Elite: Game talk

30 Oct 2016, 5:49pm
That's probably a debuff for the NPC pilots if they're beneath a certain rank. Elite NPCs with fully modded ships would just rip everything apart in seconds
30 Oct 2016, 6:13pm
That's not what's happening. I didn't notice anything strange like weapon mods or anything like that. Nothing special about the
weapons they fired either. What i meen by that is that they didn't add any debuff icon or had any visible mods on them at all
(different weapon fire color or popup icons on your ship gui... nothing of the sort)

Nada... just a constant shove in your face that your powerplant is damaged and output is reduced. Not that it would be a problem
and all (have like 10% more output than i need, hope that's enough), but the constant messages that put you off from using your
fighter. I meen what's the point if all you can see is that dam stupid message. And it won't be so bothersome if it were real. But as soon as you switch to your ship and check your modules... nothing... everything's at full health.

Is it because of the modded powerplants (eg: overcharged in particular, usually lowers module health) or what the hell is going on?
And if indeed this is the problem, why isn't there some1 looking into it? What was the point of the whole 2.2.01? Add more grief to the game? We have enough of that, thanks.
30 Oct 2016, 6:16pm
And they dam made shure you now know that your ship is perfectly fine and dandy... even tho it's not... but in fact, it is...

"- Added message when main ships power plant is malfunctioning will be displayed when player is in both main ship and fighter"

Edit: This is from the latest patch note btw.
30 Oct 2016, 6:17pm
You misunderstood me. It's not the fighter who gets the debuff, it's the mainship when it's piloted by the NPC. The message is annoying, yes.
30 Oct 2016, 6:24pm
...And when i'm in the main ship i never, NEVER get that message. Just when i'm in the fighter.
It's not a debuff, not a weapon proc coming fromt he NPC's nothing. Just a bug message that
i only get when i'm in the fighter. Just to p!ss me off and stop playing the game. I can't explain
it in any other way.

I was very careful to notice if the NPC's had any mods on their weapons, any at all, nothing of the
sort. And my ship had both full module health and integrity. As soon as i got the message, even if
in the middle of the fight, i would immediately switch to my ship, check the modules and nothing.
Everything at full health, power levels normal.
30 Oct 2016, 6:26pm
Anyway, it doesn't matter, by the time 2.4 passes and it's time to do 3.0 and ofc a new season pass, they'll want to
win back some players they've lost due to stupid bugs, griefers, disconnects and so on, so i figure by then this bug
will prolly be just a distant memory...

Till then, i donno... pretend you don't see it?...
30 Oct 2016, 6:44pm
Septimus RavenAnyway, it doesn't matter, by the time 2.4 passes and it's time to do 3.0 and ofc a new season pass, they'll want to
win back some players they've lost due to stupid bugs, griefers, disconnects and so on, so i figure by then this bug
will prolly be just a distant memory...

Till then, i donno... pretend you don't see it?...
Or record it, and post the clip onto the bug report section of the Frontier Forums?

Artie is good. But I suspect hacking into Frontier Developments private servers is a tad beyond his abilities. Not to mention likely to get him arrested.

Read the bottom of every page on this site:


The bug report section is for bugs with this site, NOT the game itself. I get it, bugs and glitches can be frustrating as hell at times. But you can either report it, and it will eventually be fixed, or do what you're doing now and complain where no-one from FD will see it then continue to complain that it's not been fixed.

Seriously, what you are doing just now is the equivalent of whinging to your local Baker that the Garage didn't fix your car properly.

Now I'm not going to shout "Troll in the dungeon" at this point. But if you continue, others will. There is nothing more to add from this point so I'll just restate in a Tl;dr for you:

TL;DR: Report it on the Frontier Forums and pester those people there. This is not the place for it.
30 Oct 2016, 8:43pm
Like i said, it doesn't matter

Also, this was an offtopic comment, not trying to pester anyone, just wanted to
know if some1 else happened to notice what i'm describing. It could be that
something is wrong with my build or whatevs, and before i go and report a bug,
best i go about and ask if that thing rly is a bug or not (turns out it's not, just a
mild case of "letting you know nothing is wrong even if you know nothing's wrong,
just to remind you that nothing is wrong", becoz... reasons, dev creativity, i don't
even know what to call it anymore)

If by any means i've inconvenienced anyone by asking a simple question then
i'm sorry, it won't happen again. Ever.
30 Oct 2016, 9:16pm
Too many Modular Terminals collected again.
Holding 60 ton of 'em and need to dump somewhere.
25 are needed for Marco Qwent unlock.
Enough for two players allowing for some breakage.
Any takers?
31 Oct 2016, 5:52am
Septimus RavenBtw, totally offtopic... i think. But if i could just take up a minute of every1's time to ask a question.

