Rant corner

06 Jan 2023, 11:51pm
Here's something I don't get:

I often get interdicted and destroyed while cruising in Sol by other players (hell, last night, I got destroyed at Daedalus, and after the rebuy, I was called a "Fedneck"). 99% of the time, it's for Powerplay.

Have these people not gotten the memo that FDev removed the ability to get Merits from PvP combat in 2017 or so? Or are they just assholes?
10 Jan 2023, 6:29am
Yes, they totally are.
16 Jan 2023, 6:19am
BNSF1995Here's something I don't get:

I often get interdicted and destroyed while cruising in Sol by other players (hell, last night, I got destroyed at Daedalus, and after the rebuy, I was called a "Fedneck"). 99% of the time, it's for Powerplay.

Have these people not gotten the memo that FDev removed the ability to get Merits from PvP combat in 2017 or so? Or are they just assholes?

I feel ya....I'm getting hit to...but then they disappear like the cowards they are......But thank god it's not like EvE where you lose your expensive ship.....Difficult to track these guys though to seek revenge....either way........they hide like cowards.
21 Jan 2023, 2:15pm
Oi not a rant but a roast

A stolen screenshot made it to the home page of Inara lmao



Oh and it made it to the home page lmao

What a mess, since when SAG'A is on a blue nebula lmao. Feel free to move this, also there should be consequences for breaching the etiquette.
21 Jan 2023, 2:33pm
Richard FluiranizOi not a rant but a roast

A stolen screenshot made it to the home page of Inara lmao

Thanks, I have just removed it. I knew that I've seen the image before and was just looking for the original, to be sure about that. Cases like this appear sometimes.
10 Mar 2023, 2:19am
Foul language ahead.


I am so goddamn fed up with this game's tendancy to shit all over custom binds files. I have backed up, copied, edited, restored, trashed, and re-created more .binds files in the last few weeks than I ever have in this game, AND THAT'S SAYING A LOT.

And no matter how many feckin' times I think I fix it, I always end up in some kind of live-fire situation with keybinds that are hosed, and I need to regain just enough control so I can escape and rejigger the goddamn .binds again.  And don't get me started on regular vs. inverted axis toggles.  Every SINGLE ONE is fucked from the beginning.  The game automatically inverts axis that should be regular, and doesn't invert the ones it should.  My throttle has a goddamn FRONT and a goddamn BACK.  How fucking hard can that possibly be for the game to understand?


Thanks for listening. That is all. Goodnight.
28 Mar 2023, 7:32pm
Is there anyone else being driven insane by the prices on trade routes being so blatantly wrong?!

Every single time I find a trade route with a decent pay rate, with supply and demand still at reasonable levels and recently updated in Inara. I start the route and the pay is nowhere even close to what is listed on this site.

I can understand some variance, but a discrepancy of 2000cr instead of the listed 35,000cr is ridiculous.
28 Mar 2023, 9:10pm
XxVicious81xXIs there anyone else being driven insane by the prices on trade routes being so blatantly wrong?!

Every single time I find a trade route with a decent pay rate, with supply and demand still at reasonable levels and recently updated in Inara. I start the route and the pay is nowhere even close to what is listed on this site.

I can understand some variance, but a discrepancy of 2000cr instead of the listed 35,000cr is ridiculous.

An important question - are you playing Legacy game version (consoles, PC Horizons 3.8) or Live? Inara does not support Legacy galaxy data anymore (since game update 14), so the prices may be very different than displayed in the game for these game versions. In case you are playing Live, please tell me which route (a screenshot will be the best).
03 Apr 2023, 3:51pm
Yesterday I was rescuing refugees at Muruidooges´s only space station (thargoid invaded system). There was a guy that kept ramming his ship on the mail slot, keeping us haulers from doing our good samaritan work and the fighters to refuel/rearm. Some people should really work on their piloting skills.
04 Apr 2023, 9:07am
Yuri Gagarin MendezYesterday I was rescuing refugees at Muruidooges´s only space station (thargoid invaded system). There was a guy that kept ramming his ship on the mail slot, keeping us haulers from doing our good samaritan work and the fighters to refuel/rearm. Some people should really work on their piloting skills.

Report to be sure.
11 Apr 2023, 11:13am
Looking at SpaceBourne 2 and realizing it is made by a single developer. Damn, E:DO is such a flop!
18 Apr 2023, 7:27pm
1. SRVs should have a exobiology register on the band scanner.
2. The universal cartographic section on a fleet carrier should at minimum perform the function of an FSS when the carrier comes into a new system.
3. I want a terrarium section of the vista genomics of my carrier where discovered species can be put into for display.
4. An exopod with an NPC should be performing maintenance on the carrier while it is stationary
5. I should be able to launch a SLF from the carrier that I then can fly around
6. Unused NPC pilots I have hired should be hanging out in the bar on my carrier or should be piloting the security vessels at my carrier. Earn your pay Serena.
7. There should be an engineering upgrade for the artemis suit that allows the genetic sampler to hold more than one type of partial sample.
8. I want there to be a way to use a carrier as a seed for a surface settlement.

That is all. It's off my chest.
10 May 2023, 2:22pm
9. Actually everything we have there should not be in bridge tower of a carrier. You know, there is much more space around. Tower is NOT a public space, it is command area, primarily accessible for the staff.
10. We should have more accessible rooms and sections in the carrier, as well as multifloor elevators and stairs + visual doors everywhere it needs to be(some secondary sections access from public areas).
27 Jun 2023, 5:58pm
Been said so many times before but...

I need (yes need) the ability to strip modules of materials, I have dozens that I've engineered badly in the early days, that are just sitting there waiting for FDev to implement this. I know FDev wouldn't give us 75% of the materials back, but I would be happy with 50% or even 25% would make me somewhat happy. I have so many engineered heatsinks doing nothing as I have replaced them with the pre-engineered ones, same with the Size 5 FDS.

I need (yes need) more module capacity, I'm close to my limit, I try to keep a small buffer but I'm currently working though powerplay, I will need somewhere to store these modules, even if I just get the ones I want, I will still need to put the engineered ones they replaced somewhere. I would of course prefer to buy multiple of everything in a variety of sizes but this would take up far too much room.

Buying a ship purely for storage is a pain trying to find what you need (luckily Inara is good for finding them). But this is a work around and shouldn't be something FDev passively encourages. I'd even sacrifice cargo capacity on my FC if I could store as many I wanted based on weight capacity.

As I unlock more stuff I need more capacity!
05 Jul 2023, 7:29pm
Why does text chat communication drop immediately, when other players get out of reach, activate FSD, etc.?

Getting into contact with other (esp. new) players is really annoying.
From the gameplay point of view, it does not make any sense, because I can chat with friends over hundreds of light years.

A cool feature would be a kind of beacon that can be activated or some other in-game mechanism to find human players.
By the way: Please show the distance to other faction members when listing them in the factions view (no, I do not want to check each and every distance).

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