Elite: Game talk

24 Aug 2015, 6:49pm
Reese: It displays route back and forth, so from the currently selected station (A) to the target station (B) displayed and back. Goods are displayed in format "commodityToB / commodityFromB", so you will take first commodity from A to B and second commodity back from B to A. The profit displayed is for the whole round trip.
24 Aug 2015, 8:03pm
Thanks Artie
26 Aug 2015, 10:23am
I have a question, And I can't decide what i should do. I have at the moment a A grade Vulture and 42 mil in the bank, So if i sell my vulture I can get a pyton. But I will not afford all the bang and glory on that ship. I try a little of what i can have on the ship and end up witch a cargo pyton with a rebuy cost of 3.3 mil and had 10 mil left on the bank. Should i trade in my Vulture or what. Vulture are a great ship in combat. But i cant trade in it.
26 Aug 2015, 12:31pm
MelinI have a question, And I can't decide what i should do. I have at the moment a A grade Vulture and 42 mil in the bank, So if i sell my vulture I can get a pyton. But I will not afford all the bang and glory on that ship. I try a little of what i can have on the ship and end up witch a cargo pyton with a rebuy cost of 3.3 mil and had 10 mil left on the bank. Should i trade in my Vulture or what. Vulture are a great ship in combat. But i cant trade in it.

that is always the question you HAVE to ask yourself '' do i want to sell this ship ? ''
altho the vulture is cheap it is still a decent craft , so the question you have to ask yourself is '' will i want to use my vulture before i could afford to buy another one ? ''

sorry to sound like i am not answering you , but ED is not a game where it is one way is best so it cones down to how you want to play67 it.

personly i have never owned a vulture , but in your position i would save the extra before outrightly buying a python while keeping the vulture
26 Aug 2015, 3:22pm
MelinI have a question, And I can't decide what i should do. I have at the moment a A grade Vulture and 42 mil in the bank, So if i sell my vulture I can get a pyton. But I will not afford all the bang and glory on that ship. I try a little of what i can have on the ship and end up witch a cargo pyton with a rebuy cost of 3.3 mil and had 10 mil left on the bank. Should i trade in my Vulture or what. Vulture are a great ship in combat. But i cant trade in it.

What Greeboski said. This is a matter of what you want to do. If you think you have a good trading route for your Python that can carry around 200-280T of cargo for trading, you should be able to get the funds to rebuy your Vulture within a few days (~2-3 days).
26 Aug 2015, 3:50pm
MelinI have a question, And I can't decide what i should do. I have at the moment a A grade Vulture and 42 mil in the bank, So if i sell my vulture I can get a pyton. But I will not afford all the bang and glory on that ship. I try a little of what i can have on the ship and end up witch a cargo pyton with a rebuy cost of 3.3 mil and had 10 mil left on the bank. Should i trade in my Vulture or what. Vulture are a great ship in combat. But i cant trade in it.

I'll answer you.

The vulture IS a great combat ship.  I believe the next best cost effective upgrade in combat is the Fer de Lance.  I estimate you have the capital to equip the new ship with greater firepower and shielding.  One warning as someone who has made this upgrade:  The Fer de Lance is not as maneuverable and you will notice it fighting smaller ships the most (viper/cobra).  It is maneuverable enough to take these ships out, but it's not the same as dog fighting with a Vulture.  It is safer and you will have more firepower to take on Pythons and Anacondas.  They are much less dangerous than when fighting them in a vulture.  (and I mean the tough ones in Zach Hudson's military zones.) You can get a killer FDL for 80M. A comparable load-out on the python is 170M.
07 Sep 2015, 8:34am
What is the purpose of "Wing" feature ?

I mean what kind of value-add I can except to receive when creating one here in inara.cz while I can do it via Groups feature in actual game ?

I see your site (inara.cz) very valuable and great thing (logs, signatures etc.) so thank you very much for it and keep rocking !!
07 Sep 2015, 10:39am
Mie: You can take it more like the guilds, similar to any other MMO game. You will get private discussion, detailed roster, fleet overview and many other stuff there. So it's not limited just to 4 players in the game, but much greater numbers of members. For example, see wings like Ghost Squadron, Aurora Skies Force and many others...
07 Sep 2015, 11:28am
Thx for the info!
18 Sep 2015, 12:41am
Only just discovered this website, quite incredible what you have done here, thank you very much.
20 Sep 2015, 3:29pm
DraigUKOnly just discovered this website, quite incredible what you have done here, thank you very much.

Came here to say something similar, so I'll just pile on. Thanks for putting together such an amazing site!
20 Sep 2015, 4:29pm
You are welcome, guys
21 Sep 2015, 11:11am
i dont understand what i am supposed to do to get the signature to work on frontier forums
21 Sep 2015, 12:49pm
Rainbow: You must upload signature image to Frontier forums as your signature image first. Then you can use Frontier forum code displayed there and put this into your signature. Zatzai wrote nice tutorial about it (as I have his permission, I will place it to the signature page later):

How To Embed Signature On Frontier Forum
  1. Go to the Frontier Elite Forum and log into your account if necessary
  2. Click on the "Settings" link on the top right of the page
  3. Click on "Edit Signature" on the left side of the page, about mid-way down
  4. Where it says "Option 1..." copy and paste the code from the "SIGNATURE IMAGE URL" section of your Inara signature settings
  5. Click the "Upload" button to the right of the "Option 1..." section you were just working in
  6. You should now see your Inara Forum Signature in the middle of the page
  7. In the "Edit Signature" box, copy and paste the code from the "FRONTIER FORUM CODE*" section in your Inara signature settings
  8. Click the "Preview Signature" button to the right of the "Edit Signature" section you were just working in
  9. You should now see your Inara signature at the top of the screen
21 Sep 2015, 2:34pm
ArtieRainbow: You must upload signature image to Frontier forums as your signature image first. Then you can use Frontier forum code displayed there and put this into your signature. Zatzai wrote nice tutorial about it (as I have his permission, I will place it to the signature page later):

How To Embed Signature On Frontier Forum
  1. Go to the Frontier Elite Forum and log into your account if necessary
  2. Click on the "Settings" link on the top right of the page
  3. Click on "Edit Signature" on the left side of the page, about mid-way down
  4. Where it says "Option 1..." copy and paste the code from the "SIGNATURE IMAGE URL" section of your Inara signature settings
  5. Click the "Upload" button to the right of the "Option 1..." section you were just working in
  6. You should now see your Inara Forum Signature in the middle of the page
  7. In the "Edit Signature" box, copy and paste the code from the "FRONTIER FORUM CODE*" section in your Inara signature settings
  8. Click the "Preview Signature" button to the right of the "Edit Signature" section you were just working in
  9. You should now see your Inara signature at the top of the screen

thank you!

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