Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

24 Jan 2017, 11:04am
Diolch, Marra!

24 Jan 2017, 11:10am
Just to let those who are with me in the Bar.

I'll likely be offline for a short while as there has been a major balls up with my parents ISP transfer. Basically we were leaving Company A switching to Company B, but for reasons known only to the Lord Cthulu himself, Company C phoned up to say we changed our minds and cancelled the order. This means that we now have no internet, no landline (house phone) and there's never been great mobile phone signal in my town so 3G or 4G are out of the question :-/

Edit: And obviously, by extension, Lilith will be offline also.

P.S. 86 Posts?!?! Read through most of it while I could but Nsite and Stryker, as much as Science interests me, your posts were like being back at school!!

Last edit: 24 Jan 2017, 12:05pm
24 Jan 2017, 1:00pm
Jemine CaesarHello!

Just a quick line to say that the RP thread between Stryker and me has now faded to black. We hope you enjoyed it.

Take care,


That was very cool. Thank you both.
24 Jan 2017, 1:11pm
Marra Morgan
Jemine CaesarHello!

Just a quick line to say that the RP thread between Stryker and me has now faded to black. We hope you enjoyed it.

Take care,


I loved it, one of the best RP 1-to-1's I've read on here!

Agreed... Now stop it, you're making the rest of us look bad
24 Jan 2017, 1:29pm
Luke3107Just to let those who are with me in the Bar.

I'll likely be offline for a short while as there has been a major balls up with my parents ISP transfer. Basically we were leaving Company A switching to Company B, but for reasons known only to the Lord Cthulu himself, Company C phoned up to say we changed our minds and cancelled the order. This means that we now have no internet, no landline (house phone) and there's never been great mobile phone signal in my town so 3G or 4G are out of the question :-/

Edit: And obviously, by extension, Lilith will be offline also.

P.S. 86 Posts?!?! Read through most of it while I could but Nsite and Stryker, as much as Science interests me, your posts were like being back at school!!

Hope things work out Luke! Sorry I haven't posted my reply yet. This week has been pretty crazy for me as well.
24 Jan 2017, 2:11pm
Thank you, Phisto and Luke. Glad you enjoyed reading it as much as Stryker and I did writing it.
25 Jan 2017, 1:30am
All I gotta say is... bow chicka bow wow. Cue James Brown track here. Nicely done you two.
25 Jan 2017, 8:04am
Thank you, Nsite.
25 Jan 2017, 8:32am
And Scene...

25 Jan 2017, 9:47am
And with some Style

25 Jan 2017, 6:26pm
Thank you Nsite.
25 Jan 2017, 7:43pm
Man Nsite be making me feel all jelly inside right now
28 Jan 2017, 9:37pm
Aaaand I'm back online again

Nice images Nsite.
29 Jan 2017, 2:38pm
Syd and Marcus get srs... or cereal. You choose (Off Station)

29 Jan 2017, 8:38pm
Luke3107Just to let those who are with me in the Bar.

Edit: And obviously, by extension, Lilith will be offline also.

P.S. 86 Posts?!?! Read through most of it while I could but Nsite and Stryker, as much as Science interests me, your posts were like being back at school!!

Hope things work out Luke! Sorry I haven't posted my reply yet. This week has been pretty crazy for me as well.

Take your time, that's me back now

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