Elite: Game talk

02 Nov 2016, 10:47am
The official ED novels and short stories contain several references to religious cults.
02 Nov 2016, 12:33pm
Goner priests are pretty nice...wait wrong game, sorry.
02 Nov 2016, 1:15pm
Man will always need something to blame for his shortcomings.

A 'god' is the perfect excuse for everything.

'God wills it'.

'God told me to do it'.

Wherever there's homo sapiens, there'll be religious nutcases sects somewhere close by.

Personally, I have no time for it, despite my tag which goes back a long way, but it always makes a good story line.

God told me to say that.

02 Nov 2016, 1:40pm
Luke3107Here's a question to ponder.

In an age of Space Travel and Laser Guns, where does Religion fit in?

I've read some Logbook stories that have contained their own little Religions (or, more often than not, Cults, which are apparently different somehow....), but none that mention any cultures we know of today like Islam or Christianity.

How do you think those cultures may have changed or adapted in the 1000 years between now and then?

I'm going to go out and say right off the bat, I very much doubt they'd be completely extinct. But they'd perhaps not exist in the same form we have today. That is, with great big fancy Cathedrals or Mosques everywhere (except Historically preserved ones on Earth no doubt).

Your thoughts?

A thousand years is not a very long time. Christianity of a thousand years ago would be recognizable to a Catholic of today, and the fundamental tenets of Judaism from several thousand years ago are still with us today, even if the complexities of Leviticus are largely ignored.

I expect this trend would continue - overall religion will continue to become more secularized - branching in protests and reformations for the most part sometimes, but lurching back in schisms and prophetic movements in pockets.

I see the ED Universe as a post-scarcity society on the large scale, though we do have economics at the level of everyday life. It's somewhat similar to Iain Banks' "Culture" universe, with humanity playing the role of The Culture in terms of technological capability (albeit no super-AI to speak of), but less consistently Socialist. The Empire in ED, because of it's hierarchical organization and inherent individual/personified Right To Rule is probably most likely to have a strong religious core - a God is very convenient as a source of power and authority for a top-down system of government. The Federation has an even more broadly distributed hierarchy but this is military rank so the source of the authority is philosophically bottom-up, not top-down, and so religion is more likely to be seen as a competitor to the power elite. The Alliance is the most organic, and I would expect it to be more tolerant of cults and prophetocracies, but also more resilient to a religion growing to a place of control over the greater society.

One thing that has a profound potential for detailing the socioeconomic forces that drive the evolution of religion is aliens. As others have said, once we lose our status as God's favorite species, things can get pretty radical, and force some into zealotry while causing others to abandon whatever faith they may have had. Historically, religion plays a fascinating role when cultures clash - when they share a faith and especially when they do not.
02 Nov 2016, 4:00pm
just became a fuelrat
02 Nov 2016, 4:32pm
You're doing God's work Shadow. Fair skies.
02 Nov 2016, 5:03pm
Amen to that!
02 Nov 2016, 7:20pm
James HussarYou're doing God's work Shadow. Fair skies.
James HussarYou're doing God's work Shadow. Fair skies.

ill be there if u need me
02 Nov 2016, 8:44pm
The issue of how to do prayer in space for Islam has already been discussed with respect to the ISS. The verdict came down to "start out as best you can." Likely those groups of Islam that go into space will figure it out.

The list of theocratic factions in EDDB tend to be centered on Christian terminology such as "Angelic" and "Church." "Puritan" suggests a Protestant influence. My suspicion from that list is that some descendants of Christianity survived. I'm skeptical whether young-Earth creationism would, but it's a relatively young movement so no great loss there.

There are a few suggestive exceptions such as the Hidden Tradition of the Kali system, which could be a Dharmic theist tradition. Emperor's Fist in the Empire likely points to a theocratic view of the Empire. Epsilon Eridani Future sounds like a futurist religious group. Antal's Utopian Vision seems to have religious elements to it. The Order of Enblackenment seems to be a player-created religion. The Spartan Order may be a Hellenic revivalist.

That existing religious groups are not explicitly named could be due to developer reluctance to ruffle any feathers. Blizzard just got some bad PR for using religious iconography in one of their Overwatch skins. Or we could say that those religions evolved as part of the human diaspora. Also, minor factions only reflect politically active groups. A lot of religions may not mix with politics in that way.

My suspicion is that with a few hundred billion people spread out among 19,000 systems that you can find a bit of everything, from fundamentalism to civic humanist religions, from evolved traditions to newly emerged religious groups.
02 Nov 2016, 9:02pm
@Cbrachy7171: thank you for your input!

The following is a brief, speculated history lesson on the history of Christmas leading to 3302, as monologued by a history professor. The scene takes place during a recreated 21st-century-style Christmas dinner:

“Of course, no one has ever really been able to pin down where exactly Christmas came from, or what it’s truly supposed to mean. On its face, it stems from the old Christian myth celebrating the birth of their savior figure, but it appears to have been adapted from a pre-existing holiday. As time went on, the occasion underwent a number of transformations, until it was widely celebrated in an equally secular context.”

He chewed his prime rib thoughtfully, and continued:

“This, of course, was before the Neo-Pagan revival of the 23rd century, and even longer before the pan-holistic religions that sprang up in the 27th. At that point, the meaning of Christmas became even more convoluted- leftover religious groups in Federation space wanted to focus on the archaic Christian symbolism, the Neo-Pagans wanted it to be a Galactic Winter Solstice celebration, and everyone else just wanted to get their shopping over with!”

He chuckled to himself. “Fortunately, we don’t have to bother with all that tonight. The twentieth century was pretty simple, as far as religious differences went. People fought over which version of the same deity to worship, unless you observed more than one, or none at all!… in which case the monotheists would call a truce to gang up on you!”

Shaking his head, he continued. “So simple to us, and yet so complex for the people at the time! I wonder what they would have thought of the next thousand years?”
03 Nov 2016, 12:57am
I thought Utopia was one of the religion/cults. But if may be like "Dune" in that for a culture with massive tech, there is much in Elite that is lower tech than modern Earth. The ships don't fly on autopilots, they have windows instead of sensors, the fighters need pilots, market data isn't on a galnet, you apparently have to get your bounties in person, cash. Maybe everyone is Muslim so it's just not talked about.

Last edit: 03 Nov 2016, 1:02am
03 Nov 2016, 3:55am
Another 28 Modular Terminals clogging up my cargo bay.
Need to get rid of them to get into my Imperial Eagle for a planetary base hit tip-off mission.
Anyone on now?  Want them?  I'll deliver.  Right now.  Need to dump 'em.

Time out - dumping.
Have a good one.

Last edit: 03 Nov 2016, 5:01am
03 Nov 2016, 2:10pm
Does anyone want Praseodymium? I'm looking for Panite.
03 Nov 2016, 2:51pm
TringaliDoes anyone want Praseodymium? I'm looking for Panite.

I have found a good system near an engineer where there is no outposts or stations or planetary outsposts

Metallic.metal rich but not had time to mine them
03 Nov 2016, 2:58pm
What system?

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