Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

04 Jun 2024, 8:20am
I haven’t compared the size of the T9 to the ISS, no.

And from the shape alone I’d more consider calling the T7 a space truck or bus(along with it being a brick, almost literally). It still manages to be less of a pain to maneuver, I expect, though. Never having flown either…
05 Jun 2024, 12:36pm
I like the design of that T7 brick. I'd love more industrial looking spaceships - I always thought the ships in Aliens looked much cooler than those from StarTrek with their polished corridors and exteriors... but then, I also liked the gothic look of the illuminated USS Cygnus from the old Black Hole movie. And where's the Panther Clipper..?

Anyway, I still have a few tickets left for the T Tauri Harmony Festival...
05 Jun 2024, 1:08pm
I’ll decline the invitation. I would only take away from the actual show by everybody staring at every given opportunity…

… but if someone else wants an interview with Hothis, go right ahead. And try not to stab each other yet.
06 Jun 2024, 1:42am
Why stabbing? We live in a civilised era... of firearms. :p
06 Jun 2024, 1:56am
06 Jun 2024, 2:34am
...but this is fun. What's more important than having fun? :p
06 Jun 2024, 3:07am
I think that definition of ‘fun’ differs based on the circumstance. Are you shooting some random pirate or scavenger in the middle of nowhere on some frozen rock where light never reaches?

Then ‘Blast it with a gun’ applies.

Are you facing a bastard who wronged you personally, made you really go through some shit, and you want to see the life fade from their eyes as they look at you?

Not much beats the knife. Pistol shot through the head also applies, though. Preferably with a revolver, so you can really hear the shot echo/resonate.

(Or you could also go complete overkill and turn their head into pulp with a railgun, point blank, but… that’s a particularly special execution reserved for particularly special circumstances, like if you were to blow robo-Salvation’s head off after defeating it. Just before or after you also wipe[d] the data storage with any backups.)
06 Jun 2024, 6:18am
Well, regarding bastards who made me go through some shit... I'd like to see him locked in a basement and living in misery as long as possible because death is too easy.
06 Jun 2024, 10:32am
And we’re still at the “different definitions of fun” part. As far as I’m concerned, seeing that sore dead and removed from the world - quite literally - would be much more preferable to having it waste away somewhere. (See how Kira has, so far, handled… ‘problems’ in her life.)

Although there’s some leeway to be given to differing circumstances, I don’t feel particularly bothered to discuss the subject to that depth or extent.
06 Jun 2024, 6:01pm
Of course. Because there's an invitation to some wacky rave party and suddenly we started talking about stabbing and exploding people. I mean, what the actual heck? :p

(btw, a tour to Azimuth facilities really does sound intriguing, I have to admit, might be some real fun)
06 Jun 2024, 6:26pm
Im gonna tell you right now you got about a 50/50 shot of not leaving the azimuth labs after that tour
06 Jun 2024, 6:31pm
I knew it! It's so awesome that so many people may want to stay there, to work and live in those labs! Is it? Is it?... :p
06 Jun 2024, 7:37pm
They could meet someone with a captivating personality
06 Jun 2024, 8:49pm
HaraldsenThey could meet someone with a captivating personality

And definitely isn’t building any superweapons in the background.
06 Jun 2024, 8:56pm
HaraldsenThey could meet someone with a captivating personality
...an opportunity that can really change you and your entire life!

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