Elite: Game talk

05 Aug 2016, 8:50pm
DomaqBest place to look is to find a "Seeking Weapons" signal source in an Anarchy system that is at War or Civil War. However I've been looking today with no luck.

oh, I didn't know of that.

I was successful with "Convoy Dispersal Detected" (or something like that) signal sources so far. Usually there is at least one Type-9 and two Anacondas as protection. If you ram the Type-9 to death the Condas won't engage with you and just high wake out. If you feel capable to get rid of all of them the Anacondas drop Chemical Manipulators too, but prepare for a tough fight (or engage them with a wing of friends).
06 Aug 2016, 5:56am
And I didn't know that. Thank you.

Another place my Discord friends told me about are Combat Aftermath locations in systems at War. I haven't tried them though.
06 Aug 2016, 12:00pm
Has anyone noticed how messed up the commodity market is. My three places I go for miNing has not been great. The painite I was selling has been dropped from 60k to 20k. I realise that it's because I have been selling the painite there alot and that has something to do with it.

Anyone know of any other good mining spots?
07 Aug 2016, 9:14am
KinghavoxHas anyone noticed how messed up the commodity market is. My three places I go for miNing has not been great. The painite I was selling has been dropped from 60k to 20k. I realise that it's because I have been selling the painite there alot and that has something to do with it.

Anyone know of any other good mining spots?

it seems that markets update far more slowly than before. They restock slowlier and their demand will raise very slow too.
08 Aug 2016, 8:24am
The gunship dilemma: silent running or shield tank?
08 Aug 2016, 10:21am
08 Aug 2016, 12:39pm
How is it that I can synthesize mines and missiles, but not chaff or heat sinks? What sort of sense does that make?
08 Aug 2016, 3:00pm
Is Jaques still in need of osmium? If so how do you get credit for turning os in? I have signed up for the CG
08 Aug 2016, 3:02pm
guys, is there any way how to upload here my in-game statistics? or is it supposed to be done manually?
08 Aug 2016, 8:30pm
Steelerzman1Is Jaques still in need of osmium? If so how do you get credit for turning os in? I have signed up for the CG

Yes. It's running for 2 more weeks to allow for the distance. http://inara.cz/galaxy-communitygoals

You need to sell the osmium at Jacques station.
08 Aug 2016, 8:47pm
09 Aug 2016, 4:23am
Hey guys I have a burning question, I have an A-rated and modified Asp Explorer, I was wondering, should I bite the bullet and upgrade to a Python, or just stick with the Asp, I plan on running missions and other odd stuff and have my Asp kitted for multi-role, I have like 57 million credits in the bank, would it be enough to A grade everything? Any feedback would be awesome!
09 Aug 2016, 5:37am
KrennalHey guys I have a burning question, I have an A-rated and modified Asp Explorer, I was wondering, should I bite the bullet and upgrade to a Python, or just stick with the Asp, I plan on running missions and other odd stuff and have my Asp kitted for multi-role, I have like 57 million credits in the bank, would it be enough to A grade everything? Any feedback would be awesome!

Personally I would vote against purchasing a Python if you have to turn in your A-rated Asp for it. I would only do it if you find joy in trading and grind back your Credits for a while to upgrade the Python to a multi-role loadout. Sooner or later you will want an Asp Explorer anyway, because it is a very decent Exploration vessel - so better hang in there and stick with it until you can switch to a Python with more backup money.
09 Aug 2016, 12:19pm
Anyone know if Rare Food trades (Lava Brandy, NaCoffe etc) works for the Ambika Famine event, and if so does it give the same 75% boost to profit?
09 Aug 2016, 12:20pm
Anyone else having a horrible time finding Osmium out near Jaques??? I seem to be finding everything but. In a 288t hold I tend to walk away with only like... 7 osmium. What gives?

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