Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

29 Jan 2017, 10:48pm
Sounds like Marcus is serious...ly smelly!

And welcome back, Luke!

Last edit: 29 Jan 2017, 11:42pm
30 Jan 2017, 1:02am
SonofMacPhistoSounds like Marcus is serious...ly smelly!

And welcome back, Luke!

Good to be back Phisto
30 Jan 2017, 2:41am
I am now pleased to announce that, in addition to Luke3107, I have a second account that allows me to 'act out' Liliths escapades in game. If anyone wishes to Wing Up the GTs are:


Depending on the activities you wish to participate in feel free to add one or the other, or both. As a rule of thumb though, Luke is law-abiding and Lilith isn't, so don't add Luke expecting a bout of Piracy. I'll work to get Liliths account up and running properly ASAP as it's back to a Sidewinder for her just now... But only in game =P
31 Jan 2017, 10:17pm

Since Elite shares our history, would important folks like Einstein, Hawking, and the like be well known? Like part of one's basic schooling, like many nowadays receive? I figure people in Elite's world would talk about them like we talk about early scientists, like Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton. Which I suppose means the older folks would almost be like myth and legend by the year 3000.

Thoughts, please and thank you?
31 Jan 2017, 10:24pm

Since Elite shares our history, would important folks like Einstein, Hawking, and the like be well known? Like part of one's basic schooling, like many nowadays receive? I figure people in Elite's world would talk about them like we talk about early scientists, like Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton. Which I suppose means the older folks would almost be like myth and legend by the year 3000.

Thoughts, please and thank you?

No reason they wouldn't be in my eyes. The likes of Newton and Galileo existed before the emergence of the data sharing capabilities we have today. Which is likely the only reason they aren't as well known as the likes of Stephen Hawking.

Especially when we have the likes of Galileo Station above Earth as tribute to the man himself. Odds are there are stations such as Hawking Station or Newton Orbital out there too although I can't personally vouch for those.
31 Jan 2017, 10:28pm
LOL according to Inara there are 19 stations with the name Newton.
31 Jan 2017, 10:36pm
There you go then
31 Jan 2017, 11:13pm
I think the point at which Elite's history deviates from our own is in the late 21st century, but take that with a grain of salt.

Presumably one could argue that Trump is laying the groundwork for the Federation as we speak, but again... grain of salt.
31 Jan 2017, 11:47pm
Hahahaha Isaiah, I see him more as an Imperial myself- gotta build them space walls. And apparently it's not going to cost us anything. Slave much? Phisto, to answer your question, I'd say absolutely (especially considering in ED lore these scientists are often mentioned and or have locations/stations/planets named after them). When it comes to standard model/physics/QM they deviate a bit from the realistic technology we have speculated, but they do it in an intelligent way that is believable based on our information now, however limited it may be.
01 Feb 2017, 2:45am
NsiteHahahaha Isaiah, I see him more as an Imperial myself- gotta build them space walls. And apparently it's not going to cost us anything. Slave much? Phisto, to answer your question, I'd say absolutely (especially considering in ED lore these scientists are often mentioned and or have locations/stations/planets named after them). When it comes to standard model/physics/QM they deviate a bit from the realistic technology we have speculated, but they do it in an intelligent way that is believable based on our information now, however limited it may be.

At the risk of injecting politics into the OOC board, I'd claim that the Federation is much more Trump's style- after all, it's a military-industrial complex ruled by corporations, with everyday people having very few civil liberties and very little disposable income. In the Empire, slavery is a thing, yes- but it's a safety net, not a punishment. High standards of living are Imperial values, and for the wealthy, treating those beneath you with dignity is a matter of honor. Though not a democracy in the normal sense, very little is illegal in Imperial space compared to the Federation. In this context, you could argue that Imperial citizens are more "free" than their Federal counterparts, even though they don't directly vote in choosing their leaders (of course, one could also argue that in the Federation, the corporations control the outcome anyway! )

EDIT: this is M. Lehman, by the way. I forgot that I was logged into my Kyndi account!

Last edit: 01 Feb 2017, 3:30am
01 Feb 2017, 3:09am
As someone who is impartial to both the Feds and Imperials, I agree. Especially since the Federation is basically "space 'murica." Correct me if I'm wrong but I think I remember reading that the Federation's roots come from the US winning World War III, so it would actually make sense then.

Also Lehman I genuinely had no idea that you were behind Kyndi's stories. Just how many of you guys are extra accounts anyways?
01 Feb 2017, 3:11am
The Federation capital was in Washington, D.C. until Mars was terraformed if I recall correctly.
01 Feb 2017, 3:15am
Cartlidge1000As someone who is impartial to both the Feds and Imperials, I agree. Especially since the Federation is basically "space 'murica." Correct me if I'm wrong but I think I remember reading that the Federation's roots come from the US winning World War III, so it would actually make sense then.

Also Lehman I genuinely had no idea that you were behind Kyndi's stories. Just how many of you guys are extra accounts anyways?

A few of us do, but rest assured that I only have the two accounts!
01 Feb 2017, 3:19am
Kyndi the Badass Space Chick
Cartlidge1000As someone who is impartial to both the Feds and Imperials, I agree. Especially since the Federation is basically "space 'murica." Correct me if I'm wrong but I think I remember reading that the Federation's roots come from the US winning World War III, so it would actually make sense then.

Also Lehman I genuinely had no idea that you were behind Kyndi's stories. Just how many of you guys are extra accounts anyways?

A few of us do, but rest assured that I only have the two accounts!

Same here, as if anyone needed reminding...
01 Feb 2017, 4:16am
Well Poo-poo me

I still disagree, however. And I see where you all are coming from. But first things first: Trump does NOT represent the Military Industrial Complex- America (formerly) does. And although all the lore suggests the Imperials are all about 'higher standards of living', it also suggests that is their forward facing rhetoric, and in actuality the process of slavery can be quite cruel.

This is no different than Trump saying 'No more forgotten Americans' in the same day that he obliterated the ACA, made it more expensive for the middle class to own homes, and removed the Native American, Climate Change, and Petition subpages off the whitehouse.gov's website.

Yes, the 'Murica mantra stems back far before Bush, but Trump represents the Elite Wealthy 1% who is in bed with the most wealthy old boys network there's ever been. Imperialistic values come at a cost to the less fortunate, no matter how much honor is involved, and I would say that is a far more Trumpian antic than the desire to conquer the world militarily (neither, in my opinion, jive with my personal style, I might add).

Whenever there is a 'little people is our safety net' I see Trump. You can tell me all you want that I'm important, but when you strip my liberties away to benefit those in a position of privilege, you've lost me- this is essentially what the Imperials do, and it is what Trump is doing right this second. Anecdoting the entire US policy over this guy's first week in office doesn't make much sense- we were 'Murica way before he came along- he is anything but, good bad or indifferent.

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