Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

27 Oct 2023, 10:58pm
Indeed. The plan was to do it like we did ours, when the entry passes off the main page.

... but not quite that quickly. Even if we've got a backlog ready to go.
28 Oct 2023, 12:02am
ya i figured as much. cheers!
30 Oct 2023, 9:21pm
Yeah, this is going to be fun. A very weird kind of fun. :p
30 Oct 2023, 9:25pm
Pssh! Don’t spoil it too much.

They haven’t seen anything yet.
31 Oct 2023, 12:23am
If it's anything of what was talked about during our collaboration then I have a general idea of it.
31 Oct 2023, 12:26am
You might say yes. But that was just a random sideline conversation at the time. Now… well, you’re gonna see.

(And try not to get confused as I post other stuff more related to Kira’s main ongoing story. They run parallel-ish.)
31 Oct 2023, 3:30am
Hi all. Does anyone know of a roleplay group or squad that combines story elements and gameplay activites? To me, story elements make the regular gameplay much more immersive and involving, and I was wondering if I could find someone or some group with this niche taste as well, to develop a story together.

I started doing this with ChatGPT and it works wonders, but having a group of people into it would feel even better.

I found some squads out there who do this partially, but they are more focused on the BGS results rather than developing a story in a living world. Instead, I'm looking for people who are more interested in the story elements rather than the in-game results, progress or system control.

31 Oct 2023, 3:52am
You found the group lol. The RP channels provide meeting spaces for everyone to start their character interactions. Most of us keep an eye on current events to sort of incorporate them. Some of the characters incorporate the story more than others. Some of us are off on adventures readable in the logbook section. If you are looking for interaction with people and simply want to write up a story with some one, drop a hook in one of the RP channels (I suggest dropping into the galactic) and see if anyone bites. The bar after all is where most grand adventures begin.

Now if you mean specifically in game stuff I'm not aware of any that are solely RP seeing as how the events are kind of hard to portray in game. For this I would suggest asking in the game general talk section to see if there are any squadrons that RP in game.

Most of all welcome and enjoy the chaos we all bring to the table!
31 Oct 2023, 3:59am
KowganHi all. Does anyone know of a roleplay group or squad that combines story elements and gameplay activites? To me, story elements make the regular gameplay much more immersive and involving, and I was wondering if I could find someone or some group with this niche taste as well, to develop a story together.


I've often wondered the same thing about using game elements in RP for Elite. it is what I prefer, having been spoiled by some great in-game RPG guilds and groups in other games like SWG and AoC. But, those were primarily MMORPGs intended for player interaction whereas elite is more of a space sim with minor MMORPG-like elements.

However, I still think it could be done, but to a much lesser degree than a full MMORPG.

Maybe something like a "carrier duel" as a setting for an in-game rpg. Essentially two heavy, unarmed ships loaded up with fighters with the goal being that the fighters have to find and destory the enemy "carrier." Maybe it is a skirmish between Imps and Feds. Maybe two mining companies fighting in planetary rings.

Or, some old fashioned just hanging around in a settlement/bar RPG.
31 Oct 2023, 4:00am
AI-generated quests be like:
31 Oct 2023, 4:01am
Thank you very much, I appreciate the warm welcome and the brief tour to help me understand how RP work here.

I'm not the greatest when it comes to developing detailed plots by myself, but the Galactic bar is a great suggestion for sparkling something. I'm sure I can work something out along with GPT and hopefully find people interested in joining the adventures at the bar.

I'll keep an eye out! Thanks!

Edit: lol, this chat goes fast when you blink.
31 Oct 2023, 4:03am
MeowersAI-generated quests be like:

Ha VLDL is fantastic. And that video gets me every single time

@Kowgan you should see it when events start rolling.
31 Oct 2023, 4:08am
KowganI'm not the greatest when it comes to developing detailed plots by myself, but the Galactic bar is a great suggestion for sparkling something. I'm sure I can work something out along with GPT and hopefully find people interested in joining the adventures at the bar.

Yeah, as far as I know (and as far as I am from being an experienced roleplayer) people like to write stuff that's impossible in-game simply by the engine limitations and/or lacking interaction options. Maybe decorating it with screenies taken in-game or AI-made illustrations. Yet if you want to have more gameplay, orchestrated by your own quests and storyline, I think someone could be interested in that as well. Just, I never asked, being more attracted to pure-text options, some of which ended up in logbook or served as a source of writing inspiration.
31 Oct 2023, 4:27am
Right, being a forum-based roleplay section, that is what i thought it would shelter the most: Writers and readers who love creating text-based universes, but not as much people interested in combining this with in-game activities. But who knows, I might find people interested in that!

I don't mind playing solo. It doesn't need to be an actual in-game meeting. But I really like the combination of mundane in-game activities with the feeling of purpose and involvement that the roleplay community brings alive.
31 Oct 2023, 6:33am
I am trying to sync my in game progress and RP on Inara as one story, but sometimes for needs of RP, I will bit edit it.

For example, my last adventure, in cooperation with CMDR Sharpe I edited my position-In game I was on halfway of return to bubble from that atypical guardian place at September 22nd, but here I managed to get to place, from which Fleet Carrier slowly brought me to story site.

If you need, in RP I am in bubble (in game too, but busy with grind) so we can try to write something if you want. But firstly, I must compose log about my last adventure since from my side it is bit opened still

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