Elite: Game talk

18 Aug 2015, 3:42pm
Hello Artie,

I like your site and appreciate the immense amount of work you have put in.

Question: if I look at CMDR'S LOG/STATISTICS/RANKS DISTRIBUTION the percentage's do not add up to 100%. How should I interpret it?
For instance, 90.64% is Mostly Harmless... I assume this means ..'or higher'.
But what happened to the 9,36% that is missing?
And, how many are actually Competent for example?
18 Aug 2015, 5:13pm
Yes, it is meant "this rank or higher". So for example 100% commanders are having rank "Harmless" or higher (and have at least one another rank set), 90.65% rank "Mostly harmless" or higher, 83.32% rank "Novice or higher" and so on...
Please note these statistics are just "local" for Inara, real game numbers of all players may differ (there will be probably more players on lower ranks). There is no exact number of players displayed as this number is still growing there and is not very relevant. So simply 71.24% of commanders here are Competent or better.
18 Aug 2015, 6:50pm
Yes, it is meant "this rank or higher". So for example 100% commanders are having rank "Harmless" or higher (and have at least one another rank set), 90.65% rank "Mostly harmless" or higher, 83.32% rank "Novice or higher" and so on...
Please note these statistics are just "local" for Inara, real game numbers of all players may differ (there will be probably more players on lower ranks). There is no exact number of players displayed as this number is still growing there and is not very relevant. So simply 71.24% of commanders here are Competent or better.

I believe that this number could be made more relevant.  Either only report the highest rank claimed or automatically assign credit for ranks below the highest.  Displaying the total number of CMDRs would help keep it in perspective.

I know you have said you are waiting for that new patch to do rankings.  I will still reiterate what many have asked for already: Please allow us to view the entire ranking list.  I want to see who is in the top 10 and I also want to know the total number of members on INARA.  I don't think I am the only one.

Last edit: 18 Aug 2015, 8:13pm
18 Aug 2015, 7:30pm
You'll have to wait until FDev makes that data set available .... IMO that is unlikely for some time yet
18 Aug 2015, 8:12pm
AndyraptorYou'll have to wait until FDev makes that data set available .... IMO that is unlikely for some time yet

My comments were about INARA statistics available now.
18 Aug 2015, 8:19pm
Hol'c I know you have said you are waiting for that new patch to do rankings.  I will still reiterate what many have asked for already: Please allow us to view the entire ranking list.  I want to see who is in the top 10 and I also want to know the total number of members on INARA.  I don't think I am the only one.

Hol'c: Yes, there will be also listing in rankings and some "total" numbers added. Probably right with CQC (patch 1.4) release or day or two after.  
18 Aug 2015, 8:41pm
Artie Hol'c: Yes, there will be also listing in rankings and some "total" numbers added. Probably right with CQC (patch 1.4) release or day or two after.  

Thank you

I am just an impatient 'MERican

I love this site!!
19 Aug 2015, 4:16pm
AndyraptorYou'll have to wait until FDev makes that data set available .... IMO that is unlikely for some time yet

My comments were about INARA statistics available now.

nice edit#

19 Aug 2015, 11:30pm
My edit was grammatical.
21 Aug 2015, 10:47pm
Best end game combat ship with strong shields? Anaconda is a support ship so it does not count. I mean a ship that could take on anything without help from other ships.
22 Aug 2015, 6:57am
DAYtimeBest end game combat ship with strong shields? Anaconda is a support ship so it does not count. I mean a ship that could take on anything without help from other ships.

No ship can do that. Get jumped by a formidable wing and it's byebye for any ship.
22 Aug 2015, 7:25am
and actually if you outfit the Anaconda for just combat it DEFINITELY counts as a combat ship. That this can have so man SCB's and shield boosters that only a concerted effort by human CMDR's can really drag it down, and pack enough heat to wipe out anything short of a Python in mere seconds.
22 Aug 2015, 4:27pm
DAYtimeBest end game combat ship with strong shields? Anaconda is a support ship so it does not count. I mean a ship that could take on anything without help from other ships.

An Anaconda can definitely do its own work pretty decently when fully decked out, but I guess you're looking for something that can get the job done with a little bit of maneuverability. I'd recommend an FDL or a python, they'd be your best bet if you don't want an Anaconda
24 Aug 2015, 10:44am
Best end game combat ship with strong shields?

But, will an Anaconda own it 1v1, with equally skilled pilots?
You bet.
24 Aug 2015, 4:45pm
This board needs a search function!

Can someone give a quick tip on how the round trip list works? I've tried looking at the figures but I'm missing something. Does it take you back and forth between the station you are at and the one in the list?

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