Elite: Game talk

09 Aug 2016, 12:25pm
Cexi GrossmanAnyone else having a horrible time finding Osmium out near Jaques??? I seem to be finding everything but. In a 288t hold I tend to walk away with only like... 7 osmium. What gives?

I always suspecting there was a switch that made things harder. I would find hundreds of an item, but the second I took a (find this item) mission, they would all vanish...
Osmium is quite rare, and try to find a pristine metallic ring planet to find the best result. Metallic not Metal rich, happy hunting, I find it a pain to find sometimes and more so when you have a mission in log for an item. It is like it removes it from game once you except a mission for it.But these rings will give the best odds.
09 Aug 2016, 12:27pm
Cexi GrossmanAnyone else having a horrible time finding Osmium out near Jaques??? I seem to be finding everything but. In a 288t hold I tend to walk away with only like... 7 osmium. What gives?

I always suspecting there was a switch that made things harder. I would find hundreds of an item, but the second I took a (find this item) mission, they would all vanish...
Osmium is quite rare, and try to find a pristine metallic rings system to find the best result. Metallic not Metal rich, happy hunting, I find it a pain to find sometimes and more so when you have a mission in log for an item. It is like it removes it from game once you except a mission for it.

Well, there's no real mission I have out here... It's for the CG. Ive mined more painite than osmium out here, and to me that should be backwards. I'm in a pristine metallic ring near jaques station but I seem to have no luck here.
09 Aug 2016, 12:37pm
Cexi Grossman
Cexi GrossmanAnyone else having a horrible time finding Osmium out near Jaques??? I seem to be finding everything but. In a 288t hold I tend to walk away with only like... 7 osmium. What gives?

I always suspecting there was a switch that made things harder. I would find hundreds of an item, but the second I took a (find this item) mission, they would all vanish...
Osmium is quite rare, and try to find a pristine metallic rings system to find the best result. Metallic not Metal rich, happy hunting, I find it a pain to find sometimes and more so when you have a mission in log for an item. It is like it removes it from game once you except a mission for it.

Well, there's no real mission I have out here... It's for the CG. Ive mined more painite than osmium out here, and to me that should be backwards. I'm in a pristine metallic ring near jaques station but I seem to have no luck here.

Maybe try to re-log, and see if you have better luck, not really sure if that helps, but I do seem to get better rolls of the RNG when I do. It is a shame mining is such a chore with little return, Frontier really needs to focus a bit more on this activity and make it more balanced to the player. it is one the most time consuming things to do, yet the least paid. Which is a shame because other games Eve, and many others I enjoy mining and was hoping ED did a better job of it. Still that advice was sadly all I had and can not offer anything apart from wishing you luck and feeling your pain. Hope someone else may have a better reply for you.
09 Aug 2016, 12:43pm
Cexi Grossman
Cexi GrossmanAnyone else having a horrible time finding Osmium out near Jaques??? I seem to be finding everything but. In a 288t hold I tend to walk away with only like... 7 osmium. What gives?

I always suspecting there was a switch that made things harder. I would find hundreds of an item, but the second I took a (find this item) mission, they would all vanish...
Osmium is quite rare, and try to find a pristine metallic rings system to find the best result. Metallic not Metal rich, happy hunting, I find it a pain to find sometimes and more so when you have a mission in log for an item. It is like it removes it from game once you except a mission for it.

Well, there's no real mission I have out here... It's for the CG. Ive mined more painite than osmium out here, and to me that should be backwards. I'm in a pristine metallic ring near jaques station but I seem to have no luck here.

Maybe try to re-log, and see if you have better luck, not really sure if that helps, but I do seem to get better rolls of the RNG when I do. It is a shame mining is such a chore with little return, Frontier really needs to focus a bit more on this activity and make it more balanced to the player. it is one the most time consuming things to do, yet the least paid. Which is a shame because other games Eve, and many others I enjoy mining and was hoping ED did a better job of it. Still that advice was sadly all I had and can not offer anything apart from wishing you luck and feeling your pain. Hope someone else may have a better reply for you.

o7 will give this a try. Never thought I'd be sick of painite.
09 Aug 2016, 12:52pm
KrennalHey guys I have a burning question, I have an A-rated and modified Asp Explorer, I was wondering, should I bite the bullet and upgrade to a Python, or just stick with the Asp, I plan on running missions and other odd stuff and have my Asp kitted for multi-role, I have like 57 million credits in the bank, would it be enough to A grade everything? Any feedback would be awesome!

