Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

05 May 2024, 11:46pm
Kira can just sit on someone and that would count as torture... maybe. Depends highly on context. :p
06 May 2024, 5:31am
Definitely depends on context. Whether there's gravity and what the person being sat on is into matters a lot...

... but also the reason for why the person is getting sat on. And there is someone in her world who probably would not mind that weirdness.
11 May 2024, 9:20pm
Oh, Kira and maintenance shafts. A disaster in the making, lol.
11 May 2024, 9:46pm
It would make for a good comedy shot/moment. But she might not be so amused about it...
11 May 2024, 9:48pm
I assure you, the best comedy moments happen when their main participants aren't so amused about it... :p
(or maybe I'm just evil, who knows)
11 May 2024, 9:50pm
No, I watch GrayStillPlays. I know the feeling.

Or maybe we are both just sadists.
21 May 2024, 7:21pm
If you wonder about that message in the banter chat… I saw a water world a few days ago, exploring, and suddenly felt poetic about it. You can let me know if my - unaided - result, is any good. Because, usually… I’m not very good at it.
22 May 2024, 5:36pm
It somehow has a melancholy but also thoughtful undertone, an outsider's view of the blue jewel that you know little about but would like to be a part of. I like it.
22 May 2024, 8:46pm
Melancholy, maybe, but I was more looking at it from the other perspective of wondering what it’s like down there… the reference being to a water world.

And it is written from an in-character perspective.

Also, hope you all enjoyed the “show” of tonight.
27 May 2024, 8:49pm
Lol, just don't say Kira is going to squeeze herself into an ordinary Azimuth uniform. :p
27 May 2024, 8:53pm
Not likely, because she's nice and cozy in the Lakon box. As cozy as you can get in one of those.

Would make for an... interesting sight, though. And not exactly useful to the purpose of remaining undercover.
31 May 2024, 9:44am
So, I’m yet again redefining words with my latest (work-in-progress) entry, only this time it feels like I’m redefining long instead of short.
01 Jun 2024, 10:20pm
So, I guess, it is once again that time where I get to say…

I really wish people didn’t feel the need to spam a dozen entries all at the same time to flood the main page with and obscure the works of those who don’t write five things a day(or actually don’t have a backlog of 5,000 things pre-written/wait to post one at a time every 2-3 days).
03 Jun 2024, 10:19pm
So, I would say that I apologize for making fun of the T9 at hand of my character's bodily features, but... nah, not really.

You may slap me for being silly and having such an inappropriate mind though.
04 Jun 2024, 4:01am
you are aware the Type 9 is loosely around the same size in terms of width and length as the International space station right?
Its not a space truck so much as a space cargo barge

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