Has any1 noticed that, while flying your fighter, you get bombarded almost constantly with damaged
powerplant messages almost all the time, even tho your powerplant is a full health and your shields are
up. Is it just me or does this "feature" affects some1 else too? Or is it the ship i'm flying now that's the
problem (that would be the cutter, they rly done fcked up with this patch, nevermind that they lowered
the cabin to put the fckin dot in the middle of the brackets... i meen who the fck even wanted that to
begin with?!... and now, you have the second biggest player ship in the game feeling more claustrophobic
than a python... and to top it all off, you have bugs... yea, i'm switching to corvette tyvm)

Yeah ive been getting that too and sometimes in the mothership
01 Nov 2016, 9:29am
Septimus RavenBtw, totally offtopic... i think. But if i could just take up a minute of every1's time to ask a question.

Has any1 noticed that, while flying your fighter, you get bombarded almost constantly with damaged
powerplant messages almost all the time, even tho your powerplant is a full health and your shields are
up. Is it just me or does this "feature" affects some1 else too? Or is it the ship i'm flying now that's the
problem (that would be the cutter, they rly done fcked up with this patch, nevermind that they lowered
the cabin to put the fckin dot in the middle of the brackets... i meen who the fck even wanted that to
begin with?!... and now, you have the second biggest player ship in the game feeling more claustrophobic
than a python... and to top it all off, you have bugs... yea, i'm switching to corvette tyvm)

Yeah ive been getting that too and sometimes in the mothership

Me 3, noticed it yesterday in my Taipan.
01 Nov 2016, 7:11pm
Apparently the normal delivery missions where accidentally nerfed seems we might have something good coming our way
02 Nov 2016, 2:52am
Here's a question to ponder.

In an age of Space Travel and Laser Guns, where does Religion fit in?

I've read some Logbook stories that have contained their own little Religions (or, more often than not, Cults, which are apparently different somehow....), but none that mention any cultures we know of today like Islam or Christianity.

How do you think those cultures may have changed or adapted in the 1000 years between now and then?

I'm going to go out and say right off the bat, I very much doubt they'd be completely extinct. But they'd perhaps not exist in the same form we have today. That is, with great big fancy Cathedrals or Mosques everywhere (except Historically preserved ones on Earth no doubt).

Your thoughts?
02 Nov 2016, 3:07am
It's certainly plausible that they might exist in some form, but would be almost totally unrecognizable to we 21st century folk.

For example, consider the pillar of Islam that mandates that an adherent face Mecca when praying. How would that work in a three-dimensional bubble of thousands of inhabited worlds?

Then there's the notion of sentient extra-terrestrial life foiling the idea of Earth being the cradle of divinely created life. How any religion would deal with Thargoids is a fascinating question.

In RL writing terms, I've for the most part avoided the question of what religion would and wouldn't look like in 3302, and kept my speculation vague the one time I did (in the Realer Diaries Christmas special). There are simply too many RL cultural and emotional dynamics at work, the sensitivity of which makes broaching the topic of religion a dicey one at best.

Last edit: 02 Nov 2016, 5:27pm
02 Nov 2016, 6:21am
Luke3107Here's a question to ponder.

In an age of Space Travel and Laser Guns, where does Religion fit in?

I've read some Logbook stories that have contained their own little Religions (or, more often than not, Cults, which are apparently different somehow....), but none that mention any cultures we know of today like Islam or Christianity.

How do you think those cultures may have changed or adapted in the 1000 years between now and then?

I'm going to go out and say right off the bat, I very much doubt they'd be completely extinct. But they'd perhaps not exist in the same form we have today. That is, with great big fancy Cathedrals or Mosques everywhere (except Historically preserved ones on Earth no doubt).

Your thoughts?

Given that there are entire systems are controlled by Theocracies - I'd say religion is very much alive in the Elite universe!

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