Elite: Game talk

01 Aug 2016, 2:05pm
someone find "Nanobreakers" ?
stopped  to play since engineering come out for this

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 01 Aug 2016, 9:59pm
01 Aug 2016, 6:02pm
Origanosomeone find "Nanobreakers" ?
stopped to play since engineering come out for this

find in industrial work : assassination mission

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 01 Aug 2016, 9:59pm
02 Aug 2016, 10:52am
MelinI have a question, And I can't decide what i should do. I have at the moment a A grade Vulture and 42 mil in the bank, So if i sell my vulture I can get a pyton. But I will not afford all the bang and glory on that ship. I try a little of what i can have on the ship and end up witch a cargo pyton with a rebuy cost of 3.3 mil and had 10 mil left on the bank. Should i trade in my Vulture or what. Vulture are a great ship in combat. But i cant trade in it.

If i was you, and i have been in a very similar situation, i would wait until you can afford to kit out the Python with some decent modules and weapons. Not necessarily all 'A' rated, bur decent Shields, decent Thruster, decent FSD and Decent Distributor and most importantly.....2 insurance rebuys!

Patience young Skywalker!
02 Aug 2016, 10:57am
Origanosomeone find "Nanobreakers" ?
stopped  to play since engineering come out for this

If you stop playing you will never find them

What i do with these and Articulation Motors when i need them, is to do loads of missions around the bubble, don't just stay at one station, take all the Data Delivery and Cargo delivery missions you can and you will come across them very quickly. Plus you will earn credits doing these mission and build up your local and main faction rep.

taking the defeatist attitude of quitting is like having a large hissy fit, it's no different tween me and you and in fact thousands of cmdrs in the same situation.

They certainly won't be delivered to you via email,so stop complaining and throwing toys out the pram, get back into this great game and take my advice.
02 Aug 2016, 3:46pm
Origanosomeone find "Nanobreakers" ?
stopped  to play since engineering come out for this

If you stop playing you will never find them

What i do with these and Articulation Motors when i need them, is to do loads of missions around the bubble, don't just stay at one station, take all the Data Delivery and Cargo delivery missions you can and you will come across them very quickly. Plus you will earn credits doing these mission and build up your local and main faction rep.

taking the defeatist attitude of quitting is like having a large hissy fit, it's no different tween me and you and in fact thousands of cmdrs in the same situation.

They certainly won't be delivered to you via email,so stop complaining and throwing toys out the pram, get back into this great game and take my advice.

Mr. Mein, you seem adept.

You have any advice as to the location of Legacy Specialized Firmware? I looked on the forums, and they all told me to head over streams with earth-like planets (because in USS's there are more common supposedly?) and I did find one- just one. The very first time I went there, and it was under a mission.

I have not found one since. I tried re-logging, doing that trick where you like, switch from open play to solo or something? Nada. And the Degraded Emissions USS's that I've gone to all have gotten me zip. Is it something to do with my location? I am near the outskirts of the bubble, near Khan- I thought that this material was supposed to be common lol? X3
02 Aug 2016, 4:23pm
Origanosomeone find "Nanobreakers" ?
stopped  to play since engineering come out for this

If you stop playing you will never find them

What i do with these and Articulation Motors when i need them, is to do loads of missions around the bubble, don't just stay at one station, take all the Data Delivery and Cargo delivery missions you can and you will come across them very quickly. Plus you will earn credits doing these mission and build up your local and main faction rep.

taking the defeatist attitude of quitting is like having a large hissy fit, it's no different tween me and you and in fact thousands of cmdrs in the same situation.

They certainly won't be delivered to you via email,so stop complaining and throwing toys out the pram, get back into this great game and take my advice.

Mr. Mein, you seem adept.

You have any advice as to the location of Legacy Specialized Firmware? I looked on the forums, and they all told me to head over streams with earth-like planets (because in USS's there are more common supposedly?) and I did find one- just one. The very first time I went there, and it was under a mission.