Head out to Robigo or Sothis, spend a bit of time running their missions back and forth to inhabited space, earn enough to buy that Python and kit it out right without letting go of the Asp. The Asp is a great ship. Handles much better than a Python. Refit it for exploration and smuggling while you use the Python for armed trading and the occasional bounty hunt.

At least, that's how I'd play it.
09 Aug 2016, 1:04pm
please, can someone point me to "conductive ceramics" ? They are supposed to be in USS in anarchy sistem, but none found so far. Where to find the alternative "ship wreckage"?
thank you

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 10 Aug 2016, 2:49pm
09 Aug 2016, 1:07pm
Thanks for the feedback guys I'll keep plugging away at Sothis and Robigo until I hit it rich
09 Aug 2016, 1:20pm
Cexi GrossmanAnyone else having a horrible time finding Osmium out near Jaques??? I seem to be finding everything but. In a 288t hold I tend to walk away with only like... 7 osmium. What gives?

I always suspecting there was a switch that made things harder. I would find hundreds of an item, but the second I took a (find this item) mission, they would all vanish...
Osmium is quite rare, and try to find a pristine metallic ring planet to find the best result. Metallic not Metal rich, happy hunting, I find it a pain to find sometimes and more so when you have a mission in log for an item. It is like it removes it from game once you except a mission for it.But these rings will give the best odds.

Prior to 2.1 Osmium was abundant. Now it is rare even in Pristine Metallic rings. And YES...whenever I take a mission for something (even stupid common like Methanol Monohydrate) it seems to take forever to find it. I mined 8 tons of Low Temperature Diamonds before I could take my quota of Methanol Monohydrate!!!!!!

Looking forward to some relaxing FREESTYLE mining... take whatever and either sell it outright or luck into a Mission to redeem it. Going out in SEARCH OF "x units of y" is just too stressful and grindy..
09 Aug 2016, 2:27pm
I've been finding them in the new signal sources (post battle wreckage or some such). Sorry I can't quite recall the name, but they have it. They are zero threat so you can check them out with any ship. Maybe it was called battle aftermath?  Somebody will know. I find those there anyway, along with a a bunch of heat this and that and ceramic some such. Sorry, it's past midnight and I shouldn't be awake.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 10 Aug 2016, 2:50pm
09 Aug 2016, 2:36pm
yeah, "combat aftermath" thanks... But no luck so far :|

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 10 Aug 2016, 2:50pm
09 Aug 2016, 2:41pm
Cexi GrossmanAnyone else having a horrible time finding Osmium out near Jaques??? I seem to be finding everything but. In a 288t hold I tend to walk away with only like... 7 osmium. What gives?

I always suspecting there was a switch that made things harder. I would find hundreds of an item, but the second I took a (find this item) mission, they would all vanish...
Osmium is quite rare, and try to find a pristine metallic ring planet to find the best result. Metallic not Metal rich, happy hunting, I find it a pain to find sometimes and more so when you have a mission in log for an item. It is like it removes it from game once you except a mission for it.But these rings will give the best odds.

Prior to 2.1 Osmium was abundant. Now it is rare even in Pristine Metallic rings. And YES...whenever I take a mission for something (even stupid common like Methanol Monohydrate) it seems to take forever to find it. I mined 8 tons of Low Temperature Diamonds before I could take my quota of Methanol Monohydrate!!!!!!

Looking forward to some relaxing FREESTYLE mining... take whatever and either sell it outright or luck into a Mission to redeem it. Going out in SEARCH OF "x units of y" is just too stressful and grindy..

I've seen it suggested that metal rich is now the place to hunt osmium. People have been reporting richer seams compared with metallic, so maybe FD have tweaked the balance.
09 Aug 2016, 4:48pm
I love combat aftermath sources, they always leave good stuff behind....what, stop looking at me that way, they don't need it anymore!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 10 Aug 2016, 2:50pm
09 Aug 2016, 5:05pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez

I've seen it suggested that metal rich is now the place to hunt osmium. People have been reporting richer seams compared with metallic, so maybe FD have tweaked the balance.

Interesting!!! Will have to try it. Thanks for the tip!
09 Aug 2016, 6:18pm
If any of y'all are near Luyten's Star and her main station keep a wary eye- there's been several spotted bounty hunters in the region, ranging from a typical Viper to an Imperial Clipper.
09 Aug 2016, 6:53pm
Joshiah Secondary (PC)If any of y'all are near Luyten's Star and her main station keep a wary eye- there's been several spotted bounty hunters in the region, ranging from a typical Viper to an Imperial Clipper.

Confirmed ^

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