Elite: Game talk

08 Sep 2016, 5:59pm
CoragonSDC's new plan

Now we just need someone who gives a fuck about SDC
08 Sep 2016, 6:23pm
Rebecca Hail
CoragonSDC's new plan

Now we just need someone who gives a fuck about SDC

The PvPer's do it seems. Did you know by the way that pretty much all of them supposedly only play the bad guys that they are, as in roleplaying terrorists and mass-murderers? Someone needs to tell them that a proper background story - posted where people can read up on it - is the key to such.
08 Sep 2016, 6:34pm
I know surprisingly many by them. And surprisingly many of them are reasonable and friendly persons even if they engage in being a douchebag regulary. That's why I don't believe the justification of 'roleplaying terrorists and massmurders'.

If they want to kill people for the sake of killing people, it's fine by me. They won't kill me for that though
08 Sep 2016, 7:07pm
HektikTekVoted... instant is stupid.
Ship transfer should take ages and be wildly expensive.

AND carry a percentage chance that your ship could be pirated in transit, with a higher chance for long hauls and expensive ships.

Can you imagine if it was instant? It would ruin the game I believe. One exploration/long range ship, get to destination, magically teleport your combat ship instantly... boring.

It doesn't work on any level, especially lore. If it's possible to teleport ships instantly, then why not everything? Why not be able to teleport yourself to Jaques or anywhere?
It's stupid and I am 100% against.

My personal opinion in ship transfers.
Minutes required for delivery = LYs ship must travel
Cost for delivery = Ship and module cost * .02

Your 108M credit Anaconda is 132 LY away??
Transferring it to your current location will take 132 minutes (2.2 hours) and cost you 2.16M credits.
08 Sep 2016, 7:17pm
Cost for delivery should scale a bit with the distance though
08 Sep 2016, 7:25pm
CoragonSDC's new plan

I'm mildly curious as to their motives. Is it that heat beams unbalance the game for their victims, or because heat beams undermine their favorite silent builds to the point of it being hard to torment people as easily?

Then again, as Rebecca Hail said "Not my problem" (sorta).
08 Sep 2016, 7:54pm
From what I understand they want the Heat builds gone because it's too easy to kill or cook someone up from the inside with them. No skill required thus something frowned upon.
08 Sep 2016, 8:28pm
CoragonFrom what I understand they want the Heat builds gone because it's too easy to kill or cook someone up from the inside with them. No skill required thus something frowned upon.

The way they've tormented people, I don't believe they want balance. This is a weapon that they can't effectively defend against and they want their unfair advantages back.
08 Sep 2016, 9:32pm
I think James has the right of it. The heat meta gives folks a way to fight back against SDC, and they hate that.
08 Sep 2016, 10:02pm
James Hussar
CoragonFrom what I understand they want the Heat builds gone because it's too easy to kill or cook someone up from the inside with them. No skill required thus something frowned upon.

The way they've tormented people, I don't believe they want balance. This is a weapon that they can't effectively defend against and they want their unfair advantages back.

I think that that's about it. They like to bray on about skill and such... while engaging in 4 vs 1 beatdowns of unsuspecting haulers.

... and combat logging if anyone brings the fight to them.
08 Sep 2016, 10:47pm
Sorry to ask a completely random question but why does it seem like there's an imbalance between the amount of Federation players and Imperial players? I don't side with either (yet) but it just seems odd to me that almost every Fed VS Imp community goal has put the Fed's on top with an overwhelming lead. Why is that?
08 Sep 2016, 10:51pm
Cartlidge1000Sorry to ask a completely random question but why does it seem like there's an imbalance between the amount of Federation players and Imperial players? I don't side with either (yet) but it just seems odd to me that almost every Fed VS Imp community goal has put the Fed's on top with an overwhelming lead. Why is that?

I may be wrong, but from what i can discern , its probably because of the Empire viewing slavery as legal
08 Sep 2016, 10:52pm
Cartlidge1000Sorry to ask a completely random question but why does it seem like there's an imbalance between the amount of Federation players and Imperial players? I don't side with either (yet) but it just seems odd to me that almost every Fed VS Imp community goal has put the Fed's on top with an overwhelming lead. Why is that?

I'm not aligned with either side but I have two theories. Aisling Duval is cute, and the Power Play gear the Imperials issue offers a tactical advantage.
08 Sep 2016, 10:54pm
Cartlidge1000Sorry to ask a completely random question but why does it seem like there's an imbalance between the amount of Federation players and Imperial players? I don't side with either (yet) but it just seems odd to me that almost every Fed VS Imp community goal has put the Fed's on top with an overwhelming lead. Why is that?

I may be wrong, but from what i can discern , its probably because of the Empire viewing slavery as legal

Yeah I can see why that would make quite a few people uncomfortable, but then again the Federation has a healthy history of horrible things as well.
08 Sep 2016, 10:54pm
It's because the fed players had an early lead on every of those CGs.

That pulls in lots of independent pilots which in return enlarge the gap between Imps and feds to the point were the Imps Start fighting for the feds to get the money

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