I have not found one since. I tried re-logging, doing that trick where you like, switch from open play to solo or something? Nada. And the Degraded Emissions USS's that I've gone to all have gotten me zip. Is it something to do with my location? I am near the outskirts of the bubble, near Khan- I thought that this material was supposed to be common lol? X3

What you're seeking seems exceedingly rare in game. It's going to take time and patience more than luck. Check degraded emission source USSes - they're usually junk but sometimes there's rare goodies in there. Also, this is available as a mission reward. Systems in trouble economically or politically tend to offer more lucrative rewards than systems doing well - so I would expect rare and v.rare rewards to be more likely in war, famine, etc systems. But again, patience.
02 Aug 2016, 4:51pm
Origanosomeone find "Nanobreakers" ?
stopped  to play since engineering come out for this

If you stop playing you will never find them

What i do with these and Articulation Motors when i need them, is to do loads of missions around the bubble, don't just stay at one station, take all the Data Delivery and Cargo delivery missions you can and you will come across them very quickly. Plus you will earn credits doing these mission and build up your local and main faction rep.

taking the defeatist attitude of quitting is like having a large hissy fit, it's no different tween me and you and in fact thousands of cmdrs in the same situation.

They certainly won't be delivered to you via email,so stop complaining and throwing toys out the pram, get back into this great game and take my advice.

Mr. Mein, you seem adept.

You have any advice as to the location of Legacy Specialized Firmware? I looked on the forums, and they all told me to head over streams with earth-like planets (because in USS's there are more common supposedly?) and I did find one- just one. The very first time I went there, and it was under a mission.

I have not found one since. I tried re-logging, doing that trick where you like, switch from open play to solo or something? Nada. And the Degraded Emissions USS's that I've gone to all have gotten me zip. Is it something to do with my location? I am near the outskirts of the bubble, near Khan- I thought that this material was supposed to be common lol? X3

Look for missions that reward it. I found it wasn't that rare.
02 Aug 2016, 7:30pm
Where are you searching then? Can't just say they aren't rare find them all the time.
03 Aug 2016, 5:12pm
Experienced FDL pilot looking for a wing to fight alongside, if interested, please PM me and we'll discuss the details.
05 Aug 2016, 12:38am
Anybody know of a good rout to jaques station?
05 Aug 2016, 3:17am
IXIDEADPOOLIXlAnybody know of a good rout to jaques station?

I use the EDdiscovery tool to plot my route - given the end point and current location it will plot as direct a route as I want. eye-balling it was OK, but even a few degrees off the direct route can add hundreds of light years per day. There are a few nebulae along the way that may be worth visiting, depending on the time you wish to spend.

I wish I had packed a mining laser and refinery for when I arrive.
05 Aug 2016, 6:33am
James Hussar
IXIDEADPOOLIXlAnybody know of a good rout to jaques station?

I use the EDdiscovery tool to plot my route - given the end point and current location it will plot as direct a route as I want. eye-balling it was OK, but even a few degrees off the direct route can add hundreds of light years per day. There are a few nebulae along the way that may be worth visiting, depending on the time you wish to spend.

I wish I had packed a mining laser and refinery for when I arrive.

Bloody engineers update. I was going to just go and then I thought "I really need that L5 jump range on the Anaconda", so now I'm looking for Datamined Wake Exceptions instead of travelling.
05 Aug 2016, 1:14pm
Don't fret datamined wake exceptions aren't too terrible to find. I turned it into a sight seeing expidition and picked out a nice station and started scanning, even got some decent screenshots
05 Aug 2016, 4:38pm
Anyone finding chemical manipulators for farseer level 5? I'm at it 2days and no luck
05 Aug 2016, 6:40pm
Best place to look is to find a "Seeking Weapons" signal source in an Anarchy system that is at War or Civil War. However I've been looking today with no luck.

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