged in their sublte art for dominance.
There is clearly much I don't know about women... Perhaps this is why I'm single??
14 Jan 2017, 4:12pm
With multiple mentions of Lilith not being an Alpha Female, I feel obliged to mention that:

a) I'm a man, so by nature I have a fundamentally poor understanding of women
But more importantly:
b) Lilith does the whole, 'throwing her weight around' and 'bravado' thing, not because that's what I think 'Alpha Women' do. But because she's spent her life dealing with men and so that's how she is used to behaving to avoid being pushed around.

Of course, I don't blame anyone bar myself for how she comes across. I have failed to mention that aspect of her life anywhere beyond her character bio, so it's poor writing on my part. Hence I mention it here, just to clear that up. However in future writings, I will endeavour to make that clearer and now Lilith has seen how things operate with a woman in charge, she may learn a thing or two.

Thank you all for your input
14 Jan 2017, 4:13pm
Stryker Aune
There is a difference between two women scrapping it out, and two engaged in their sublte art for dominance.


Men scrap. Women dominate
14 Jan 2017, 4:15pm
Careful now. Best piece of advice I ever got about women: they're smarter than you and they know it. Play everything straight and it'll be fine. Something to keep in mind in life as well as in RP.
14 Jan 2017, 4:24pm
Isaiah EvansonCareful now. Best piece of advice I ever got about women: they're smarter than you and they know it. Play everything straight and it'll be fine. Something to keep in mind in life as well as in RP.

It's nice to meet a man who knows his place.
14 Jan 2017, 4:40pm
I'm thinking about actually doing my character's RP job as a security officer and arresting K-Jan's Character for using "Ice Ring" a refined version of Ice... Go? No Go?

My hesitation is that it might cause a minor "explosion" in the Bar. Which is why I am thinking of leaving cadets with stun batons to watch him while I call it in. Give his character a chance to make a break.
14 Jan 2017, 4:42pm
Jemine Caesar
Isaiah EvansonCareful now. Best piece of advice I ever got about women: they're smarter than you and they know it. Play everything straight and it'll be fine. Something to keep in mind in life as well as in RP.

It's nice to meet a man who knows his place.

*shrug* It's just a fact of life. Honesty and respect are extremely important. It's not just good manners, it's good practice. The second deception enters the equation, you're walking in a minefield - that's true with any relationship
14 Jan 2017, 4:56pm
Amar EpsilonI'm thinking about actually doing my character's RP job as a security officer and arresting K-Jan's Character for using "Ice Ring" a refined version of Ice... Go? No Go?

My hesitation is that it might cause a minor "explosion" in the Bar. Which is why I am thinking of leaving cadets with stun batons to watch him while I call it in. Give his character a chance to make a break.

I would not, because, although your character may be head of security, it really wasn't agreed upon by the community. Now you could contact this dude via pm and set up an RP thing involving his arrest if he so choose and then play it out. But I would avoid forcing anything upon someone without prior consent.

But that's just me.
14 Jan 2017, 4:58pm
Ok. thank god for the delete button.

@Stryker, thanks for the RP tip.
14 Jan 2017, 11:56pm
It's Beagle Point, not Point Beagle xD

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