Elite: Game talk

09 Sep 2016, 9:32am
I'm really curious if there will be further complains if will win the "delayed" transport and times/prices will be seen by one as too small and by someone else as too big . The "losing" side then can as "protest" threaten by uninstal the game ...

... I think they will chose some compromise solution, where not everything will please everyone. It's not possible at all, so can be good count with this in advance ...

*preparing popcorn*

Last edit: 09 Sep 2016, 9:38am
09 Sep 2016, 9:57am
HektikTekYep, but instant transfer is BS and should never be a thing, so maybe we can agree on that?
I would be happy with RT transfer (one ship at a time), plus a substantial cost.

Yep, with you on that, instant would go over the top.
09 Sep 2016, 11:26am
So yesterday I was trying to do the CGs at MU KOJI, turning in combat bonds. But every CZ I went to there was a ceasefire so I couldnt get any bonds. I've never seen this before. Anybody got an idea how long a ceasefire might last? I even restarted my game multiple times to make sure there wasnt some issue I didnt know about
09 Sep 2016, 2:01pm
Arclight117So yesterday I was trying to do the CGs at MU KOJI, turning in combat bonds. But every CZ I went to there was a ceasefire so I couldnt get any bonds. I've never seen this before. Anybody got an idea how long a ceasefire might last? I even restarted my game multiple times to make sure there wasnt some issue I didnt know about

I've seen ceasefire states in the past. Not sure what causes them exactly - maybe the BGS reevaluating if there is a winner, or waiting for a clock to tick over to kickoff the war.
09 Sep 2016, 2:03pm
James Hussar
Arclight117So yesterday I was trying to do the CGs at MU KOJI, turning in combat bonds. But every CZ I went to there was a ceasefire so I couldnt get any bonds. I've never seen this before. Anybody got an idea how long a ceasefire might last? I even restarted my game multiple times to make sure there wasnt some issue I didnt know about

I've seen ceasefire states in the past. Not sure what causes them exactly - maybe the BGS reevaluating if there is a winner, or waiting for a clock to tick over to kickoff the war.

Yea some of the community goal has been done up to tier 3, but like i said i couldnt even contribute because of the ceasefire. Hoping it ends to get those combat bonds
09 Sep 2016, 2:57pm
In terms of the transfers, I think 2 seconds per light year and a % of your rebuy value would be a decent way manage things.

Anaconda (rebuy 25m) 100 light years away - that'll take 3min 20 secs and cost 2.5m (at 10% of rebuy)
09 Sep 2016, 7:34pm
Hello all,

I've got a question, how accurately does the information about a ship's stock agility (which I understand as maneuverability) under the Shipyard tab here translate to in game mechanics? I'm using the Anaconda and the Vulture as points of reference and want to know if the Federal Dropship, Gunship and FAS are really comparable to the Anaconda in terms of agility/maneuverability.
09 Sep 2016, 8:38pm
KofbelHello all,

I've got a question, how accurately does the information about a ship's stock agility (which I understand as maneuverability) under the Shipyard tab here translate to in game mechanics? I'm using the Anaconda and the Vulture as points of reference and want to know if the Federal Dropship, Gunship and FAS are really comparable to the Anaconda in terms of agility/maneuverability.

The agility numbers mean next to nothing. Those are the ingame numbers given and in no way represent actual flight characteristics. Maneuverability consists of so many things: pitch, roll, yaw, acceleration, deceleration, top speed, boost speed, drift. Condensing all that into a single digit number was one of the worst things FD ever did. You will actually have to fly every ship to get a feel for it.
09 Sep 2016, 9:16pm
KofbelHello all,

I've got a question, how accurately does the information about a ship's stock agility (which I understand as maneuverability) under the Shipyard tab here translate to in game mechanics? I'm using the Anaconda and the Vulture as points of reference and want to know if the Federal Dropship, Gunship and FAS are really comparable to the Anaconda in terms of agility/maneuverability.

The agility numbers mean next to nothing. Those are the ingame numbers given and in no way represent actual flight characteristics. Maneuverability consists of so many things: pitch, roll, yaw, acceleration, deceleration, top speed, boost speed, drift. Condensing all that into a single digit number was one of the worst things FD ever did. You will actually have to fly every ship to get a feel for it.

Not to mention that when your ship runs into an NPC flying the same ship, the NPC will run rings around you much of the time. NPCs are cheaters!
09 Sep 2016, 9:48pm
James Hussar

Not to mention that when your ship runs into an NPC flying the same ship, the NPC will run rings around you much of the time. NPCs are cheaters!

I've noticed this as well. Watching NPC Anacondas, Corvettes, and even other Pythons out turn my Python is quite frustrating.
09 Sep 2016, 9:56pm
James Hussar

Not to mention that when your ship runs into an NPC flying the same ship, the NPC will run rings around you much of the time. NPCs are cheaters!

I've noticed this as well. Watching NPC Anacondas, Corvettes, and even other Pythons out turn my Python is quite frustrating.

Odd, I have the opposite experience, where simply putting full pips to engines allows me to get back on track with even npc Eagles
09 Sep 2016, 10:32pm
James Hussar

Not to mention that when your ship runs into an NPC flying the same ship, the NPC will run rings around you much of the time. NPCs are cheaters!

I've noticed this as well. Watching NPC Anacondas, Corvettes, and even other Pythons out turn my Python is quite frustrating.

Odd, I have the opposite experience, where simply putting full pips to engines allows me to get back on track with even npc Eagles

With the the proper engine power management, proper use and timing of the vertical thrusters and flight assist, you can pretty much keep anything within sights. At least that is what i have gathered from my time playing.
10 Sep 2016, 1:36am
Miranda "FifthStreet" Saxon
James Hussar

Not to mention that when your ship runs into an NPC flying the same ship, the NPC will run rings around you much of the time. NPCs are cheaters!

I've noticed this as well. Watching NPC Anacondas, Corvettes, and even other Pythons out turn my Python is quite frustrating.

Odd, I have the opposite experience, where simply putting full pips to engines allows me to get back on track with even npc Eagles

With the the proper engine power management, proper use and timing of the vertical thrusters and flight assist, you can pretty much keep anything within sights. At least that is what i have gathered from my time playing.

to be fair, my Anaconda out turns my Python.
10 Sep 2016, 11:48am
KofbelHello all,

I've got a question, how accurately does the information about a ship's stock agility (which I understand as maneuverability) under the Shipyard tab here translate to in game mechanics? I'm using the Anaconda and the Vulture as points of reference and want to know if the Federal Dropship, Gunship and FAS are really comparable to the Anaconda in terms of agility/maneuverability.

The agility numbers mean next to nothing. Those are the ingame numbers given and in no way represent actual flight characteristics. Maneuverability consists of so many things: pitch, roll, yaw, acceleration, deceleration, top speed, boost speed, drift. Condensing all that into a single digit number was one of the worst things FD ever did. You will actually have to fly every ship to get a feel for it.

Thanks for taking the time to answer, and when you lay it out like that I don't know why I didn't consider the many variables agility was trying to represent with a single number. Owning every ship was a goal anyway
10 Sep 2016, 3:21pm
Hi! No idea how to start a new thread, but anyways...

Anyone got any info on planetary landing suites? Where to get, how much etc?

Thanks in advance


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